Chapter 7 (MA 18+)

3173 Words
                I walk outside and watch as Vice starts to stomp away. I follow behind him as he leads to the door of the building, they automatically open. Inside the building is an ostentatious crystal chandelier floating high above a white marble floor. Each step echoes off every polished surface of the expansive room, making the silent room very loud. My heels click on the floor and the sound amplifies each time it bounces. Vice walks directly to the reception desk and speaks immediately, not waiting to be addressed. “We are here from the Territory for Alecsander.” The guard gives a knowing look at me, then nods to Vice and hands him a card of some sort which he palms, and then returns the guards nod.                 He walks to a black doored elevator that has no button, and taps the card to a black box, causing the elevator to make noise. After a moment the doors open, and Vice steps inside. I follow. The door closes and instant he is facing me. “What in the honest hell is your problem. You ignore me the whole drive, you ignore me at the café, but have a full-on conversation with the waiter, then you pay for yourself completely emasculating me. What is your problem!?!” I see red. Is he really going to start this s**t with me right here and right now? I finally find my voice and, boy, do I let him have it. “What is my problem!?! WHAT IS MY PROBLEM! How about the fact that I am not allowed in your office, you had Casey tell me to stay away. Or the fact that you sneer at me every time you see me, or the fact that before today you have not really said a single f*****g word to me. What is my problem? What is your problem. I am a nice person and I have done nothing to you, but you insist on being a giant, colossal, gaping ass hole!” He steps forward so we are face to face, I can feel his body heat radiating off him.                 ::Ding Ding:: The elevator announces our arrival and he turns to face the door. The doors open and we are met with a talk, svelte blonde man in grey slacks and vest, over a white button down shirt, though the top few buttons are open. “Vice.” He says nodding at Vice in front of me. “Alecsander.” Vice nods in return. The man’s grey-blue eyes soften when they fall on me. “Hello,” he stretches his hand out to me, “I am Alecsander Håkansson, Välkommen.” He holds my hand and I can feel Vice tense up next to me. “Cut the Swedish crap Alec, lets just get this over with so I can go home.” He snaps. Alecsander seems to be completely unphased by his outburst.                 “What is your name pray tell?”                 “Hello, I am Emileen Hanson. I am Damian Montague’s assistant. I also have a degree in architecture. I would love to go over some changes we would like to make in the blueprints.”                 “Yes, yes, all in good time Emileen. Come, let me show you to my office.”                 He begins to lead us, all the while still holding my hand and walking sideways, giving me his undivided attention. Vice coughs, I think in an attempt to get him to release my hand, but again he is ignored. When we reach his office it is all glass walls with a large conference table in the middle. We sit down and I pull the plans out, spreading them across the table. I begin to go over the changes, all the while Alecsander is leaning in close to me pretending to look where I am pointing, though I think he is just trying to piss off Vice. Why he thinks being close to me will piss off Vice… He wraps his arm around me, allowing it to call down to my waist as he leans in to draw something on the plans. Suddenly Vice slams his hand on the table. I jump in my chair and look at him horrified and confused, but still, Alecsander pays him no mind and continues what he was doing. The meeting lasts almost three hours as Alecsander and I go back and forth on the plans until we have agreed.                 “Well, I must say Emileen, you do know your architecture. So, I say we order in some lunch. What do you say.”                 “No. If the blueprints are done, then we are going. Come on Emileen.” Vice snaps, standing up.                 “Emileen,” Alecsander puts his hand on my arm, stopping me from standing. “You would not deny a business partner the pleasure of buying you lunch to celebrate the coming together of ideas. We need to toast the success of this soon to be building. I am sure Damian wouldn’t mind you indulging me. In fact, I am sure he would insist on it.” His smile is unnerving. He then turns to Vice, his face changing and becoming hard. “So, sit Vice, before you offend me.” Vice narrows his eyes, and slowly sits back down. “Wonderful, I will go grab my assistant and we can order some food.” He stands and leaves the room, leaving me and Vice alone in silence.                 “Emileen, we need to leave. This ass hole is trying to make a move on you. Come on.” I furrow my brow at him. “I am so confused on why you keep thinking that you can tell me what to do. What if I am hungry? Huh? What if I like him making a move on me? You know nothing about me, and Damian wants this to go smoothly. If having lunch is what that takes, then I will have lunch. But you are not the boss of me, so I suggest you stop before I am forced to emasculate you again.” I cut my eyes as I finish my sentence, repeating his words back at him. His eyes narrow at me and there is so much fury behind them that I am almost afraid that they will burst from his face. He leans forward and places both palms on the table. He is preparing to say something that I know I am not going to like. But he misses his chance as Alecsander returns with a tall, thin, blonde woman who has a tablet in her hands.                 His assistant goes over the options for lunch and we place our order. What should be just a thirty-minute lunch gets dragged out to over an hour as Alecsander continues to push Vice’s buttons and make random small talk. Finally, his assistant comes back in. “I am sorry sure, but the representatives from… I mean, you next appointment is to arrive soon.” I am confused by her backtracking but ignore it. I look at Vice who seems to almost sigh with relief that this is almost over. “Emileen, I am so sorry, but I must take this appointment. This will not be the last time I get to share you company is it?” He smiles his unnerving smile at me once more. “I doubt it will be. Thank you so much for this meeting Mr. Håkansson. I look forward to seeing the revised plans soon.” I put my hand out for him to shake, but he puts both his hands on them and pulls me in close, kissing me once on each cheek.                 “Vice.” Alecsander turns to Vice and nods coldly as he releases my hand and turns to leave. Vice grabs my by the elbow and starts to direct me towards the elevator. “Vice, get your hands off me. You are hurting me.” He stops and turns to face me, “I am getting you the f**k out of here before that slimy lech tries anything. It is my job to protect you and that is exactly what I am going to do.” He continues to pull me until we are outside the elevator. He pulls the card out of his pocket and taps the box, causing the elevator doors to open. He pushes me inside and presses me up against the back wall, pressing his hands on each side of my head, leaning down face to face with me.                 I get angry with his actions. “I suggest you get out of my face, Viktor, are you are really not going to like me.” His eyes flame at my words and his eyes glow green, the brown completely gone from his normal hazel eyes. “Do you like him?” His voice is calm but threatening. “Hmmm… Do you want him. You want that slimy piece of shit.” He leans closer. “If you want him Emileen, then I will send the elevator back up and you can go be with him.” Strangely, his tone arouses me, but I am not ready to back down from this fight. “Being cordial does not mean I want him. But if I did, I am a grown ass woman and you are not going to push me around like a child. You will never put your hands on me like that again, and I will not be shoved about. I have been walking since before I was one, I think I have it down by now.”                 His breath is on my face. It smells sweet and hot. I feel my arousal spreading further down towards my core. I need him to back up before I made a bad decision. I lift my hands and place them flat on his chest, his hard muscles feel amazing under my hands, but I have to keep my mind clear. I push him, but he is as solid as a rock. My efforts do nothing. I push him again, and he moves back, though I know it is not due to my attempts to push him away, but more that he has agreed to move and give me space. He turns and stands next to me in silence as the elevator continues down. The doors open and we step out, not saying a word to each other. Vice hands the card to the guard without stopping and continues to the valet. He hands the valet the ticket and they pull the car up, opening the doors for each of us, allowing us to climb in.                 Vice begins to drive. He turns the radio off, “I already text Damian and let him know we won’t be back before the end of the day. He said to just drop you off at home and to have a good weekend.” I nod. My adrenaline from our earlier fight starts to go away and I suddenly become very tired. I lay my head back and close my eyes. The steady hum of the car begins to lull me to sleep. I wake up to Vice standing next to me, passenger side door open. I open my eyes to see him gazing down at me, his eyes soft and the normal expression of dislike no longer on his face. “Hi.” I whisper, unsure if this is real or a dream. He swallows hard. “Hi.” His voice is softer than normal. He steps back to allow me to get out. I stand and close the passenger side door. He leans into me and in response I lean back against the car. He puts his hand on my waist lowers his face, closer to mine.                 “Can we start over?” his breath brushes across my cheeks, making me shiver in desire.                 “Yes…” I whisper in response.                 “Good,” he whispers as he leans in closer, his lips just centimeters from mine. I close my eyes as he begins to move closer.                 “Emileen?” My eyes just open, s**t. Is that Patrick? Vice is frozen just short of touching my lips and he pulls back after seeing my expression. s**t, s**t, s**t. It is already dark now and I pray that he can’t see us on the other side of the SUV through the tinted glass. Vice moves aside to let me out.                 “Patrick!?! What are you doing here?” I squeal as I see him on my doorstep. He is in jeans with no shirt and barefoot. He obviously used the hide-a-key that we keep under the bush.                 “I came to surprise you. I didn’t want to wait anymore. Especially after the hard week you had at work. Besides, I don’t have class Monday.”                 I run as fast as I can in my heels and jump into his arms. He lifts me and up and spins in a circle before putting me down and kissing me passionately. “I missed you so much baby,” he growls in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I hear something behind me and turn to see Vice placing my bag with the accounting books and my purse on the step. I don’t know what to do or say in this moment.                 “Hey man, I am Patrick, Emileen’s fiancée.” Patrick holds his hand out to Vice. Vice takes it and Patrick’s hand looks small in comparison. Patrick is taller than me, but no where near as tall as Vice… nor as buff.                 “Vice. Company driver.”                 Patrick nods in response. “Well, thanks for taking good care of my girl. Let me go grab my wallet so I can tip you.”                 “No, Patrick. He is joking. He is Damian’s number two in command. We had business to take care of about two hours away. We rode together. Thanks again for the ride. I will see you Monday.” I save, giving Vice my, please don’t say anything to get me in trouble face. I don’t know what that moment we just had was, but I doubt that it will happen again. I was groggy and thought I was dream. Please Vice.                 “Yea, see you.” He says, turning and walking back to his car, driving away quickly.                 I turn and face Patrick. “So, no class Monday? Huh?”                 “Yea, so I thought I would drive out here to surprise you… You look so hot, I can’t wait to peel you out of that dress.”                 “Patrick, stop,” I say slapping his chest lightly.                 Patrick walks me into the house kissing me, kicking the door closed behind him. He continues to walk me backwards towards the living room. He slides my blazer down my arms as I kick my shoes off my shoes. Patrick backs me against the wall that separates the living room and the kitchen, one hand in his hair and the other on my hip. He begins kissing down my jaw to my neck, sucking and nibbling. “Hmmm…” A moan escapes my mouth. “God, I missed that sound,” Patrick pants into my neck. Patrick slides his hand up my back and unzips my dress. I wiggle out of it and allow it to fall to the floor. I am left standing before him in just my pink G-string and matching pushup bra. Patrick slides his hands up and down my body, and then undoes my bra. It falls to the floor, exposing my breasts to him                 Patrick doesn’t wait, he lowers himself and clamps his mouth around my n****e, sucking and pulling it. I moan and lean my head back as I feel myself becoming aroused, my core becoming wet with neediness. He slides his thumbs into the strings of on my hips and pushes my G-string down to the floor. We two step over to the couch where Patrick undoes his pants and lowers them, allowing his erection to spring forward. He sits on the couch and pulls me down on top of him. I straddle him on the couch, hovering my opening above the head of his erection. I lower myself down onto him excruciatingly slowly. Each centimeter pushing my walls apart is so exquisite. “Yes, baby,” he pants.                 Once he is completely inside me, I begin to ride him. I rock back and forth and bounce up and down his length. Patick grabs my hips and begins to guide me as I move. I feel myself growing closer to my release, and I am desperate to reach it. “Emileen, f**k baby, I missed you so much.” Patrick’s voice seems to distract me, and I feel myself losing my build up. I continue to ride him, but my orgasm doesn’t come closer. “Yes, Em, I am getting close baby.” Each time he speaks I find myself further and further from my climax. I close my eyes and focus on the sensation between my legs. I ride him harder and faster, frantic to finish before he does. Suddenly Vice comes to mind. Him leaning in towards me, his breathe on my face. I feel myself getting closer. I think about the first time I heard his voice and how hard my n*****s got instantly… I am closer… I think about outside his car, his lips so close to mine, he was so close that I could have leaned ever so slightly and felt his lips on my… I am so close. My mind drifts back to my dream, and the way his stubble felt against my neck, his hands on my body… And I shatter, my orgasm ripping through me.                 It is cut short as Patrick calls out, “Yes, baby, I’m coming.” His words snap me back to reality and my wave of pleasure is cut short as he empties himself in me. The sound of his voice was like cold water being thrown in my face. I feel panic begin to spread through me. What the f**k is wrong with me. I am with my fiancée and I am imagining the ass hole from work who has treated me like s**t every day since I started. Patrick is panting as he wraps his arms around me, pulling me against his check. I feel disgusted with myself. I feel the tears being to fall from my eyes and I fight to not sob.                 “Em, what is wrong baby?” Patrick says, the panic clear in his voice.                 “I just missed you.” I lie.                
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