Chapter 4

3145 Words
                Back in my office Zeke sets up my computer, and then helps me set up my laptop, putting my work email on it, linking it to the office’s cloud, all that smart techy stuff that I don’t care about. We finish and it is just about two in the afternoon. I am hoping to get a good amount of work done. Whatever I don’t finish here I will take home and work on. I am in the zone working away on the desktop when the door opens, drawing my attention. I stand ready to greet whoever it is. A very petite and curvaceous plus size woman comes in and runs straight towards me. She can’t be more than five feet tall, and she has a tiny wait with wide hips and a heavy chest. “Emileen! I have been dying to meet you since Damian told me you started.” She pulls me into a tight hug, she smells like jasmine and roses. I hug her back, confused as to who she is. She lets me go and steps back, smiling. “You are so beautiful!” she declares. I can’t help but smile. “Why thank you. You are very beautiful yourself.” I reply honestly.                 She has smooth olive colored skin, light brown almond shaped eyes, and full pouty lips. Her long straight black hair is pulled up high on her hair in a tight ponytail, she is very beautiful. “Who me? No. Stop it.” She smiles and feigns embarrassment. “I’m sorry, but do I know you?” I ask, admitting that I have no idea who she is. She giggles and slaps my arm gently. “Oh, where is my brain. Of course you have no idea who I am, we’ve never met! I am Damian’s wife Christina, but you can call me Tina.” I smile, “It is so nice to finally meet you. Damian is great, I love working for him so far.” She smiles back, “Good, he better be treating you right, or he will have to deal with me!” she said, raising her eyebrow and making a mean face before bursting into laughter. The door to Damian’s office opens and he steps out. I am still shocked by what a massive and attractive man he is when I see him. He lowers his eyes and growls at Tina, causing her to squeal.                 “Is that my sexy ass wife I see.” She smiles, “I don’t know, is it?” she responds coyly. He walks towards her, though it is more like he is prowling towards her, he is predator and she is her prey. He gets to her and bends down, wrapping his arms around her tiny waist, burying his face in her neck. She squeals again and wiggles in his arms. “Stop it Damian, Emileen is here!” She yells, slapping his arm. “Well, if Em is going to keep working here she might as well get used to seeing. You know I can’t keep my hands off you when you are around. Especially when you look so sexy. I love when you wear those jeans. And this top… Why wear a top if it is going to show this much cleavage?” He buries his face in her chest and shakes his head. She squeals and pushes him away. “I am so sorry Emileen, he is incorrigible!” I just smile, it is nice to see a couple so in love. “It isn’t a problem. Really. My fiancée is the same way with me sometimes. Men, what are you going to do with them right?”                 They both freeze and turn to look at me. “You are engaged?” Tina asks. I nod. “Yes, my fiancée, Patrick, stayed back to finish law school. I moved out for this job; it was too good an opportunity to pass up. It is hard to do the long-distance thing, but we will make it work.” They both look and me and nod, but their expression is strange. “I didn’t know.” Damian admits. I shrug, not knowing how to respond. They look at each other, making eye contact and for the first time I am uncomfortable. Then, it is almost like they tell each other to act normally with their eyes and they shake off the fun and turn back to me with their normal expressions. “Well, that is great.” Tina says as Damian smiles and nods. “Well, I am going to take my wife into my office to… discuss things.” Damian says suggestively. “You can take off whenever you want Em, tell anyone who comes that I am in a meeting and not to bother me.” He lifts an eyebrow at Tina and squeezes her, before kissing her passionately.                 He releases her and gestures for her to go into his office. “It was nice meeting you Emileen, I am so happy you are here. We will have to have you over for dinner soon.” She states as she starts to walk towards his office. Damian smiles at me and then turns to his wife, growling at her again and chasing her in, closing the door behind him. I hear her squeal again and things crashing to the floor. Well, I guess that is my cue to leave. I pick up my new badge and my set of keys, pack up my new laptop and a stack of books that I want to get done tonight. Getting myself together. I begin to leave when I hear another, more sensual, noise from the office. I stop and turn around going to Damian’s door and take out my key, locking the door. Don’t want anyone to walk in on them doing… whatever it is they are doing. I then leave my area and lock that door as well. Hopefully people get the hint.                 The first things I do when I get home is change into my pajamas. I love being comfortable. I microwave myself a frozen dinner, being lazy again, and pull out my laptop and the books. I start working through them, determined to get my work done tonight. I continue to work through the books until my eyes are so heavy that I can no longer hold them open. I look at the time and it is almost midnight. Ugh. I should really go to bed. I pack all my stuff into my bag so it will be ready in the morning, and head up to my bed. As soon as my head hits the pillow I am out.                 I am standing in the moon light in my pajamas as a pair of hazel-green eyes watch me from the trees. I walk towards the, wading into the water and swimming across. As I rise out of the water, I realize I am not naked, my exposed n*****s hardening under the stair of those eyes. I stop moving and the eyes being to move in the darkness, making their way towards me. Suddenly the shadowy figure moves into the light of the moon and I am met with the massive frame of Vice. He stands their shirtless. His tall and wide muscular tan skin being kissed by the light of the moon. He moves towards me and I am unable to move under he heated look. He stands in front of me and I can almost feel his breathe on my skin. He lifts his large hand and runs his Fingers through his ash brown hair. I love his hair. It is short on the sides and longer on the top. He styles it back in almost a side parted pompadour. His hair looks soft and I long to run my fingers through it.                 He steps closer, lowers his head and begins to gently kiss my neck. The stubble of his short, trimmed beard rubs roughly against my sensitized skin, sending shivers down my spine. I moan out in pleasure. He steps closer still, so our bodies are flush against each other and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me in tight and close. He begins to gently bite my skin, each nibble is a wave a pleasure through my body, building me closer and closer to a release. “Yes, Vice…” I moan out his name. At the sound of his name he sinks his teeth into me, breaking the skin. I scream out, but not in pain, but please as he devours me. My body shakes against him as I begin to lose control, scraping my nails down his back, desperate to be closer to him.                 I wake up panting as my alarm goes off. I look around and I am in my room, in my bed. That was weird. What is wrong with me that I am having a s*x dream about an ass hole at work who hates me. Especially when I have a fiancé who is a good guy, not some prick. I turn off my alarm and go into the bathroom to shower. I strip off my clothes and my panties are soaking wet with my arousal. Emileen, get it together. What is your problem!?! I am so annoyed with myself that I allowed him to get in my head like that. Yes, he is beautiful, but he is also the biggest ass hole you have ever met. I climb into the shower and try to wash away the memory of my dream, but I am not able to. As the water beats on the skin of my neck I swear I can feel where his lips were. I can’t stop myself as my hands begin to travel around my body. Caressing my breasts, one traveling lower still and rubbing along my lower lips.                 I lean my head back and allow the water to beat against where Vice had his mouth in my dream. The sensation is amazing, and I find myself so close to finishing already. I allow my finger to enter my lip and flick against my sensitive bundle of nerves. The instant my finger grazes it I am shattering in an overwhelming orgasm. I can’t stop myself as his name escapes my lips. “Vice…” I am left panting and confused when all is said and done. The release is that I needed to clear my head and I shower quickly, needing to get ready to go. I dress in the outfit Liza picked me, a sapphire blue sleeveless dress with a burgundy blazer and today I decide fine, I will wear the heels. They are a pair peep toe black pumps. They look high, but when I put them on, they don’t feel as high as I expected. I grab a banana and an iced coffee from the fridge, then grab my bag of stuff and head out to my car.                 The drive to work is becoming like second nature. I find that I am searching less. I pull up to the gate and tap my badge to the black box, causing the gate to open instantly. This is so much easier than waiting and hoping someone will come let me in. I park in the same spot I have the last two days and climb out and head in. As soon as I open the door I am again met with Tripp and Vice standing and talking. This time they both just look. Tripp smiles and Vice scowls. Even with the nasty face he is making towards me I have a flash back of my dream and shower and feel myself instantly get wet. Damn it Emileen, you need to stop this. You are engaged and he is a giant gaping ass hole! Ugh. I smile back at Tripp but ignore Vice, heading right towards Damian’s office. I place my things down and take a few deep breathes, calming myself before heading to the kitchen.                 I walk in the kitchen and, true to his word, Tripp is standing there waiting to help me with Damian’s drink. I make the drink alone with Tripp pointing out small corrections here and there. But all in all, I don’t think I did too bad for my first attempt at making it. I grab a plain glazed donut from the box and head into my office just as Damian is walking in on the phone. He looks up and smiles at me, nodding for me to follow him. He opens his door and walks around his desk, taking off his jacked before sitting down. I place the two saucers in front of him and he gives me a thumbs up. I excuse myself, allowing him to finish his call, and return to my desk to unpack all the books I took home.                 I get to work immediately. I have a lot of ground to cover if I want to get back on the pace I set for myself the first day. I lost almost an entire day thanks to the computer issue. I fly through two books and begin my third when a dejected Damian comes out of his office. “Em, how much would you hate me if I asked you to drive 2 hours to meet with the architect. He is messing everything up and I want to fire him, but we have already spent so much on him. Would you go meet him and make the changes we need with him so the plans can be ready to start building… Please?” He seems so down and he is pouting at me, which is unnecessary as I would do any of that any day of the week.                 “Sure, that is not a problem at all. I can do that on Friday.” Damian smiles, “Great! I will let them know you are coming. The plans are being delivered later today and tomorrow you and I will go over what I want changed so you have something to take back with you. Sound good?” I nod. “Wonderful. I will figure out getting you there and back and all that. I appreciate it a ton!” I like how much Damian appreciates everything I do. It is nice to be valued. A short time later the door opens and Casey comes in to ask me what I want for lunch. I look over the menu and decide on a salad with chicken, feta cheese, sun dried tomatoes, asparagus, walnuts and a lemon dressing. My stomach rumbles just thinking about eating it. She knocks on Damian’s door and enters when he calls. I presume she gets his order as she leave shortly after entering. The day carries on and before I know it, it is time to head home.                 “Great work today Em… So, tell me. How short are we so far…” Ugh, this is not something I wanted to say verbally. I was hoping to write up a report and hand it to him when I have caught up to date. “It’s okay,” he encourages, seeing the pensive look on my face. “I can handle it.” I sigh and open my notebook. “To date it looks like the books and the accounts have a discrepancy of $32,934.91…” My stomach is sick saying it out loud. “Well, I am sure you will find more as you continue. Thank you for the update. Have a great night.” He kisses the top of my head and heads into his office. I am shocked. Both by the kiss on the head, which in no way felt creepy or uncomfortable, more like a big brother saying goodbye, and by his total disregard of the massive amount of money his company is missing. I stand and load my heavy bag, stacked with books, over my shoulder and head towards my car.                 Once home I change quickly into my pajamas and take my spot at the bar. I begin going through the books, making quick work of them as certain accounts do not see much action. These are the books I like as they do not add to my discrepancy. I am confused how such a big company went on for so long without really tracking the money. They are lucky that they didn’t go under honestly. I finish the last book I brought and move to the couch to wait. I turn on the TV and being clicking through channels when there is a knock at the door. I jump up excitedly and open it to see Zeke. “Yay! I am so excited to hang out! I have not had anyone to hand out with since my roommate left,” I admit. “Me too. I didn’t grow up around here and everyone on The Territory is so cliquey that I haven’t made a ton of friends.” We hug quickly and then I usher Zeke into the living room.                 He puts on this movie about mummies, that he insists I have to watch, and we order Chinese food. I pour us each a glass of wine. Sitting here on the couch with Zeke is the most normal thing I have done in a while. I needed this night. After the movie we show each other pictures of our significant others and talk about what is going on in our relationships. I tell him about my conversation with Patrick and how we are both trying to stay positive about things. He tells me how him and his fiancée got into a fight because she wants him to come out to look at venue this one specific week which is the only week he can not go because he is supposed to fly out with Damian to meet with another company to pitch them the upgraded gates that Zeke developed for the Territory. Have Zeke for a friend is like having a girlfriend around who gets you. We enjoy each other’s company without there being any awkwardness or s****l tension. I love that I have made a friend in him. It gets late and we bid each other farewell. Zeke says he will stop in tomorrow to check on me and make sure my desktop is running well, though secretly I think he wants to play with the new toy he picked out.
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