Payment in Full

1047 Words
I stood in front of the mansion where Florian apparently lived. It was at least twice that of my parent's, and was situated in a quaint, quiet place in the richest part of CA. I looked around. Nature was thriving here, and the mansion itself was victorian style and extremely beautiful. "Let's go," Florian said finally as he came beside me. He had handed the keys to a man who had greeted me and said man was currently taking the car away. "I..." I started to say, my eyes falling to my feet. I still couldn't shake off the heavy awareness of him that I felt. And the awareness of what we had done last night. "Are you sure this is okay? I could sleep in my office before I find a way to retrieve..." "Stay here, Roxanne. Don't be stubborn." I nodded slowly, then swallowed as I felt his hand rest gently on the curve of my waist. Without another word, he pulled me into the massive entrance, his body heating mine up due to how close together we were. The interior was even more magnificent, and I stopped, taking it in. I had seen none of this last night or even this morning, and it was just registering how grand his place really was. The interiors were either black or white, and the spiral stairs were adorned with a long black carpet that had gold rimmed edges. I bit down on my lips as I turned to the fireplace. Above the burning embers was a massive black and white painting of Florian. He was wearing a loose black shirt, his eyes closed, his face turned so his profile was availed instead of his full face. His hand, large, veins, and adorned with rings and a burning cigarette were wrapped lightly around his neck, his lips parted, his hair falling all over his eyes. "That is beautiful," I muttered, turning to him and taking in his expression for the first time in a while. He gave a small one-sided smile. "You should go closer." My brows furrowed. "Is something there?" He shrugged. "I hope." My curiosity spiked with his rather cryptic statement, and I walked forward towards the fireplace. I was too short to actually see, and I straightened, trying my best to see what it was about. Suddenly, I felt Florian's fingers wrap around my waist. My breath caught in my throat as he lifted me up till I could see the painting, my eyes wide. It took me a few seconds to pull myself together, but I finally did, and that was when I saw it. The painting was actually words, all written in black ink against a white sheet. I squinted my eyes and moved forward, trying my hardest to see when he suddenly brought me down, cutting off my view. "Florian, I..." "You will have to pay to see the rest." I blinked, my eyes taking bim in. His eyes held an evil sort of mischief, and I bit down on my lips. "I don't have my card and... I don't think you want money." He gave a chuckle. "You are right. I don't want money. But I haven't decided on another form of payment yet." I nodded slowly. "Thanks for letting me stay here, however. I promise it won't be for long and I will find a place to move to." He didn't reply, but I could see a bit of hurt flash through his eyes. "I just don't want to inconvenience you. And..." "I would rather you stay here. No one will be able to get to you here." "Why are you helping me?" I asked, averting his gaze. "I guess that question is long overdue because you were there last night and..." I trailed off. He was there last night, despite him not being in the country earlier on. My brows furrowed as I looked up. Why was he there? Just in time to save me? Just in time to... I don't think he was there before I entered, or was he? I looked up again, my eyes blinking rapidly. "You... you were there last night and..." Before I could get the words out, he covered the distance, his hand cupping my waist and pulling me to his body, his other hand cupping my face in a dominant, possessive manner. He only gave me a second to breathe before he stole it again with a knee weakening kiss, my body immediately melting in his arms. I sighed, forgetting everything I was about to say, my doubts about why he was at Dirty Dreams right at that time, and everything else. My body flared up like the fireplace right behind us, and I sighed, my fingers clenching into fists. When he broke the kiss, I sighed, my eyes remaining closed for the longest time as he caressed my face in the same, sensual way he had caressed it back in the car, with the back of his fingers. "Florian," I said, and maybe I was about to say something regarding boundaries, how last night was still a mistake, how this kiss shouldn't happen anymore, but my tongue was tied by the perfect taste he had left on them and the last thing I wanted to do was waste it by talking. "I will let you see the painting after you freshen up and have dinner. You have paid in full." My eyes flew open, but he had already walked away, leaving my cheeks burning hard, my eyes wide. I stood there for a long time, trying to piece my breaths together, my chest heaving. I turned to the painting again, my lips parting. The tingles were crawling all over my skin, and I sucked in my lower lip, biting down hard. If one kiss was enough as a payment, just how much would I be getting away with? I turned to the path where Florian had disappeared, my eyes fixed on the path like I could still see him embedded there. Last night came rushing back to me. The long caresses. The kisses. Hundreds of them. The slow touches. The fast... I shook my head, my eyes misting up a bit. Just how much did I pay for last night?
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