2472 Words

CHAPTER TEN The next morning, Bryce crawled out of bed. A sleepless night left him longing for extra shut-eye, but falling back to sleep wouldn’t happen. He was supposed to meet his team for breakfast in an hour, but he wasn’t that hungry. Not exactly true. He wanted something. Not food, but someone. Dani. Why hadn’t he kissed her last night? He’d had plenty of opportunities, but he’d been trying to be a gentleman. To make up for her experience with other men. Bryce had wanted her to find only safety and comfort with him, but he needed to remember that a gentleman still kissed his date goodnight. He headed to the French doors leading to a balcony and looked down at his yard. Below, a hummingbird hovered near a blooming bougainvillea. The rapid wing motion and the way the bird flitte

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