Puppeteered Hearts

1498 Words
Bianca She glanced at me before settling onto the sofa beside my bed. She crossed her legs and then gestured for me to lift my head. “Sit properly,” she commanded, her tone sharp. “We need to talk.” I obeyed, nervously pinching my fingers as her intense stare bore into me, causing sweat to bead all over my body. Why was she here, and where was father? She was supposed to be with him, not here. “What’s on your mind?” she demanded, a sly smile playing on her lips. “My dear daughter.” “Nothing, mother,” I replied, smiling. Everyone knew how to conceal their intentions with a smile. She scoffed. “You don’t have to force yourself, Bianca.” “Why are you here, mother?” I demanded. “And where is father?” “Oh, yes,” she sneered. “What were you thinking of doing earlier? Do you seriously want to expose me in front of your father?” I knew she would come here to talk about this. I knew she wouldn’t let it slide easily. With a smile plastered on my face, I met her gaze. “Mother, I’m sorry. I know I’m at fault. Please forgive me.” She wanted to talk but was restrained by the brim of my smile. “Okay. I’ll forgive you this time, but don’t try it again,” she warned. “I won’t promise not to punish you.” She coughed and continued. “Think about your dear brother before you choose to mess with me.” Her threat regarding Daniel made me want to scratch her face. “I won’t dare,” I uttered. “Especially after you arranged my marriage to the prince without my permission.” “Do you think you have a say in your life?” she questioned. “You are nothing but a puppet on my strings. I can do whatever I want with you. Don’t even try to resist. You are to obey me obediently and do whatever I ask of you.” “Yes, mother.” I had decided to obey and follow all her instructions to keep us safe. “I won’t disobey you, my dear mother.” My eyes darkened as I said this. I wasn’t happy, but I knew better than to cross her. With our upcoming age ceremony, I would soon see my brother again. I didn’t know when she stood in front of me, but her touch on my silky red hair brought me back from my thoughts. “I think you have many things on your mind, darling,” she smirked. “Why not start with the girl you call your best friend? Huh! What’s her name again?” “Sophia,” I corrected. “Her name is Sophia.” I was shocked when my mother mentioned her. Talk about Sophia. She was my best friend, the only girl my mother allowed to visit our house. Her grandfather held an important post in the kingdom, and he was also part of the elders. However, that all changed the day she witnessed my mother hitting me with a rod. Sophia had threatened to report her to her grandfather, forcing my mother to stop. Since then, my mother had banned her from coming near our house or playing with me. Why was she suddenly bringing her up? “Mother, why are you suddenly mentioning her?” “Hmm,” she sniffed my hair. “Your hair smells so nice.” She seemed to be avoiding my question. Was she considering dragging innocent Sophia into this? “Mother.” “Enough,” she yelled, cutting me off. “You need her.” She caressed my cheeks. “She has a grandfather among the elders. Sharing news of your marriage with her would be beneficial. Even if the arrogant and aloof prince rejects the marriage, you will find someone who will stand beside you besides your father.” Another one of her schemes. I was shocked to the bone. She wanted to use everyone around her just to become the queen’s mother. “I stopped being her friend on your command,” I muttered softly. “Oh, my dear Bianca. Stop being a fool. You can always be her friend again. She is pure, and I’m sure she has been waiting for you,” she stated. “Remember, she only has you as her friend. No one else wants to befriend her except you. I also kept her around for this day.” “What!” I opened my mouth in shock. “Please stop being hard on yourself and close your mouth,” she advised. “Do you think I would allow her to be your friend if not for my plan? It was for this day or anything else, darling. She was part of my plan, and I must make use of her to the fullest.” She smirked, kissing my hair. I was a fool, a total fool. I should have known that this was why she let Sophia be my friend, despite having no one else to talk to in the kingdom. Sophia was a shy and timid child, and no one wanted to be her friend because of her appearance. I genuinely befriended her, not realizing my mother had a horrible plan. I should have seen this coming. “You should go meet her now, Bianca.” “She hates me now,” I added. “I don’t think she’ll be happy to see me, mother.” “She will be,” she said through gritted teeth, suppressing her anger. She was trying her best not to hit me because my father was still around. “I want you to remember that you are her only friend, and she can’t do without you. Make use of that opportunity. She must have missed you a lot.” Her creepy smile made me shiver. I shuddered, feeling a strange mix of fear and guilt. I didn’t want her to be a part of it. She seemed to read my thoughts and gave me a cold look. “Think about him.” She raised her brow in amusement. “Daniel.” “Okay, I will go see her later. You can go.” I knew I shouldn’t go to her, but I couldn’t bear to see Daniel hurt. “You should do that now. We have no time. The prince will be coming back soon.” I rose from the bed, and just like a puppet, I did as she told me. We both walked downstairs. I looked around, searching for my father, but I couldn’t feel my father’s presence. “Stop looking around. He isn’t at home. He went to the palace,” she informed me. “To do what?” “To see the king about your marriage.” “Okay,” I mumbled before bidding her goodbye. My heart grew heavier as I walked through the bush to her house. She didn’t deserve this. I shouldn’t do this to her. How could she think of me if she knew my mother accepted her to be my friend just to use her and her family? No, I couldn’t do this. She was too innocent, and I should bear my cross alone. I turned around to go back, but just then I heard a voice. “Bianca,” I heard a familiar voice behind me. “Is that you?” I turned around and faced her. My longtime friend, the one who knew about my mother’s abuse. I wanted to talk, but I was choked up. I found it difficult to breathe as tears fell from my eyes. She ran towards me, helping me. “Breathe slowly,” she said, smoothing my back. After a few minutes, she asked, “Are you okay, Bianca?” “Yes,” I spoke softly. “Why are you here? Are you here to see me?” she asked, her eyes filled with anticipation. “Yes, I am here to see you.” “Really?” she inquired. “Are you really here to see me? What about your mother?” “She is fine. She asked me to visit you,” I replied, sweating as I struggled to maintain my composure. “Something is wrong,” she grumbled, holding my hand. “Why are you shaking like this?” I clasped my hands together and forced a smile. “It’s nothing, Sophia. Trust me, I just wanted to see you. I should go back.” “Huh! What? No, you are not going back now,” she insisted. “I should go back. I will come see you later.” I turned around and was about to leave when she grabbed me. “You are not going anywhere, love.” She pulled me into a warm hug. Sophia genuinely welcomed me, and my guilt haunted me from the inside.
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