Chapter 9-1

2118 Words

"An Englishman? A renegade?" General Godwin pressed the fingers of his right hand onto the bullet- scarred desk. "I can"t allow that." He glanced at Harcourt. "What do your fellows report, Harcourt?" "Nothing sir. They couldn"t find him at all. They think the dacoits came by water and escaped the same way." "Cunning devils." Godwin shook his head. "That would tie in with having an Englishman in charge. He would know that we would have the sentries watching the land frontier and we"d rely on the Navy to keep control of the river. "How many men can you spare, Harcourt? We have to eradicate our renegade, and your Company wallahs are best for this sort of affair." Godwin pulled a map from the drawer of his desk. "This entire country is one big river system; the dacoits could be anywhere." "

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