Dinner Distress

1292 Words
Bianca. The next day. I was awakened by a loud knock on my door. I slowly opened my eyes, feeling groggy from sleep. The knocking persisted, growing louder each time. “Who’s there?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. “My lady, it is I,” the voice replied. It was Amber. “Come in,” I said, struggling to get up from the bed. She opened the door, revealing her worried look. What was going on? “Why do you look like that?” I questioned, rubbing my eyes. “My lady...” Amber began, her voice trembling as she knelt before me. “What is wrong?” I asked, rushing to her. My eyes were already clear. What the heck was going on? “Did you offend my mother?” “I’m sorry, my lady,” Amber apologized, struggling to find the right words, tears welling up in her eyes. This was unlike her; Amber was usually full of life and free-spirited. I sighed and pulled her up. “What is wrong?” I questioned her softly, wiping away her tears. She looked at me, deep inside my eyes. Wait! What did I just see in her eye? Pity? Why? Why did she give me this kind of look? “Why are you looking at me like this, Amber?” “I’m sorry, my lady,” she apologized. “I shouldn’t have eavesdropped.” “On what? On what, Amber? Tell me.” “I overheard your mother talking about your engagement with your father,” she retorted. “Amber!” I groaned. “Don’t speak about this.” Amber hesitated before speaking. “I think you don’t deserve what you are going through. Your father can’t see your pain. I think you should run away. I can help you, my lady.” I quickly hushed her in fear of my parents, especially my mother. “Don’t say that, Amber,” I warned. “I don’t want to see you hurt.” “You should run away far from here,” she insisted. “Please, listen to me.” I sighed, looking at the innocent girl. If I ran away, what could become of her? “What would become of you if I ran away?” I demanded. “What about my brother and my best friend Sophia? What will happen to them?” “Your brother will understand. Why should you marry the prince when you don’t love him?” she uttered. “Get away from this toxic place.” “I understand your concern.” I held her hand and led her to the sofa in my room. “Please, take a seat.” She complied. “My lady.” “It’s okay, Amber. You don’t have to stress yourself. I won’t run, so please don’t bring it up again.” Her head dropped as I said this. She seemed unhappy, but I couldn’t follow her advice. “Okay, if you can’t do that, the age coming is near, and you will get to meet your mate. I pray the goddess will provide you with a good mate,” she responded. “You will live happily with your mate.” I need to wake up from this dream. I knew I could never find happiness in my life. The moment she asked me to marry the prince shattered my dreams of happiness. I was devastated. I rubbed her hair. “Thank you, Amber.” I stood up after our little chat. “I need to take my bath.” “I will help you run the water,” she suggested as she stood up. “You don’t have to worry yourself. You can go.” After Amber left, I undressed and walked to the bathroom to turn on the shower. I sighed under the cold water, enjoying the brief pleasure it gave me. After my bath, I dried myself with a towel before wrapping it around my body. I walked back into my room and opened my wardrobe, searching for something to wear. My gaze fell on the dress my brother had gifted me – a light blue short gown. I took it out and laid it on the bed. I applied cream to my skin before putting on the dress and styling my hair. I stood in front of the mirror, admiring myself. When I was satisfied with my appearance, I opened the door of my room and walked out. My steps echoed in the silent hall as I made my way to the dining area. The walls were painted pale blue and there was a sparkling chandelier overhead. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door, a chill running down my spine. “Look who’s here, Peter,” my mother exclaimed, standing from the sofa and approaching me. She gently held my hand and tapped it. “You look so beautiful.” “Thank you, mom,” I replied with a groan. She ignored my displeased and uncomfortable look and continued. “What do you think of her appearance, Peter?” “She is beautiful. She takes after your beauty,” he stated with a smile. My father wasn’t getting any younger. He was old, but still handsome. He stood up from his seat and walked to where the food would be served. He sat down. “We have been waiting for you. Come, sit, Bianca.” My mother held my hand and led me to my seat. I sat close to her. I was still very uncomfortable, but none of them seemed to care. The maids served us our food, and we began to eat. “Bianca, my sweet daughter,” my mother called for my attention. “Your brother will be back, and so will the prince.” I almost choked on my food. “Ah.” My father stood up. “What is wrong, dear?” I was coughing terribly, as if I was going to die. My father handed me a glass of water after I stopped coughing. I drank it in one gulp. I stared at my mother, who averted her eyes. “She won’t die, Peter,” she whispered, taking a spoonful of food into her mouth. “Come, take your seat.” “Why don’t you care about her? Is she not your daughter?” He yelled at her. “Why are you acting as if you want her dead? You don’t even care about her?” Did he just find out about this? Why was he acting like this, as if it mattered? “Father.” I held the hem of his clothes. “You don’t have to blame Mother. I know that she cares a lot about me.” I stared at her with a mocking face. “Isn’t that right, mother?” “Yes, I care a lot about you. Why would I want you dead when you haven’t even married the prince?” I scoffed at her words. “You…” My father pointed his hand at her. “I am fine, dad.” “I’m sorry, Bianca,” he pleaded before returning to his seat. He began eating without replying to anything mother said. “Get ready,” she muttered as I stood up to leave. “The prince will be back in the kingdom anytime soon, and Iris will be here to take your measurements.” “Okay, mother,” I replied before heading back to my room, the distant sound of their argument trailing behind me. I was thrilled to hear that Daniel was coming back, but I also felt conflicted. How could I face him when I was set to marry his best friend, chosen by my mother?
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