Chapter 2

618 Words
Everyone knew that turning 18 was monumental in a werewolf’s life.  For a young werewolf, many shifted for the first time but more excitingly many found their mate.  A mate in their world was for life and was a blessing bestowed by the Moon Goddess.  Because of her Alpha blood, Kate had first shifted at the age of 13.  Her wolf was named Shelby and was her personal confidante.  Shelby knew all of Kate’s secrets – her first crush, her fears, her wants and her deepest desire – to find a mate who would rule the Golden Pack at her side.   As her alarm clock went off, Kate rolled over slapping the clock to the floor as it continued to go off.  Growling she rolled over in her king size bed and grabbed the alarm clock turning it off before throwing it against the wall.  As her best friend, Lily walked in just dodging the alarm clock, she started singing happy birthday.  Lily was her best friend and their Beta’s daughter.  While Lily and Kate were best friends, Lily did not follow in Kate’s footsteps to become the future Beta.  Lily had an older brother, Reid, of a couple years and he had been training for that position.  Kate and Reid were also close friends and Kate was happy he would have her back through thick and thin. Reid had met his mate on his 18th birthday and was ready for the challenges that were to come as Beta to the Golden Moon pack.  Jumping on Kate’s bed, Lily had a small, wrapped gift for Kate to open.  “Open it now Katey, open it now! I almost did not wait for your birthday to give it to you!”.  Wiping the sleep from her eyes and trying to focus, Kate hugged Lily before accepting the gift.  Yawning and trying to wake up just a bit more, Kate gave herself a shake.  Sitting up Kate realized it was her 18th birthday.  Jumping up on her bed she started bouncing, with Lily quickly joining, “It’s my birthday!”.  To say Kate loved birthdays would be an understatement.  As much as she was serious 99% of the time, she loved to be carefree and silly that other precious 1% of the time.  Sitting down we bounce a couple times before Kate picks up Lily’s gift.  It’s beautifully wrapped but she still tear into the package.  Lily was the best gift giver and Kate could not wait to see what she came up with this year. Opening the box and pulling back the layer of tissue paper, I saw the most beautiful emerald-green pendant on a gold chain.  Tearing up Kate quickly hugged Lily and asked her to put it on her.  Going to her mirror Kate stares at the beautiful necklace – it matches her eyes perfectly, was my packs colors and made me feel grown up all in one.  “Lily, I am never taking this off – I love it!”, running into Lily’s arms. Lily laughs, “Well at least take it off before you shift!”.  Agreeing with Lily, Kate turns back to the mirror and admires the necklace.  Lily had turned 18 a month before Kate but she still had not found her mate.  Not that a month was a long time to wait for a mate but in the werewolf world it could feel like a lifetime.  Lily was hopeful that Kate’s party would bring her mate to her.  Kate’s parents had invited teens from the local packs within our alliances to give the youth a chance to connect and possibly see a few matches be made that evening.
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