Jayden’s house

1952 Words
“Well?!” “He's giving me a lift to work problem?” He opened his mouth. “Tough.” “Yes I do have a problem, where's your car?” “That rust bucket is in the garage again.” “Then why didn't you ask me, instead of him?” “He offered and since when do you ever offer, hmm? Never that's when.” “Please baby, we can sort this.” “No we can't you lied. How many more times have you lied to me Brandon?” “Never.” “Bull s**t once a liar always a liar!” She screamed. “I've never lied to you.” “Whatever Brandon. I'm late for work so if you don't mind, leave.” “This is my house too.” “And like I said. I'll leave and you can have your precious house, and you can bring as many whores back as you like.” “I don't want anyone else I want you.” “Should've thought about that before you did what you did. Goodbye Brandon.” She said, walking away Jayden opened the door and she slid in closing it before he pulled away. “Are you okay, Taylor?” “I'm fine, sorry Jayden.” “What for?” “Having to witness that.” “He won't give up Taylor maybe you should think about a restraining order.” “Call your friend I really don't want to deal with him anymore.” “Sure.” Taylor left the office to grab coffe for her and Jayden seen as he only liked posh coffee. “Taylor!” Fuck what does he want now? “Brandon, shouldn't you be at work?” “I've re - scheduled my appointments. I needed to talk to you.” “What about now Brandon, there's nothing let to say.” “I'm sorry I know it won't make things better between us for what, I done but I am. I want you to give us another try.” “I'm sorry Brandon I can't.” “Why not?” “Because I trusted you and I believed everything you promised me. And you lied you threw it back in my face because you were jealous of Jayden.” “So your on first name terms now what a f*****g surprise.” “Don't Brandon just don't. You ruined this not me and your acting like it was, me who cheated not you!” “I know I'm sorry baby.” He said, grabbing her, pulling her towards him. “I love you Taylor, and I'll do anything to prove that to you.” “It's too late Brandon.” “No it's not I'll prove to you I want you.” “It’s too late." He smashed his lips on hers kissing her as she struggled to get free.' He pushed his tongue in. She finally pushed him away. “I want you out my life for good.” She said, turing walking away. “What about the twins Tay they need both of us.” “They don't need a lying, cheating father like you I'll make sure that you'll never see them again.” She ran into the office block, going into the ladies throwing up several times, before washing her face and her mouth out with water and using mouth freshener. Straightening herself up before heading back to the office. Jayden looked up. “Where's the coffee?” “Shit.” She cursed. “Are you okay Taylor?” “Not really.” “What happened?” “Brandon was out side the offices.'” “So he tried to get you to climb back in bed with him.'” “That's never going to happen.'” “I've talked to my friend he wants you to put in for the restraining order are you ready to do that?” “Yes. He's not seeing me or the twins.” “You can stay with me. I've got a funny feeling he won't drop this any time soon.” “What about the twins?” “We'll pick them up once we've got your stuff, are they still staying at your parents?” “Yes.” “Call them and let them know we'll get them later tonight. I've got a funny feeling he's going to go there and get them.” “Sure.” Jayden and Taylor left the office early cancelling any appointments for the afternoon to get her belongings then the twins. Jayden and I got into the car ready for the 45 minute ride to my parents to pick up the twins, they'd been staying there all week I'd had a restraining order out on Brandon and a custody pledge for me to have full custody of the twins as we were not marred. It should go in my favour, but we'll just have to see. He has loads of money and they say money can buy you everything, though it can't buy you happiness it can buy you most other things besides that. "Every thing will be okay Taylor trust me." "Are you sure about this Jayden?" He placed his hand on mine and squeezed it. "You're my friend Taylor and I'd do anything for you; you know I'll always help you." "What if you want to bring a girl how and.." "Not happening, it won't look good when you tell the court you are living with me. Beside I don't need a girl or want one. I am happy with the one I have." "You have a girlfriend but you.." He chuckled into full blown laughter. "What's so funny?' "You are Taylor. You are so naive. I like you and I'm happy to have you and your family stay with me. It will help me to get to know you better.' "What if you don't like what you see?" "I like what I already see Taylor, and I'd like to see more." He paused. "I only wished I'd met you before he did." "Oh." "Your something special Tay really special. I am glad you decided to take the job to be my PA." I smiled. He took his hand of my mine smiling as we tuned the next corner. 10 minutes later he pulled up outside my parents house. I got out the car and walked up to the front door and rang the bell. The door opened. "Taylor." My mom said, hugging me. "Mom." I said, hugging her back. "Are you okay Taylor? what the hell is going on with you and Brandon?" "It's a long story mom." "I have time." "Not today mom. I'll call you and tell you everything." "Sure we can go for a coffee." "That'll be nice." "So are you taking the twins home?" "No were staying at a friends.'" "Are you sure.'" "I am he's waiting in the car." "He?" She asked, confused. "It's nothing lie that mom he's my friend and my boss." "Are you sure that's wise?" "Yes I am.." "Okay, only if you're sure." "I am. Are they ready?" "They are." She turned, shouting. "Kids, your mom is here!" She turned back. "Are you sure about this Tay? Are you sure you can't resolve your problems with Brandon?" "It's too late mom." "Okay, but be safe and make sure that you are doing the right thing." "I will and I am." "Mom." The twins shouted. "Lilly, Addison I've missed you so much." I said, hugging them. They gripped tightly onto me hugging me. "We've missed you to mom, are we going home to see dad?" I pulled away. "No sweeties, we're staying with a friend." "Why?" They groaned. "Dad and I are having time out. We need to sort out our differences and to see if we can live together, or if it is better for us to be apart. For now we are staying at a good friend of mine you'll like him." "Is he your new boyfriend mom?" I laughed. "No sweetheart, he's my boss and he's letting us stay with him until all of this is sorted out." "Okay." Addison sighed. "Come on let's meet him." They smiled holding my hands. "I'll call you mom." "Okay, love you." "Love you too." She watched as we got into the car and we waved at each other as Jayden pulled away. I watched in the mirror as she closed the door. "Kids this is Jayden my boss. Jayden this is Lily and Addison my babies." "It's nice to finally meet you. Your mom has told me all about you." They smiled. "They're shy, once they get to know you they will never shut up!" "I don't mind they can talk all they like." We drove for another 45 minutes till we arrived at Jayden's hou..Mansion. "Wow." "Is this place yours?" Addison asked. "It is." "Wow." "You're my favourite person right now." "I thought I was." "He has a big ass house." Jayden laughed. "I thought I told you about your mouth getting you into trouble Addi." "Sorry mom." "Just don't use the word ass again, okay?" "Okay." "Sorry Jayden their father thought it was funny to teach it them." "Its fine.'" He said pulling up to her house turning the engine of the car off. "I'll show you around and I'll show you my car collection in the garage." "You have more than one car?" He smirked. "What else am I supposed to do with my money I'm a multi billionaire." "Big head much?!" He smirked laughing. We all got out the car closing the doors before he locked them, clicking a button for the car alarm. "Can't be too careful, follow me." We followed him he opened the large wooden door, we all stepped in and he put the alarm on. "Come I'll show you your rooms and I'll give you a grand tour." I smiled and we followed him up the marble stair case not a drop of dust he must have cleaners or maids in every day to cook and clean. He showed us our rooms, we placed our bags in then they were as pristine as the entrance and staircase, they had double beds dropped with satin sheets though it was obvious that they were never used the rooms were still fresh. He showed us the rest of the mansion with a games room and multiple bathrooms. He had given me the room with the en suite and the twins had their own rooms. A bath room opposite. He then showed us the downstairs the living space was huge with wall to wall leather sofas the dinning room could for at lest fifteen people. "You sure you live alone?" "I do. My family visits in the holidays if I'm not working." I nodded. "Come on. I promised I'd show you my car collection." The twins smiled. We send into the garage it was more like a car showroom, it was f*****g huge he had so many cars. I can't understand why he needed so many. "Wow." Addison said speechless. 'I know right.' "Why do you have so many cars?' I asked curious. "What can I say I'm obsessed. I like fast cars, expensive cars and classic cars I'll take you all for a spin seen as we are at home tomorrow." "Do you think you can fit them all in?" "I can try." He says, smiling. I shake my head laughing. This is going to be fun Addison is so obsessed with fast cars he loved going in Brandon's car, but I don't think it will ever beat the cars Jayden has.
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