
2524 Words

Laurel “Miss Laurel, if you need to go anywhere, Ellis would like you to call me and I will drive you. He texted you my number. Please call me and I will be here.” I give Howard a side hug. He’s the nicest man. “Thank you, Howard. And call me Laurel please.” I race into the hospital my heart pounding. We’ve been waiting for this day since Kevin was put on the transplant list. It will be a major relief knowing his health is no longer something Stanley can use against us. Though he’s already threatened to find ways to derail his recovery by taking him from us. I find the room and go in to see him sitting up in bed. A nurse is taking his vitals. He waves to me grinning. Kyle leans on the wall watching and I recognize that expression. Cautious hope. Seems like it should be our signature loo

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