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A shiver ran down my spine, and I started to panic a little. With the random message this morning and this note, I wanted to tell Dean about it, but he was already so tired. He was the detective, not me. I was sure it was just a birthday prank, but there was no harm in looking into it later. I started making my way to Riverview High School. Knowing today was a half day made it bearable to leave the house, but driving was always something I hated. People were assholes. I couldn’t count how many times I had been cut off in the short time it took me to get places, not to mention people didn't use their turn signals. The pedestrians never looked before crossing the street and were always walking in the middle of the road; I was so afraid I was going to hit someone. After the short drive, I pulled into the parking lot of the school and was happy that I had found a space to park so close to the front doors. I shut off my car and got out, making my way to the entrance and waving at students that I speak to on occasion as I walked inside. Once inside, I made my way to my locker and threw my bag inside, slamming it shut. I let out a huff and continued into the school to the cafeteria. I dragged my feet the whole way when I realized I didn't want to be there. When I got to the cafeteria, I scanned the room for my best friends, Danny and Blake. I found them sitting at our normal table in the far back corner. Blake looked pissed off, but Danny just looked amazing. Blake Jones was one of a kind. We became best friends when Oz started playing football; he was also on the team. Blake also liked to surf, which was something we liked to do together. He had sandy blonde hair and a toned body and was a real sweetheart. But the thing that got everyone’s attention the most was his eyes; one was blue, and the other was green. It was the first thing I noticed about him when we met. Danny Ortega was a bit different; he was considered a nerd at school. Even though he didn’t have to be. He was handsome, with light brown hair and light brown eyes to match. He was muscular, with the nicest smile I had ever seen on anyone. He was smart and was graduating this year, unlike myself who had to come back for another year. If it weren’t for my crush on Colin, I would have been dating Danny. I walked over to my boys and took a seat next to Danny. “Hey boys, what’s up?” “I want school to be over with already. I know we only have three classes to do today, but I am just ready to party at your house tonight,” Blake said, pulling me into a hug and whispering happy birthday to me, his blonde hair poking me in the eye as he did. “I want to see Liam before school ends. So, I have to be here. Why didn't you skip?” I knew why Danny didn't skip school, but Blake had never cared about his grades or attendance. "I was waiting for you to get here in your car. My mother made me come today, but I was hoping you would let me take your car to the beach and pick you up after school," Blake said, raising an eyebrow and smiling at me. "Yeah, all right, don't hurt my baby, or Dean will kill you. He spent a lot of money on that car," I warned. "Yeah, yeah, I won't. Love you, girl." He took my keys and left as quickly as I came. I then turned my attention to my other lovely friend, Danny, who still had his nose shoved into a book. I cleared my throat, and he marked his page, taking off his reading glasses. “Yes, princess. What can I do for you today?” he asked, flashing me a smile. "It's my birthday!" I half screamed at him, making him giggle. I jumped on him and threw my arms around his neck, kissing his cheek. “I know, I got you something,” he replied. "Really? What is it? Come on, let me have it, please?" I begged with excitement. He shook his head and winked at me. "Nope, I'm going to make you suffer until your party tonight." "You jerk! Who would do such a thing?" I said, hoping to change his mind and get my gift early. He just laughed at me and started getting up to go to class. "See you tonight," was all he said before he kissed my cheek, stood up, and walked out of the cafeteria. If I thought it was possible, I would have beaten the s**t out of him, but he was so much bigger than me. Some people thought I was weird for hanging out with just guys. Having a twin brother like Ozzy, I just sort of grew on them, and they grew on me. I had girl friends at one point, but they judged me for hanging out with Danny, and that was something that really bothered me. Danny was cute, and I couldn’t help but watch as he walked away. He was sweet and a man my age that I adored. I followed his lead when the bell rang indicating I needed to get to first-period gym class. Mr. Jackson was the gym teacher and a good friend to me. His first name was Liam, and he helped me through so much during my time at school. He was a great listener when you needed him, and not just for me, but he was there for all the students. He was also great at giving advice on handling high school drama; I think it was because it wasn’t too long since he was here as a student. I was a popular girl when I came to high school, but when I started hanging out with Danny, I lost that title. With him being considered a nerd at school, even with his good looks, my fashionable friends didn't want to be seen with me after I befriended him. I didn't care in the least. I didn't like titles; plus, Danny was one of my best friends. The bullying was hard to bear, though, and I was about to give in and end my friendship with Danny. Liam was the one who talked me through the hard times, and I respected him highly for it. I don't know what I would have done without him. I was depressed for the longest time, but I wasn't going to turn my back on a great friend for a bunch of fake ones. When I made my way to the gym, I realized I had forgotten my gym clothes, and I knew Liam was not going to make the class as easy as the rest of the teachers would. I took a seat in the stands and watched as the other students came in and out of the locker rooms getting changed. When the bell rang, a whistle followed, and we all made our way to the middle of the gym. Liam came into view, wearing basketball shorts and a muscle shirt. I couldn’t imagine him doing anything more than running football plays and teaching kids how to stay in shape. He had blond hair with blue eyes. He was fit, of course, but he had to be for a gym teacher. He reminded me of Blake sometimes with how childlike he acted. “Well, class, I know it’s your last day, but don’t expect me to make it easy on you. Today we are going to be doing a workout. I want you all to do 15 laps around the gym and don’t walk it. Then 20 sit-ups, 20 pushups, and then one time up and back down the rope. Go!” Liam blew his whistle, and everyone took off around the gym.
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