
1388 Words
The bell finally rang and Brandon's friends had managed to acquire yet another detention. "Pity you won't be in detention with us tomorrow Tay." She threw daggers at them. "Guess we have this one to make up for it aye Tay?" He said winking, grinning and chuckling. God these f**k boy can't just go and crawl under a rock and die or something? They all walked into the room Brandon looked up and winked at her. She dismissed it, sitting down. His friends sat around them. He leaned over to her. "How about we do something after we get out of this hellhole?" "How's about we don't!" His friends laughed out loud in stitches. He cut his eyes at them. 'Wow the great Brandon Hickman got rejected, that's a first." "f**k you Mason." "You need to learn how to talk to a girl." "And you know how to?" "Better than you." "Go ahead see if you can do any better.'" Jordi turned to Taylor. Batting his eyelids and using his puppy dog eyes. "Taylor would you please do me the honour of going on a date with me after detention?" He said, still batting his eyes. "No." His face fell and his mouth dropped. They all gawked in surprise then burst out laughing. "Why not?" He whined. "I don't date f**k boys." They stopped laughing and looked astonished at her. "Well I never." "Sorry to burst your bubble, but I have no interest in being another girl on your list of conquests." "SILENCE!" The teacher roared. "This is detention, you sit quietly and finish the work you never did yesterday." "Sir." They all sat silently working hard for the half hour which almost turned into two hours. "Right kids as much as I'd like to spend my time here torturing you. I really have to go home And the janitor needs to lock up." They all put their stuff away leaving. Brandon met her pace. "You didn't mean that in there did you? You know about not dating any of us?" "I did." "Give me one chance, just one to prove I'm not that guy." "I know you're that guy Brandon. We've known each other for five years and the last two years you've been with at least twenty girls to what I can remember." "I can change." "Leopards never change their spots." "Let me prove you wrong." "Sorry I can't.." "Please Tay." "Why are you so interested in me? There's other girls." 'They're not you." "How refreshing." "I won't stop until you give in, and say yes." "I'll think about it, now will you please and stop hassling me." "For now." He grinned, as they walked out of the school doors. He stood by his bike. 'Taylor.' She smiled. "Cody." They hugged. "How's my princess?" "I'm not a princess." "You'll always be one to me." "I'm not five anymore Cody." "I can see that. Hop on." She smiled. As he got on to the bike he held his hand out and she took it, he pulled her onto the bike holding onto his jacket before he piled away. "Woah who the f**k was that?" "I don't know." "You reckon she's got a boyfriend?" He shrugged feeling defeated. Harrison tapped his shoulder. "Come on bro let's get out of here." He nodded and they walked away from the highschool. Cody pulled the bike up onto the driveway, she pulled herself out of it and he cut the engine, taking his keys out. "How’s Mom?" "Why don’t you ask her yourself?" "She still hates me." "No she doesn’t, Cody, she was just mad at you for leaving when we moved here and for you choosing your own path in life. "And Toby?" "Toby is Toby, he just gets on with it." "And do you hate me?" "I could never hate you Cody. I respect you and the decision you made was for the best and you're here now. That is what counts." He hugged her. "I wish mom would understand me like you do." She smiled. "Does she know we stayed in contact?" "No." "Best keep it that way." "I know." "So who were the guys you were with?" "Oh them. Brandon and his friends." "Are they the reason you were late? I waited two hours for you to come out of school." "Did you see Toby?" "No. And stop avoiding the question." "Yeah they were. I got detention." "That’s not good." "I know." "I think they thought I was your boyfriend." "Why would you think that?" "The way they looked shocked and that punk was giving me death stares to say “who the f**k are you and stay away from my girl." "I’m no one's girl Cody." "Glad to hear it. You’re too young to get involved to get a broken heart." "I’m fifteen Cody." "I know and you’re still too young. You’ve got the rest of your life ahead of you." "I know. Let’s go in." "Okay." He said, gulping. "You’ll be fine Cody." "I hope so." She opened the door, lacing her fingers with his. Pulling him in behind her. Her mother looked at her angrily. "Where the hell have you been, Taylor? I was worried about you." "Detention." "They last half an hour, not three. I have a good mind to call your school and complain." "We lost track of time." "That boy and his friends." "I know mom." She looked up at the six-foot male standing next to Taylor. His hair shaved underneath in a ponytail, his green eyes resembled Taylor’s. "Cody." "Mom." She cracked him across the face. "Mom." Taylor introjected. "I guess I deserved that."Cody said. "Where the hell have you been? You’ve been gone ten years, Cody, ten years, without even contacting us. Why?" "I’m sorry mom, I needed to find myself." "You certainly did that. What the hell have you done to yourself?" "I changed everything about myself. I didn’t like it. I joined the ranks and did six years in the forces. When I came out, I got back on my feet and I owned my own tattoo shop well. Many actually I found out I was really good at it whilst I was in the army. I tattooed most of the guys there and it paid well." "Why did you never write?" "I was still finding myself my true identity. I needed time mom." "You needed ten years to find it?" "Yes I did." "Why’s everyone shouting?" Cody looked up, god his little brother had grown. "Toby is that you?" "Cody." He smiled Toby bounced down the stairs hugging him. He hugged him back. He pulled away and punched him. "Owe. What was that for?" "Don’t ever leave us again." "I won’t." "So Cody's back?" Tyler asked, curiously. "Yeah he turned up last night." Toby answered. Toby and Taylor had told Tyler all about their older brother and how he'd left before they'd moved two doors down he told them he needed to find himself and he'd be back when he had. "So has he changed?' He asked remembering the photos that they'd had hidden away from their mother cause she chose to forget about him cause he left them alone after their father had left." "Yeah a lot he came home with Taylor." "Really?" "Yeah he was waiting outside the school for me. I had no ideahe was coming home." Taylor answered. "Bet you're glad he did." "I am." "Wait a minute , didn't you have detention with Brandon after school, right?" "I did, what are you getting at Tyler?" She asked, confused. "Did he see him?" "They all did." He grinned evily. "Oh no. I know that look what you thinking Tyler?" "You want Brandon to get off your back right?" "Yeah.Oh no I am not." "Come on Tay if he thinks Cody is your boyfriend he'll back off." "But he's not, he's my brother." "He hasn't got to know that. Just give Cody the heads up. I'm sure he won't mind lying for a while. Until Brandon gets fed up of chasing you." "Could work." "Toby." She whined. "Just saying. Is Cody picking you up after school?" "Yeah. He knows you've got that game tonight." "And Friday, ask Cody to come make it look more real." "What the f**k have you got me into?"
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