Chapter 6-3

1938 Words

He shot behind Jett, who sat at the head of the table, and took his seat. “Hat off,” Jett said. “Sorry,” Joha said, taking off his hat and settled it on the table. Jett arched a thick eyebrow at the hat. Joha took the offending hat off the table and dropped it to the floor. “Rumbel?” Jett called out. Pronounced Roombel. The majordomo suddenly appeared through a side door. “Yes, master Jett?” “Get another place setting for our guest?” Jett said. “Of course, my lord.” Rumbel slipped through a swinging door, which I knew led to the kitchen. It had three ovens, two stoves, and several people manning the food preparation. I knew we were going to have soup, roast goose, and pies for desert—something I knew the moment I had walked inside the palace, in fact. I could hardly wait. My stomach

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