Chapter 5-2

2209 Words

"What?" Jack"s attention shifted from the formations to the spectators. Ignoring the women, he searched for the man with the eye-patch. "Dear God; there he is again!" The man was quite distinct, half a head taller than his companions and carrying his telescope. As Jack watched the eye-patch man altered the direction of his gaze, so he looked directly at Jack. They examined each other: English-speaking civilian and British officer across the field when thousands of men were about to face each other in unimaginable s*******r. "You see her?" Haverdale sounded quite excited. "I see her," Jack confirmed. "Sir, I must speak to the colonel." "There is no time, Windrush. Can you not hear the bugle? We"re moving!" "Oh, sweet Lord." Handing back the telescope, Jack ran down to join his command.

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