A New Day

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A New Day Taking a deep breath, I stare up at the tall glass and steel building. Definitely bigger than the other office buildings I’ve frequented. No ostentatious name sign at the top either. I look at the one over the front door awning. “BEAUMONT HOLDINGS” written in white letters on the black sign. I step through the revolving door and gaze around while walking toward the reception desk. The walls are a soft slate blue with white molding. The floor is a white marble. Soft muted silvery accents are here and there but nothing crazy. The older woman at the reception desk gazes up at me. “Yes, may I help you?” “I have an interview. I’m Laurel Evans.” She begins checking her computer screen. “Yes Miss Evans. If you will take this elevator right here to the top floor, you’ll go down the right hallway as you exit. Mr. Beaumont’s temporary assistant should meet you at the desk at the end of that hallway. Let me badge you into the elevator.” I step in and push the button for the eighteenth floor. Upon exiting, I note the same color scheme up here. No crazy decorations either. At the end of the right hallway, I meet a man probably in his late twenties. He’s sitting at a desk reading through a file. He has black hair a little long as it curls around his ears. I step closer and he looks at me. His eyes narrow and I look down at my outfit quickly. I was wearing a black dress, very plain except for delicate embroidered white flowers scattered all over. The elbow length sleeves and trim but not super fitted skirt gave it a very professional air but it wasn’t a suit. I can’t stand them and didn’t want to start out with one. “Hello, I’m Laurel Evans here for my interview.” He stands holding out a hand. “I’m Henry Watson. You are early.” “A little.” I almost wonder if I should apologize. “You can go right in. Your interviewer will be in shortly. Just take a seat in a chair of your choice.” He opens one of the double gray doors and I step in. I watch the door close behind me and think how odd that is. There must be really good security cameras being watched closely right now to allow an unknown interviewee in unsupervised. I see three steps that lead down into an enormous office. I think my apartment would fit inside here. A huge set of glass windows line the entire back wall giving quite a view. I see a few plants in front of it in large blue vases. To my left is a sitting area with couch and two plush armchairs. On the right is a dining table with room for six. I also spot a coat rack and umbrella stand. The stand is lying on its side and one of the jackets is about to fall off the rack. I step over and right the stand then rehang the jacket before descending the steps. I check the chairs in front of the desk. Two of them are the typical wooden with minimal cushioning and they are off to the left turned slightly facing each other. A softer chair sits more toward the middle aligned with the desk chair. I decide to sit there so I will be able to see my interviewer better. I frown seeing a set of magnetic weights on the front of the desk, but they are out of order. Almost like the last interview candidate was playing with them. I am about to straighten them as I hear the door opening behind me. I turn slightly and stare at Ellis Beaumont himself. I had no idea he would interview me personally though as it’s the position for his personal assistant it makes sense. The silver-tongued shark as he’s nicknamed. He earned it becoming the youngest most successful CEO in a long time. Within his first two years of taking over after college, he had already doubled his company’s size and capital. I’ve seen him in photos and once while in college. But he’s two years older than I am and we never crossed paths otherwise. He’s huge. Six five and built like the hockey player he was throughout high school and college. His dark gray suit fits him perfectly. I see the blue shirt beneath it with the blue and silver tie. Golden blonde hair swept to the side though I can see it’s a little long. His face is chiseled but not too hard. Eyes slightly hooded under strong brows and an aquiline nose. A blank expression on his face currently and I wonder what he looks like when he smiles. “Miss Evans. Thank you for coming in.” He holds his hand out and it’s more like being engulfed in a handshake watching his long fingers swallow mine. “Mr. Beaumont, thank you for giving me a chance to interview.” He nods as he moves around to sit behind the desk. “Let’s go ahead and start. I see you attended Preslow Boarding School for high school. You then graduated with highest honors from Renwell University with a major in business administration and a minor in finance. I must say you are overqualified for this job.” He leans back in his chair his expression still blank. “No, I don’t believe I am. I have no experience and would never be given a serious chance at any type of executive job. And to be quite frank Mr. Beaumont, I am not sure that is what I wish to do.” He tilts his head and I look down at the weights again my fingers almost stretching out to rearrange them. “You were an assistant to Belinda Lively recently. She gave you a glowing recommendation and said she would keep you if her assistant wasn’t returning from maternity leave.” “I did not realize she was so kind in her recommendation. I enjoyed working with her.” I say thinking of her. She was one of my father’s oldest friends. A slight smile graces his lips as he watches me. “Is something bothering you Miss Evans?” “Yes.” I admit looking down at the weights again. His smile widens and I note his amusement. He’s breathtaking with a smile but that’s not why I am here. “Please go ahead and change them.” I reach out and rearrange them in their proper spots. “You’re hired Miss Evans.” I jerk my head up my eyes wide with surprise. “Excuse me. You only asked me one question.” I protest and he chuckles softly. “Yes, but you passed the other more important tests. Would you like me to explain?” “I would.” “I already read your resume and spoke with all your references. I don’t need you to repeat all that to me. You repaired the weights meaning you like order and neatness. You righted the umbrella stand by the door and made sure the jacket about to fall did not. No one else has bothered or even noticed those things. Also, you sat in the chair that would have you facing me directly. Everyone else has chosen one of those two chairs. Not afraid of eye contact. You seem to have more backbone and look as if you will exercise your own opinions when necessary. You are remarkably organized from all your references and you definitely proved that today. I look forward to working with you. What do you say?” He comes before me and continues before I can answer. “If you agree, you can start tomorrow morning. I get here at 8 and will expect you here then also. You will have access to the building at all hours with your security pass. You’ll go down to the second floor with Henry and he will get you all set up. To clarify Miss Evans, you will not be fetching my coffee or dry cleaning. You will be looking at project plans, layouts, and researching future projects and clients. You may occasionally have to grab me a suit or something from my house later on if I am flying home for a meeting and my flight is delayed but you will not be a gopher. I want to make that crystal clear.” I give him a smile. This is going to work out better than I thought. I see his eyes twinkle as he returns it. “I look forward to working for you, Mr. Beaumont.” He walks me out and I see Henry lounging in the chair making notes on a pile of papers. “Henry is my president’s assistant. Henry, Miss Evans will be joining us as from tomorrow. Can you take her down to security and help her get set up? See you in the morning.” He turns and goes back into his office. Henry stands up with a big grin. “I knew you’d be the one.” He starts toward the elevators, and I give him a puzzled look. “How did you know that?” He gives me a side glance shoving his hands in his pockets. “The dress. They all come in a boring suit. You came with your own style and I could see you have backbone along with your own opinion and mindset from your wardrobe choice alone. We’re going to get along great.” I unlock my front door and step in hearing a little boy giggling along to something on the tv. I walk in and hear Kyle call out. “Did you get the job?” I step near the kitchen as he leans out holding a frying pan and spatula. “Did you hear me? Am I making celebratory grilled cheese sandwiches or do we need to drown our sorrows in grape juice?” “Break out the sparkling grape juice because I am officially hired.” He waves the pan and spatula in the air mockingly. “Yay! I don’t have to worry about you shorting me on the rent.” I slap his arm gently. “So funny big brother. How’s he feeling today?” “Good, took it easy on the couch. Lucky I can work from home two days a week.” “Oh no Kyle, I didn’t even think about that when I accepted this job!” I turn worried eyes to him and he shakes his head. “You can’t keep being my fallback Relly. I think it’s time we look for a part time nanny. One of the nurses at his last appointment said her sister is a nursing student and looking to make some extra money in her last two years of school. At least she has some training and that would make me comfortable. I’m going to call her tomorrow.” I go tickle my nephew giving him kisses. “Aunt Relly, stop!” He laughs trying to scramble away. “Can we play Mariokart after dinner?” “Sure let me go help your daddy so he gets dinner ready faster.” He nods, those big blue eyes shining. He’s pale, too pale but nothing we can do about that right now. I say a silent prayer as I head to the kitchen. “What’ll they have you doing at the new job?” Kyle asks as he adds butter to the pan. “I’m going to be Ellis Beaumont’s personal assistant.” The spatula bounces off the stove to the floor making a terrible noise as Kyle scrambles to catch it. “Ellis Beaumont?! Are you f*****g kidding me?” His eyes are wide and he almost screams it. “Shhh, language Dad!” I say sarcastically. “No I am not. I will be working for him. Is there something wrong with that?” He takes a deep breath. “No but….does he know who you are Relly?” “Do I look stupid? He would have never hired me. It’s good and buried. He’ll never find out.” He folds his arms leaning against the stove. “I certainly hope not for your sake. I can’t imagine the silver-tongued shark would be pleased with that.” I nod raising my eyebrows. “No probably not.” I reach over and give him a quick squeezing hug. “I’ll be ok. I know how to swim with the sharks remember?” “Promise to make sure you avoid any kind of feeding frenzy. Though you could come out on top tiger shark. You know where I think you should be working.” “That ship has sailed Kyle. And sadly it sank in deep water.”
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