Chapter 4

665 Words
Kate’s POV               As the evening moved on, I saw Lily dancing with a stranger. As he slowly moved her to the music, she glanced my way with a thumbs up, I smiled giving her a thumbs up.  Clearly, he wasn’t her mate – she would have been screaming through our mind-link that kind of information.  Lily is the one person who always made lemonade from lemons.  She’ll enjoy her evening regardless of the outcome.              I was starting to feel a little defeated as I moved around the floor. I had danced with a few of my guests – as the guest of honor, it would have been rude to refuse.  It was no secret there were some guys who had been hoping they were going to be my mate.  Taking on the responsibility of a top pack would be a challenge and opportunity many would welcome.  Assuming that I would move to a Luna role within the pack, not fully understanding we would run the pack together.  Me as first Alpha and my mate would assume the role of second Alpha.  It’s not common, as we know there are few female Alpha’s, but it has worked in the right circumstances.  The mate bond only strengthens both Alphas and ensures the success.             As I take a break from dancing, I see a couple of good-looking guys walking into the party.  Like some – they came fashionably late.  One of the men was a blessing from the Moon Goddess.  His golden hair slicked over to one side, chiseled face with a bit of facial hair and muscular body were breath taking.  He was taller than me, which was not unusual for a wolf but stirred a bit of excitement in me.  Before he caught me watching him, I turned slightly talking to the girl on my left.  She was from another pack, but we had been friends for a couple of years.  As I was speaking to her, I smelled this pine vanilla scent taking over my senses.  Vanilla was one of my favourite scents and I could not help but interrupt her turning to try and find the owner of that scent.  My mystery guy had moved from the stairs so I could not see him anymore.  Without putting too much more attention on him I really wanted to find the owner of the pine vanilla scent.  The more I smelled it, the more I knew it had to be my mate.  As I moved through the crowd the scent got stronger. I gasped as the mystery guy was walking in a direct line toward me with a smile on his face.  As he got closer, the pine vanilla smell got stronger.  Shelby quickly started yipping Mate! Mate!  My excitement started to grow. He came to stand right in front of me smiling and immediately introducing himself as Rafe Daniels, future Alpha of the Red Moon pack.  Smiling back, I slowly reached for his hand stating “Katelyn Adams, future Alpha of the Golden Moon pack.”. Faltering he takes a step back, his smile dropping.  “Hell no - this cannot be happening!”.  As I take a step forward, I am confused by his reaction.  What did he mean, “this could not be happening?”.  As I watched him, my stomach started to churn, my heart had a dull ache.  We were drawing a small crowd as the people in our area started to quiet, even the music felt like it had gotten quieter.  It was more likely I was zoning every sound out around me as I stood there perplexed at his response.  That moment when time is standing still as you realize this is a life-changing moment.  Lily rushes over to me, standing by my side obviously having heard a part of the humiliating conversation. I stand there with my heart feeling like it was shattering in chest, my wolf Shelby stepping back in shock as well.   
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