CH-12.1 First Morning (Part 1)

2325 Words

The next morning, my eyes opened to a slow, muffled knock on the door. I groaned and chose to ignore it, pressing my face further into the pillow. But somehow whoever was knocking didn't seem in the mood to leave because, after a brief pause, there were three simultaneous knocks again. "God," I grimaced, sullenly sitting up. Rubbing my eyes and hoping not to topple over my own legs, I walked over and opened the door. And I was surprised to see a really young girl standing outside, her eyes lowered as I blankly stared at her. "Can I help you?" I asked. She lifted her gaze and I have no idea why she was so nervous. Like I would eat her up or something. "Breakfast in fifteen," she mumbled. "Luna Grace asked everyone to be down on time," Oh. "Okay," I nodded and gave her a sloppy smi

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