1769 Words

In the middle of the night, I heard the door open. I squinted my eyes and saw Colin coming in. He looked like he had been drinking. I closed my eyes and tried to get some more sleep. Before I fell asleep, I felt a kiss on my cheek. Did Colin just kiss me? “Goodnight, Giggles. I love you,” I heard him say. It took everything in me not to jump in his arms. Colin loved me back. That explains a lot, like why he was so pissed off at Daryl lately. Maybe Daryl was right, but Colin was also drunk. This could just be him being intoxicated. Before I could talk to Colin at all, he fell on the other side of my bed. I rolled over to face him, and he was passed out. I hoped he wouldn’t remember this tomorrow. He could get into a lot of trouble if anything happened between us. I covered him up and wen

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