All Over a Pair of Shoes.....

2583 Words

Laurel Polly gives me a big hug as I drop her off at her preschool after dropping Kevin off. “Bye sweetie. Your mommy or Uncle Henry will pick you up.” “Bye Relly.” I watch her until she steps into the door before heading for the office. I won’t be the first one there today but won’t be late. As I step into the elevator I hear “Wait for me Relly.” I push the open button and watch Henry marching my way. “Polly happily went to school this morning after a gourmet breakfast of cheese toast and sausage with a side of the finest apple juice.” I intone softly. “You are the best. Thank you so much for keeping her.” I shake my head. “She’s easy to watch. Kevin likes having a friend over too. Especially one that thinks he is so great.” “Hey long lunch today so we can go shop for your dress t

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