Unexpected Protection

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Chapter 6 Beta Timothy I get a mind link from the warriors on patrol, for an issue over at the border to the Silver Blade pack. Two different warriors let me know that we have a rouge on our land that recently jumped the fence running from several other wolves. They both reported that the wolf that trespassed was a fairly large black wolf and that when it phased back to its human form, turned out to be a girl. Both were waiting on me to tell them what to do, as they said that the girl was arguing with the Alpha family and several warriors still on the Silver Blade side of the border. I am acting Alpha as Alpha Cole Walker and his family were out of town right now, so I was notified of the breach. I told them to stay there and just monitor what is happening and not to allow anyone else from the Silver Blade side of the border to enter our packlands. I phased into my wolf and headed out with three more warriors, to see what in the hell was going on out there. It is 2 am for Goddess's sake, and nothing like this has ever happened before. People knew better than to try to trespass here at the Blood Walker pack. We had an earned reputation, and although we are not as bloodthirsty as most of the more vicious rumors are, we do not allow rogues or potential problems onto our packlands. We made excellent time getting out there, and one of the warriors at the border was telling me that he felt sorry for the young she-wolf as she was being threatened by Alpha Sullivan and that apparently, she was his daughter. I had heard that they were blessed with twins, but no one had ever seen the other twin. It had been rumored that she had been killed in some kind of accident a few years back, but no one outside their pack had ever seen her. I am stunned, we have seen one daughter for the Alpha couple for Silver Blade repeatedly. I have seen myself how he and his Luna dote on her. She can do no wrong and they have spoiled her excessively. How could they still have twin girls, if one of them had been reported to the Werewolf Council as having died years ago? I speed up as I know we are two minutes out and sent two of the men with me to back up the wolves on patrol on either side of the border to Silver Blade. I took one of the men with me, as we would be the only ones that they would be seeing unless I needed the other men to make an appearance. The group at the fence has no idea that they have been watched since our border was breached. We make sure to keep away from this particular border and just watched it from the tree line, in case there is a problem over there, before resuming their patrol. I mindlinked them all to get changed into some shorts, as we may be approaching the group. We all listened to the yelling, and I was surprised to see the beautiful young girl who was so angry at Alpha Sullivan. Then I did a double take as I see their daughter still on the Silver Blade side of the border. I thought that the warrior told me that Alpha Sullivan’s daughter was the one who had crossed our border. Before I can link him to tell me what he had overheard them say again, I heard their argument kick back up. “I am ashamed to have such an ingrate as a daughter. You will stop arguing right now and come back to Silver Blade before you are caught on their lands. I have already told you they will kill you. Be sensible and come back home. I swear to you I won’t hurt you for the clear disrespect that you have shown us tonight. I won’t warn you again, you will listen to me, Raven, and do as I say” Alpha Sullivan said. “Sorry, Dad,” the girl tells him in the most sarcastic way that she can. I cannot stop the smile that comes across my face. She is a little spitfire and I love that I got to see that conceited and arrogant Alpha be so disrespected. That alone in my opinion should allow her entry into our pack, as she and Alpha Walker have that in common. Neither of them liked, nor respected, Alpha Sullivan, and frankly, I don’t either. “Then I am going to Alpha command you to return. You cannot be found on their land. Return now, or I will come over there and kill you where you stand” Alpha Sullivan said, and I cannot control the low growl that rips out of me. For some reason, I am protective of that young girl, and I will not allow Alpha Sullivan or any of the people with him to harm her, not on our land. The way he operates he would come over our border, kill her, then report us for killing her to the council. I have seen him work. He cannot be trusted at all, he is a deceitful man. “Then come on over here and do it then, Dad. I will not be returning ever again if I can help it. You have hurt me enough for two lifetimes. How can you have two daughters, and yet hide one away? Allow the whole pack to mistreat me, and then allow her” she motioned to her sister who is standing there glaring at her not even trying to hide the hate in her eyes from anyone, “to do whatever in the hell she wants. You have kept me from being able to leave our land or have any sort of freedom. Plus, I know in my heart that you and Reagan are behind this little plan to make Justin her chosen mate. How could you hurt me like that? I have done nothing to any of you and yet I am treated as if I am something disgusting on the bottom of your shoe. I refuse to come back there, and if death is what awaits me here, then I will indeed accept it. It is better than living in the Silver Blade pack. You will either imprison me again, or kill me if I come back, and neither of those options is acceptable to me” the girl yells back at him and I suddenly catch a familiar scent in the air. I give her a harder look and I am stunned, can it even be possible? After all this time? “Raven, you have embarrassed the family enough. Come back right this minute. I cannot believe that you are willing to cause us to go through this kind of shame and embarrassment. What is wrong with you? You were a good daughter and listened well, you need to do that again. I don’t know what has gotten you so upset, but we can work through it, together, but only if you return to our pack. We are the only ones who can keep you safe. Just listen to me. I will protect you, just come back now before you are found. Once they know that you are here, they WILL kill you. They are not our allies and they hate our pack. They will take it out on you as they are totally unreasonable savages. We are your family. You will have nothing and no one to protect you if you continue to be stubborn and resistant. I can help you, I am your mother, and I only want what is best for both of my daughters” Luna Sullivan calls out into the night. I can hear her imploring tone, but anyone can tell if that girl is dumb enough to jump back over to the Silver Blade side of the border, that she won’t make it ten steps before she is killed. “Mom, are you seriously trying to tell me in some kind of weird way, after 18-plus years, that you suddenly love me? Do you expect me to actually believe it? No birthday parties for me, only for my twin. No freedom for me, just for my twin. Never allowed to leave the pack, go shopping, nothing at all for me, only for that w***e of a daughter that you two are so stinking proud of. I have already told you all to go, you can leave. I will not be crossing back over to the Silver Blade pack. I can only hope that the Goddess gives you all that you deserve. I would love to be around to see you get it, but if she decides to call me home and I get killed in front of you all by the Blood Walker pack, I hope the Goddess allows it to continually play in your mind seeing me torn apart after all your abuse. I would rather a stranger do it than my family. Although you have let that slut attempt to kill me, and she never got into any trouble for it at all” the girl they called Raven said. She sounded pretty frustrated, and I could tell from the conversation why she would be angry. “You stupid b***h. I hate you and I will be forever sorry that I didn’t catch up to you sooner and shove you harder, off of that bridge. I wish you were dead, I really do. I hate the fact that we shared a womb for 5 months. I have hated you my whole life, you were a mistake to even exist. You are pretty smart to not come back over here to the Silver Blade. Even if mom and dad did actually let you go, and not punish you. I wouldn’t. I would find a way to kill you before, or after, I become the Luna. I can’t wait for the Blood Walker pack to show up here now. It won’t bother me a bit to see you be torn apart and mauled to death. You are a waste of a she-wolf and even though you apparently do have a wolf, you are still worthless and pathetic. Pining away waiting for your mate when you know that dad said the first to find their mate gets the pack. You are an i***t, thinking that he would even do it. How is that mate search working out for you now? Is Justin your mate, or MY mate now?” Alpha Sullivan's daughter calls out and then starts a taunting laugh. Now that girl I do recognize. She is that spoiled brat that belongs to Graham and Cassandra. All the pieces are falling into place now. I know why she came running to our pack to get away. This poor girl has been put through the wringer tonight, I am amazed that she is still standing there and being confrontational when I can smell the fear coming off of her from here. She believe that she will be killed here, but still stayed, knowing that of the two options, it was safer for her to be here. “As the firstborn child, the Luna position should have been mine, per Werewolf law. But you people just make stuff up and go with whatever you want to do. You still haven’t found your mate, but yet are completely fine being willing to steal mine away from me. You two are completely disgusting, and I wish you and Justin a long and miserable life together. You can’t keep your legs together, and I hope Justin realizes it sooner than later. You conned and seduced him, now his life will never be what the Goddess planned for him. All because you two wanted to become the next Alpha couple. You put money and position over the blessing of getting a true mate. I hope that the Goddess gives you both exactly what you deserve in life. Take him, after seeing you two having s*x together, especially after finding out that he was actually aware that I was his mate, I don’t want him anymore. Congratulations family, you finally broke me. I can’t live in a pack seeing my sister rub it in my face every day that she took my own mate away from me, and know that he literally signed up to do it. I cannot take the pain that comes with feeling my mate has betrayed me. I won’t live with it, I would rather die. So, excuse me while I go find someone that will help me with ending this horrible life. I hope all your actions towards me were worth this outcome” Raven told them and then turned to walk away. There was a lot of yelling coming from the Alpha family, and from that young man who had apparently rejected her. I felt terrible for her and so I exited the shadows heading towards her. I saw it the moment she noticed me, freezing in place, with terror evident on her face. The closer I got to her the more the scent increased. I know this scent. I cannot believe what has happened and I gave a cold glance over to the border. I am going to deal with this, and I am going to let them all know that there is going to be punishment dealt out to them over this. I already know that Alpha Walker is going to be the vessel that the Goddess works from, and I can guarantee that the punishment will be swift. “My name is Timothy DeSavage, I am the Beta of the Blood Walker pack. We will provide sanctuary to this young woman, and I am absolutely positive that Alpha Walker will be getting back to you over this matter Alpha Sullivan. Please make sure that no one else crosses our border. I can assure you that Raven will be the only one being offered sanctuary here. Anyone else that trespasses onto our packland will be killed instantly” I called out to them, my voice booming through the night as I know in my heart that we will be protecting this young woman with our lives. “You can’t threaten me Beta” Alpha Sullivan called back to me mocking my title and giving me a smirk. I returned the smirk with the one I know for a fact has made grown men piss themselves in fear before, calling back to him, “Come on over Alpha Sullivan and test that theory out. I will take great pleasure in ending you personally.” I can see the fear cross Alpha Sullivan’s face. I also know that when I offered Raven sanctuary, it lets the Alpha couple know that I already knew who Raven is. I see the smile freeze on his face when he realizes that he IS going to be dealt with, and soon. Raven is motionless behind me, and I know that she is terrified. She will never come to harm here at the Blood Walker pack. I made sure that I was standing between her and Alpha Sullivan, so he couldn’t glare at her, or see her anymore. The warrior that had come here with me sensed that she is to be protected and came to my side to block her totally from their view. This interaction will probably be the last they have with Raven. They really made a mistake today, and if it is the last thing that I do, I will help Alpha Cole make this right for Raven. My comments to them let the rest of our men know that we are protecting her, and the other four warriors stepped out from where they were hiding. Just seeing the six of us all standing there and waiting for someone to do something stupid, ended up de-escalating the situation quickly. Even though there were only six of us standing there, we were hands down much stronger fighters than they are at Silver Blade. Plus, they didn’t know if there were more of us waiting in the wings. They made the correct decision to decide to back away from the border, as in a one-on-one fight, they knew that they were going to be dying if they tried. “Good night, Alpha Sullivan. I hope you have a good sleep” I called out to him in a mocking tone. I know he won’t be sleeping at all. I won’t either, as I will have to wake up my Alpha in the middle of the night to alert him to what has occurred here tonight. I am just glad that her life will be improving from this moment on. I turned to speak to her and saw her slipping into the tree line clearly trying to run away from us. I laughed as I hurried to catch her. She will never be hurt on Blood Walker land, she just doesn't know that yet.
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