Chapter 7 Talk

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POV: Raphael I'm on my way to Haven's house to speak to them. They had informed me that Haven was not in the house right now so I took that opportunity to tell them. I knock on the door and Linda opens the door. "Come in Alpha" she bows her head. Luke and Jack do the same. We all sit in the living room. "What is this about?" Jack asks leading the conversation. Here goes. "I've found my fated mate." I reveal. Linda gasps. Luke has this realization look on his face. "It's Haven isn't it?" He asks. "Yes Haven is my Fated Mate. It was quite a shock." I admit. Linda gasps again. "What is you intentions with my daughter?" Jack asks being the protective father that he is. "I accept her." I say plainly. "What about Luna Queen Lillian?" Linda asks. "I plan to break the bond. Now this is going to be very complicated. I of course have my council to deal with and Lillian but I would never allow your daughter to be hurt in anyway." I tell them seriously. "You know she doesn't know about any of this right?" Linda says nervously. "Yes I know. Liam told me some things I'm not to happy about but we will move past that." I say. I hate the fact that someone thought that they could touch my mate. "You should know that Haven is antsy around men. There are few that she fully trusts. I being one. Jax is another and dad." Luke explains. I nod in understanding. "You could probably find a way in with Jax." Linda says. Jack is just sitting there looking like he's lost in thought. "Jack it everything ok" I say gaining his attention. "Yes. I'm just worried about Haven and how she will react to this situation." He admits. "I give you my word that I would never rush her. I will go at her own pace and it's not like I'm just going to drop the fact that Lycans and Werewolves are real on her today. When it's time for her to know then she will know." I promise him. "I appreciate that Alpha." He says a little calmer. "So this is why Liam broke up with her?" Luke queries. I confirm yes. We stay and chat for a little bit more. They took the news pretty well. ********************************* POV: Haven When I got up this morning I was feeling pretty down this morning. I felt a little depressed so I decided to paint. My mind keeps going to Raphael. I know I will most likely never see him again but something in me wants to. I need to stop thinking of him like that. It's wrong. I paint a little ceramic wolf. I don't like to paint them the standard colors an animal would normally be. I like to paint them different. For example the wolf i just painted is blue with green feet or paws. His nose is pink. I paint the tip of the tail green. Then he has purple eyes. It's for Jax of course. I give all the ceramics I paint to him. He seems to really like them. I set it to dry. My mom wanted me to go open the bakery and set up so thats where I am now. I actually like to bake. Obviously I learned from my mom. I place some cupcakes on a try in the display counter to be sold along with other cakes, cookies, muffins and more. My favorite cookie is the double chocolate mocha chip cookies that mom makes especially for me. I'm here for about three hours before my mom shows up. "Hey sweetie. How's everything going?" She asks. "Fine. Were out of Lemon pound cake." I inform her. "Ok I will make some more." She goes into the kitchen part to start mixing up the mixture. She puts about ten in the oven. We sell them by the slice. "So Have you thought about putting yourself back out there again?" Mom asks. "No! Mom i just had my first break up and for what reason I have no idea. I'm not ready." I tell her. I can't believe she would ask that. "I know honey but you know you could still keep an open mind. You never know the one could be closer than you think." She says. What is she trying to get at. "Mom please tell me your not trying to set me up again?" Yes my mother has tried to get me to go on dates before. In fact thats how Liam and I happened. "What no. Well maybe. I do have someone in mind." She says. "Mom please stop. I don't want to be in a relationship right now." I whine at her. "OK just remember if someone is showing interest. Give them a chance. You might be surprised." She says with this knowing look. What is she doing? "Can I go home now?" I want out of here away from her trying to play cupid. "Yes. Go on." I leave the bakery with my favorite cookies and go home. As I walk in the door Luke and dad are talking. "I don't know if she's ready for this." My dad says. "It could trigger her memories so maybe this is a good thing. No I know it is." Luke says to dad. Memories? Are they talking about me? "What about memories?" I ask alerting them to me. They both look like a deer caught in headlights. "N..nothing. don't worry about it." Dad stutters. Odd. "Are you ok dad?" I ask concerned. "Yes I'm ok. We were just talking about some old memories that you no longer remember is all." He says. I feel like he's lying. I look at him skeptically. "What memory? It might jog something." I say even though I know it won't. It never has before. Why would it now. Luke tells me one he's told before but it doesn't help. There is still nothing. I go up to my room and lounge around. Then I check my ceramic wolf to see if it's dry and it is. I figure I'd go ahead and visit Jax. I haven't seen him since I got back home. I walk to his house. He has a really in house that he also hold his work in. I see Cat as I enter the house. Jax told me that I don't have to know to just walk right on in. "Hey Cat." I greet. Cat is Jax's wife. "Oh Haven. Hey how was your trip?" She asks "Not great. Liam broke up with me." I tell her. "What? Why?" She ask shocked. "I don't know. Everything was fine. Tuen the morning after we got there he just dumps me and leaves me there with his dad." I vent to her. I like talking to her. She helps me a lot when I talk to her. "Wow. I can't believe he would actually do that. He just left you there?" I nod my head yes. "With Raphael?" She asks again. I nod in confirmation. "Raphael didn't mention any of that. I didn't know he was bringing you home." She says. "What do you mean?" Why would he tell them? "Well he's still here. He's leaving in the morning." She informs me. "Oh I didn't know. Anyway is Jax home?" She laughs. "Is that another ceramic for him?" I nod. "Yes he's home. He's in his office." She says. "Thank you." I go to Jax's office and open the door not even bothering to knock. As I said Jax tells me not to. In his office with him is Raphael. Jax then has this shocked look on his face.
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