1928 Words

I didn’t text back and instead texted my father, who agreed to take Rango for me. I wanted to see if Rango and Emma would get along anyway, so that they could be friends. “Hey Rango, want to go meet your grandpa and his doggy?” I asked. Rango raised his head, and his tail started wagging. I smiled and got out of bed. I should have them meet before I leave him there. I went and got ready for the drive to Dad’s house when Dean walked into my room. “Hey, Little Red, I just got off the phone with Wilson. I took off two weeks of work, and we will be heading down to Florida in two days, the family has agreed that a vacation would be great. I will get the plane tickets there, so we aren’t followed. However, with what has been going on and to make you feel better, Wilson and I have ordered two

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