Mother’s Wrath

1282 Words
Bianca “Mother, why are you here?” I asked, opening my eyes in shock. I wasn’t expecting her to be here. She snarled and looked at me as if I were nothing. “How dare you!” She gritted her teeth together as she dragged me across the floor. “Why won’t you listen to me?” I screamed as my body hit the floor. It hurt so much. She dragged me by my hair, forcing me onto my feet. “I warned you to stay away from Daniel, right?” she asked with a sneer. “Are you trying to bring out your bitchy side?” She mocked me. I opened my eyes in shock. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. My own mother thought of me as a b***h. “M-mother,” I stammered. “What!” she exclaimed. “Are you trying to make me feel guilty?” “Why?” I asked in a whisper. “You think of me as a bitch.” “Then what are you?” she asked. With a howl, she threw me across the room. “Aren’t you behaving like one?” I groaned, trying to stand on my feet. “I’m not a b***h. And don’t address me as one.” “You’re still talking. It seems the hit has done nothing to your body,” she snarled, her voice laced with venom. She walked closer to me. “Aren’t you a b***h?” She grabbed me by my clothes and forcibly dragged me up. “I told you that he isn’t your mate, but you didn’t listen to me. Are you that eager to be f****d by a man, dear daughter?” “Ah,” I let out a groan. “What I feel towards him isn’t something I can control. It isn’t my fault.” “Hehehe.” She laughed, letting go of my clothes. “Then are you thinking of defying me?” “No.” I crawled on the floor, trying to get away from her. “I dare not.” “Really?” She kneeled, grabbed me by my hair, pulling my head up. She grabbed my face. “You already chose to disobey me by getting close to him.” “I’m sorry,” I apologized. “You should have listened to me earlier; nothing of this would have happened,” she hissed. “You caused this, and you must be punished.” “I’m sorry, mother,” I pleaded as she started hitting me. I groaned and screamed out in pain when her punch landed on my ribs. "Someone, please save me.” I cried loudly, hoping to be saved from her. “No one is going to save you from me. Your dear brother isn’t around to save you.” “Mother.” “Don’t give me that look,” she spat. “I won’t fall for it.” “You don’t have to do this, mother.” She threw me on the bed before moving towards me. I curled into a ball, scared and trembling. I tried to run to the edge of the bed, but she dragged me by my legs. “If I didn’t hit you, your brain wouldn’t work,” she announced. “You should have been obedient like you have always been for all these years. Why do you choose to disobey me? Is it because of him? Is your feeling for your brother so great that you forget to heed my instructions?” “Ah,” I cried out. “I’m sorry.” “You don’t have to be sorry. A disobedient child needs to be punished.” She lifted her hand to hit me again but was stopped by his voice. He stormed towards us. I could feel his anger as he directed everything towards our mother. “What do you think you are doing, mother?” he demanded. “Hitting my sister.” Daniel stood in front of me, shielding me from our mother. “Why are you back?” she questioned. “Aren’t you supposed to be with the prince?” “If I wasn’t here, were you planning to beat my sister to death?” he yelled at her. My mother wasn’t shaken by him; rather, she was amused. An evil smile was plastered on her face. I knew this smile well. I knew what she was going to do when she smiled like this. “Brother,” I called, pulling the hem of his clothes. “Please step aside and let Mother vent her anger on me until she is satisfied.” He turned around and touched my face gently before addressing me. “You don’t have to say that, honey. You will be fine.” I shivered, looking into Mother’s eyes. She hated us but hated my brother more. I couldn’t let her beat him to death because of me. “I will be fine, brother,” I said with a smile. “She won’t kill me. Remember that she is our mother.” Daniel snapped at what I said. His hold on me got tighter as he trembled. “I can’t bear to watch her hit you in front of me.” He cried. “I don’t care if she is going to kill me, but for you, I can’t bear to see you get hurt.” “Brother—” “Are you done?” Mother uttered. “If yes, step aside. I need to finish what I started.” “Are you sick, mother!” Daniel howled, grabbing her. “Why are you doing this to us?” She raised her eyebrow, not a hint of remorse in her. Why did this evil woman have to be our mother? Where did it go wrong? Did we offend the goddess in our past lives that made her punish us by giving her to us as our mother? “Like seriously,” she mumbled. “Are you seriously raising your voice at me, Daniel?” Come to think of it, mother had never once called her son. “Yes, mother. I won’t watch you destroy my sister.” “What a wonderful bond. I am jealous,” she whispered, trying to keep her anger at bay, but her voice betrayed her. It was laced with anger. "Hehehe. I'm so jealous." The subtle change in her voice revealed the depth of her frustration and resentment. The tension in the room got high, suffocating. “Brother, please stop.” He shook off my hand as he argued with Mother. “Do you say that I am destroying her by punishing her when she is wrong?” She questioned. “Tell me.” “You’re not punishing her out of love, mother. It’s evil,” he fired. “This is evil and you know that.” “I know nothing about being evil or not. All I know is that I am punishing a disobedient soul.” “I won’t stand and watch,” he asserted. "Then I have no choice," she sighed, running her hand through her hair. “Than to get you out of my way.” I quickly stood up from the bed and ran to her. I knew my brother hadn't fully healed from yesterday's beating, and subjecting him to more would only worsen his condition. “What do you think you are doing, sister?” “Mother, I know that I am a sinner,” I said, my voice trembling as I fell to my knees. Crawling towards her, I reached out and grabbed her leg, my head bowed in submission. “Please, punish me.”
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