Chapter 18-1

2022 Words

Oh, God, what"s happening? Oh, God, what"s happening?Jack kicked with his right foot and tried to flail his arms in a vain attempt to break the stranglehold. The man who held him was too powerful. Jack saw the open space of the maidan vanish as he was pulled further into the dark blur of the forest. He thought of his revolver, but even as he reached for it, his attacker threw him to the ground and kicked him savagely in the ribs. There were three of them – bare-chested Burmese – standing around him. One thumbed the edge of his dha and smiled. Is this death? Is this death?The vision came to Jack. He was standing at an old gate on the western foothills of the Malvern Hills. It was dusk with that soft pale pink hue settling over the glorious patchwork of fields and orchards that stretched

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