1875 Words

CHAPTER SEVEN What was he thinking? Some i***t had accosted Dani, and then Bryce asked her to get into a car with him—a stranger from the internet. He wanted to kick himself. That was what he got for acting impulsively. But he hadn’t been able to stop himself or think straight. She brought out his impatience. He didn’t like that, or how he kept staring at her. But she cleaned up well, even if her clothes appeared to be too big. If he wasn’t careful, he would blow this. The investigation, he amended. “I’ll call you a cab,” Bryce offered. “I take the bus all the time.” “It’s late.” He didn’t want money to be the reason she took public transportation at this hour. “My treat.” “I can take care of myself.” “After seeing you in action tonight, you’ve shown you can handle any situation.

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