2000 Words

“I should hope not,” she said. “Once is quite enough for me, I assure you. I have not reproached you, but it was rather inconsiderate.” “I know, Mother, and I am sorry. My only excuse is that the circumstances warranted it.” “Well, it’s done now,” Lady Coleby gave a quick sigh. “I pride myself that I am one of those women who do not nag, but you are lucky, my dear boy. I might have been a very different sort of mother.” Lady Coleby’s tone told them that they should congratulate themselves very heartily indeed. Fenella wished that she could say something as grateful and gracious as her mother-in-law obviously expected, but found herself standing tongue-tied, feeling merely gauche and extremely self-conscious. All three went up the broad staircase together. “I hope you will be comforta

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