He’s a Lunatic

2294 Words
POV: Ameera As I sat in my room looking out of the ceiling to floor glass window, I couldn’t help replaying the events of that night, and how dad had given his life to save ours. He practically died to save my life, and that is the best thing anyone has ever done for me since I was born. I don’t know how I’m going to understand this new world of werewolves and monsters, I have no idea how I’m going to survive without dad. But I believe I can do it, I don’t need Alpha Keith’s protection, I just need to get out of here and disappear from their radar. I know they can sense my presence, I’ve felt theirs too. I don’t know how my first shift turned to a beacon, leading them directly to me. I’m still finding it hard to understand the feelings I’m having when these guys are close by, it’s as if I’m mated to everyone and no one. No novel or history lesson about werewolves could prepare me for what I’m going through right now. I don’t even want to tell mom about these weird feelings I’m having whenever I sense that an Alpha is close by. She would only panic and emphasize the need for me to be with Alpha Keith. I need time to figure out how I would live my life without depending on one of these Alphas for protection. I need time to figure out the next steps to take to secure my future, and that is why I decided to sell out my inheritance without informing anyone, not even mom. You know, I use to wonder why mom made me read more novels about werewolves and their history. She practically taught me everything I need to know about them, leaving out the part where I’m supposed to be informed of my true Destiny and my identity. She knew the rules, and yet she still went head to be with my dad, making my life so complicated. I guess she has always thought that Alpha Keith would accept his destiny and take me as a mate. But she fails to understand that even Alpha Keith cannot save me from what is coming because be has no idea who they are and why they desire me so much. I don’t know them either, but I can feel their presence as the draw closer to me, and deep down in my heart, I know that it is way more than they imagine. I feel a darkness in my soul that scares the shot out of me. I just hope I get out of here before they come. I can figure it out on my own, I don’t need a mean, ruthless and arrogant Alpha to push me around. Gosh, I hate Alpha Keith. If only I’d known that he is a werewolf all this while, I would have understood why he is so mean to everyone. He practically puts fear in the heart of everyone around him, making everyone cowering in fear when he is around. He is the last person I want around me, and that is why I was so pissed when I saw him stepping out of one of cars that just pulled over in our driveway. “What did you do?” I asked my mom as I stared out of the window, looking at the convoy parked right in front of our house. She’s been talking about an important guest coming today, but I didn’t think it would be him. And now that I’m looking at him as he stepped out of his Rolls Royce, I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel because I really don’t want to have anything to do with this dude, not in a lifetime. “Just go to him Mera, and hear what he has to say. The deal has been concluded already, we can’t change it now, not without your father. You belong to him and that is final.” She told me firmly. I can tell that this is exactly what she wants, but I won’t give her the pleasure of seeing me miserable in the arms of that bastard. “Watch me get rid of that bastard!” I told her firmly, turning to walk away from her. She called out to me, trying to stop me from confronting him. But my mind is made up. I’m getting rid of that bastard and I’m sending him out of this house, whether he likes it or not. Who the hell does he think he is, how dare he try to buy me? I walked down the flight of stairs, going down to the large sitting room where he sat with his guys who I presume were here to protect him in case things go south. It’s so easy to spot him amongst the guys, the aura surrounding him is quite different, it’s so intimidating and a little bit scary, if I’m being honest. He sits like a f*****g king, his piercing gaze fixed on me as he carries himself like freaking royalty. On a normal day, I would be falling for this guy because, Damn, he’s so hot and sexy. His abs and muscles are well-defined, so tempting and inviting. I had to blink a few times and remind myself that I’m supposed to be fleeing the other way, and not being attracted to this guy. “How much, Alpha?” I asked him, ignoring the warning looks I was getting from everyone around him. There was one guy in particular who kept giving me this weird look with his eyes, he also tried to do some hand signals, warning me to keep mute. But I just didn’t care about his warnings, I simply do not care. “Excuse me?” he responded angrily, obviously insulted by my question. “I don’t know what deal you had with my father, but I refuse to be dragged into your miserable life, I refuse to run and hide for the rest of my life. So tell me how much he paid you to do this, and I’ll pay you back every cent.” I stated firmly, pulling out my checkbook from the drawer not too far from where I was standing in front of him. He tipped his head to the side and gazed at me strangely, sporting a rare smile that seemed to make every other person around him so nervous. It seems they all froze at that moment or maybe they just stopped breathing, I really can’t say. But I felt his aura change as he fixed me a stern gaze, sizing me up. I tried not to flinch, but I couldn’t stand him staring at me that way, it’s just so intimidating. “Get her things into the car!” he instructed his guards. I was surprised to hear him speak about my bags because I don’t remember packing anything. He stood up and walked past me, ignoring me as if I was not standing right there in front of him. When I turned to see where he was going, I saw my mom, standing by the stairs with a few maids. And surprisingly, they had my bags neatly packed, waiting for his instruction. “How could you be so mean to me mom, why do you hate me so much?” I asked, trying not to sob and look even more pathetic. She ignored me, acting as though she wasn’t hearing me. He did the same thing as they both acted as if I was just a furniture in the room. His boys grabbed my bags from the maids and took them out of the house, obviously taking them to his car. I screamed and yelled at everyone, but no one answered me, not even my mom. He had a little conversation with Mom, and she handed him some documents to sign, sealing my fate right in front of me. “You are making a huge mistake, Alpha! I won’t go anywhere with you! You’ll have to drag me out of this house because I won’t go with you, I won’t leave this house!” I yelled desperately, trying to look and sound tough. I turned to run back to my room, but before I took two steps, I found him standing right in front of me, looking so furious, giving off dangerous vibes, “Don’t f*****g test my patience!” he roared at my face, making me shiver in fear. Before I knew what was happening, he lifted me off the floor and placed me on his shoulder roughly. The next thing I knew, he was heading towards the exit with no care about my feelings. I kicked and yelled at him, telling him to put me down. But he wouldn’t listen to me. When I wouldn’t stop thrashing around, he spanked me hard on my butt, making me yelp in pain, or so I thought anyway. “You naughty girl! You like that, don’t you?” he asked in a sarcastic tone, laughing at my weakness. It was then that I realized that I had not yelled in pain when he spanked my ass, instead, I was moaning in pleasure. Why do I find this monster irresistible and sexy, why am I aroused by his rough treatment and mean attitude, does this have anything to do with the wolf that appeared in my life a few days ago? Fuck! I’m so doomed! How did I end up in this mess, how do I get rid of this wolf that is making it hard for me to hate this Alpha as much as I want to? “Don’t go having funny ideas, little girl… You are certainly not my type and I will never be attracted to you.” He lets out in that hoarse tone that makes me want to cream my panties with my juices. He has no idea what he’s up against, I’ll f*****g make his life miserable for treating me this way, I’ll make him send me back to my mother and beg her to take me back. He has no idea what trouble awaits him. “Of course, I’m not your type Keith. Everyone knows you are either impotent or gay!” I responded mockingly, laughing out loudly when he paused in his movement to digest my words. I thought I was winning until he threw me into the car roughly and leaned over to glare dangerously at me, “You will learn to respect me and fear me, Ameera. By the time I’m done with you, you will do whatever it takes to please me, I promise you.” He told me fiercely, making me shiver in fear as I moved back to avoid his venomous gaze. I can’t believe I still find him sexy and attractive, despite his harsh words. It’s Elaine, it’s got to be her. She needs to get out of my head, I need to get rid of her before she makes me fall for this rude bastard. “Don’t even think about it! I’m not your father or your mother, and I won’t hesitate to spank that pretty ass of yours if you dare defy my orders!” he yelled at me fiercely as I scrambled to the other side of the car, trying to pry open the door and jump out. He pulled my arm roughly, forcing me to sit right as he buckled my seat belt, strapping me to my seat before getting into the car. He banged the car door so hard, making my mind skip a beat as he turned to glare dangerously at me, acting as though he would rather be anywhere but here. “Try one more s**t with me and your riding in the trunk of this f*****g car!” he told me, meaning every f*****g word. “I want out! I don’t need your protection, and I certainly don’t need you. You don’t like me? Perfect, Keith, because the feeling is mutual. You don’t dictate how I live my life, and you don’t tell me what to do!” I screamed at his face, daring to challenge him. He locked his hand in my hair, and I felt something hard pressing to my side, making me shiver in fear. “I could kill you right here and now, and nothings gonna happen,” he threatened me, pressing his gun to my side. “Well, do it then! What the hell are you waiting for?” I retorted in that icy tone that seems to hit on his last nerve. “Oh, yeah? Well, that’s perfect sweetheart because now I won’t be feeling guilty to do this,” he told me, smiling evilly as he pushed open the car door and stepped out of the car, locking the door as hard as he did earlier. I turned curiously, trying to figure out what he is up to this time. He walked around to my side of the car and he opened the door angrily, locking his hand on my hair and pulling me out of the car. I screamed in pain, thrashing around and struggling to free myself. But he wasn’t listening to me, he dragged me to the back of the car and threw me in the trunk, shutting it firmly. “Enjoy the ride,” he lets out cheerily and tapped lightly on the trunk to indicate that he was talking to me. I heard the car door close and next thing I knew, we were pulling out of the driveway with me yelling and screaming like a lunatic in the trunk of the car. Gosh, He’s a Lunatic!
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