Forced To Deal With The Brat

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POV: Keith *Punch*, *punch*,..... I continue hitting the punching bag furiously. I needed to blow off some steam to take my mind off the transaction that would take place today. It was an important arrangement, a necessity I’d say. I was closing a deal with the late Sir Cooper's wife and daughter, mainly his daughter because everything now belongs to her after the death of her father, which is totally her fault if you ask me. Well, I wouldn't be signing with that b***h in person, the mere thought of being in the same space with her irritated the f**k out of me. Mr Cooper, goddess bless his soul, was a good and hardworking man. Rather unfortunate that he had a spoilt brat like Ameera for a daughter and an only child at that. I couldn't let his hard-earned wealth go to waste because of his daughter's greed, so when I got word of her putting up her father's assets for sale I made sure to be the only werewolf that could get his hands on it. For one thing, he owned lands all around my territory and I know it would be dangerous to let them fall in the hands of the wrong Alpha. These days, securing our territory is a lot harder with the humans living amongst us, and the bloodthirsty Alphas that would kill anyone that stands in their way. The werewolves lack law and order because we do not have a king. The humans tend to avoid us like a plague because they have heard about our supernatural abilities, and they know how much we value a hybrid female. If you ask me, I think they are all crazy. I don’t believe in the damn myth, I don’t even want any of those maniacs to get the power to dominate others and thus become the king of wolves. They all believe that mating with a virgin hybrid gives an Alpha the power to subdue and dominate every other pack. This myth has caused Alphas to go to war against each other to get a virgin hybrid. Many power-hungry Alphas go the extra mile to get a virgin hybrid as a mate. Some spend so much money to buy her, while some decide to use violence and threats, which lead to war and kidnapping. Ameera’s mom had taken a huge risk to have her and keep her safe down to this point. But I don’t think it was worth it, to me all these stories are just baseless myths that have turned us into crazy, power-hungry creatures. They are not true, none of it. Some even believe that the truth has been twisted and hidden by dark forces that are trying to keep the true Alpha with a pure bloodline from finding his true mate and becoming the king of all wolves, thereby subduing every Alpha and ruling over all. But I still don’t believe that story either. The pure bloodline ended centuries ago when the last true Alpha was betrayed and murdered by his own Beta and best friend. No one could lay claims to the throne after that, those who tried to seize the throne forcefully ended up dying miserably. If you ask me, I think every Alpha should focus on their packs and try to be more successful. No one deserves the throne, not when it gives absolute power to anyone who sits on it. Becoming the king is like an invitation to other Alphas to hate you. They would betray and kill anyone that sit on that throne, and that is one of the reasons why I don’t want anything to do with the damn throne or the myths surrounding it. I had to run a background check on Ameera, the only child of Mr Cooper, and it was no surprise when I got wind of her wanting to sell off her father's property, every damn thing. I found out she had some bad guys looking for her as well, but that is none of my business. I’m sure they won’t be searching for her if she didn’t offend them, so I suggest she settles her issues with them and not drag her poor mom into her mess. Her father was a good friend, he was one of the few humans who still hung around us, despite our evil nature, and he has always wanted me to take her as a mate, claiming that we are both destined for greatness. But I don’t believe all that bullshit about the prophecy and my role in restoring our kingdom to its greatness and strength. If my ancestors before me couldn’t sit on the golden throne, then who the hell am I? That throne has been vacant for centuries. The pure bloodline ended centuries ago when the last true Alpha was betrayed and murdered by his own Beta and best friend. His murder was covered up by the people who betrayed him. It is said that the last king soiled his hands with the blood of the innocent, and this is why he was banished from earth. And now a new king has to emerge to free us from this curse on our lands and unite the whole kingdom. I don’t know what we need a king for, I mean, we are all living happily, aren’t we? The only is that the Alphas are trying to kill each other, and they are using this ridiculous myth to try and get to the throne. They all know it is a myth, but as long as it gets them to the throne, they are ready to do anything to get a hybrid as a mate. So ridiculous! I don’t know about the other Alphas, but I’m certainly not looking for a hybrid to be my mate, and I don’t wish to be king of any kingdom either. I only cared about Ameera because her father and I were good friends, and he made me promise to look out for his daughter when he was gone. Besides, the lands in her possession were promised to me by her father if only I agreed to take her in and keep her safe. Those lands are in my territory, I can’t let them fall into the wrong hands. Besides, I don’t think we need a king, so I won’t let any of them get their hands on a hybrid and claim the throne wrongly. I guess her father has always known that he will be assassinated someday, he was always talking about his daughter, planning her future, and searching for a good man to look after her. He wanted me to protect, I’m guessing that is why he bought that many lands in my territory, hoping I give in to his demands in exchange for those lands. He’s a smart man, and she is damn lucky to have a father who loves and cares about her so much. But who would want to be with such an arrogant spoilt brat anyway? The door to the gym slams open causing me to snap my head in annoyance to look at the culprit. It was one of the lower-ranked warriors, Kevin or whatever the f**k his name was. His eyes roamed around frantically for a brief second before landing on me, fear etched in his facial expression as he looked at me briefly before lowering his gaze. "What the f**k have you barging in here like your tail's caught on fire?" I snap angrily, sweat dripping down my brows. "M-my apologies Alpha. But there's news from the Beta." He stutters fearfully. News from Peter? The arrangement went quicker than expected. "News from Peter? Why didn't he tell me himself?" I ask, stepping away from the punching bag and towards the shivering warrior. "Well Alpha, he said that he's been trying to contact you through the mind link but he couldn't get through to you." Ahh yes, I forgot that I had blocked anyone from mind-linking me, but that still doesn't explain whatever his name is looked like he was about to s**t his pants. "Well? Do you want an invitation to deliver the message? Speak." I bark impatiently. I wanted to be left alone and his presence only annoyed me further. "Apologies Alpha. Beta Peter said to tell you that there's been an accident during the transaction. An unexpected lightning struck at one of the trees in the woods where the meeting was taking place, the lightning caused a fire in the woods and Miss Ameera was injured severely. While the Beta was able to make it out unharmed, the same cannot be said for Miss Ameera. She was entrapped by the fire and also struck brutally by a tree. She's on her way to the hospital as we speak." Running a hand down my face, I clench my jaw as I turn away from the informant, Nodding in understanding "Fine, you may leave." I dismiss him and it doesn't take a second before I hear his retreating footsteps followed by the sound of the door shut shortly after. This was the last thing I needed. Lightening? For f***s sake how did that happen? There were no indications of rain so where the f**k did the lightning come from? Picking up my towel and bottle of water, I head out of the gym. I was the least bit concerned for Ameera's safety, the b***h could rot for all I care. I was more concerned for Peter's safety seeing as I was supposed to be in his place and knowing that he was fine was enough for me. I take a shower to wash off the sweat, my muscles relaxing under the cold shower. Stepping out of the shower, I dry off before putting on a pair of dark-washed jeans, a black button-up shirt, and a pair of black shoes. I run my fingers through my hair, giving it a rugged messy look, just my style. 'Peter, where is she?' I mind-linked my Beta, grabbing my car keys as I stepped out of my room. I lived in my own house, away from the pack house. It wasn't like every other kind of clustered house for most wolves, alpha and Luna included. I loved my privacy, so I had my house to myself. “Alpha Keith! Fucking hell! Finally.” He sighs through the mind link, obviously relieved that I’d finally responded to him. “She's at St. Francis Hospital. Her mother was devastated upon hearing the news and requested that she be brought there as it was her family hospital, so she could be with her.” I nearly snort at that, not surprised to hear that. Ameera was a mama's girl, which wasn't a surprise as to why she was a spoilt brat. She had everything at her beck and call, her mother practically worshipped the ground she walked on. “I'll be there soon.” “Wait, Alp-' I block the mind link without waiting for him to finish. Getting into my car, I drive towards St. Francis Hospital. As soon as I reach my destination, I suck in a deep breath before stepping out of my car and up the stairs leading to the hospital. The hospital is buzzing with activities, a few werewolves bowing slightly to pay their respects upon seeing me. "Where is she?" I stopped one of the nurses who I recognized to be a werewolf. "Down the hall, the first door to your left Alpha." Without a word, I walk past her following her directions. Reaching the door, I knock twice before pushing open the door. Well f**k, I didn't expect her to look this bad, I mean I sort of expected her to look a bit roughened up around the edges but she looked bad. A big difference from her usual bitchy princess look. Noticing my presence, Lorraine Cooper who's seated next to her daughter looks at me with red-rimmed eyes and a tear-stricked face. "Alpha, thank you for being here. It means a lot to us." She says, drawing attention to me. Peter and the few others in the room also look at me. "Of course Mrs Cooper, I came as soon as I could." I offer her a nod. She nods before returning her gaze back to her daughter, rubbing her hands. Peter walks up to me, hands in his pockets. "Quite a sight huh?" I continue to stare at the half-dead woman without saying a word. "It's a miracle she's alive. Doctor says her heart stopped for a moment, so she was practically dead and then she came back to life." I grunted softly in response, acknowledging his words. Well isn't she a lucky one? "How did the agreement go?" "Actually, Alpha, It wasn’t going well, she had tried to change the terms just moments before the accident happened. She wants you to have the lands and everything else you wish to have, but she wants to get out of the deal, she doesn’t want your protection or care. In her own words, she said she doesn’t want to set her eyes on you ever again." He responded, making me sigh in relief because I did not want to deal with her either. I stood there and watched her talking to her mom. At first, it seemed like she had amnesia, then a few minutes later, she said it was all a nice mistake, claiming it was the fault of her Wolf Elaine. Classic Ameera, always being dramatic and creating a scene everywhere. I didn’t know she had shifted for the first time, and I know nothing about her wolf, so yeah, I don’t believe the b***h. I don’t believe one word from her mouth. Her admission that it was a mistake made her mom quite excited, so I couldn’t spoil the mood by saying something mean. I just want to make a little conversation with her before I leave, "Ho-" I get interrupted by the beeping sounds of machines. I look at Ameera to see her violently shaking and I c**k my head slightly. Was she finally dying? In no time doctors and nurses flooded the room, trying to check her vitals so they could stable her. Lorraine crouches to the floor crying hysterically for her daughter, pity. All of a sudden she stops shaking. “Dead yet?” I thought within me, not caring about her one bit. Her machine flatlines for a moment before it starts beeping again. "Doctor? Is she okay?" Lorraine asks tearfully, now back at her daughter's side. "Mrs Cooper.." He suddenly pauses, mouth open in shock as he looks at Ameera. “What the f**k is wrong with him?” I thought within me. I drew closer to the bed, understanding the cause of his shock as her brown orbs stared back at me, lifeless… “Wait, is she really dead?” I thought within me, smiling to myself. She would be doing us a huge favor and sparing her mom a lifetime of pain if she just died already! Let’s be honest, I’m not mean or even arrogant. But you see this girl, I f*****g hate her! Too bad I’ll have to deal with her again when she survives this, I mean if she survives this. I know I’m being mean, but I really wish she died in this hospital and saved me the stress of having to babysit her. She is just too much to handle.
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