Chapter 9

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                “Emileen? What are you doing here?” he asks, his voice hoarse, only one eye open.                 “I wanted to see if you were okay.” I reply, which is true-ish. Originally, I came for that reason, now I don’t know why I am here, but I can’t get myself to leave.                 “Hm.” He grunts in response. “What time is it? What day is it?”                 “It’s Tuesday, or erm… technically it is Wednesday… and it is two in the morning.”                 “Then why are you here?”                 “I told you. I wanted to see if you were okay.”                 “At two am?”                 I blush. “I fell asleep in that chair. I just woke up and was getting ready to leave.” I say embarrassed.                 He nods. “Well, then leave.”                 I am hurt by his words. He doesn’t know it, but I have been with him all day today and some time yesterday. In all that time, no one else came to see him, only me and a nurse. And now this is how he is being with me. What the hell. I grab my bag and keys and being to walk out, but stop.                 “You know, I spent a lot of time here between yesterday and today because I wanted to see how you were. That whole time no one else came to see you, just me. And I thought you wanted to start over, be nicer to me… I guess I was an i***t to believe you.”                 His eyes flash with anger and I know I have struck a nerve. “Why are you really here? Because you feel bad, because I don’t need your pity. To tell me about what an amazing time you had this weekend with that guy, because I don’t care. Why are you here? Huh? The truth.”                 “I don’t know!” I shout. “I just… I heard you were here and before I knew it, I was here sitting in that chair my entire lunch break yesterday and all day today. I sat there all day today doing work and I have no idea why. Okay? You happy now?” I am yelling and I can feel the tears pooling in my eyes. “And why would I feel bad? Why would I pity you? Huh?” I accuse him. He wants the truth from me, well I want the truth from him. I want to know if what those women outside were saying is true… and is about us. Does he think I rejected him? Why would he even care though. He hates me. He turns away from me and looks out the window, his eyes softening.                 “You wouldn’t.” He says through gritted teeth.                 “Fine. I will leave since you clearly don’t want me here.” I spit the words out with venom.                 “Wait… I…” His voice fades as if he is regretting saying anything.                 “What? Why should I wait. Why should I stay here and be treated like garbage by you?”                 “I don’t… I didn’t… UGH! Why are you so frustrating?”                 “What exactly about me is frustrating huh? The face that I dare to breathe. You have hated me since the moment you laid eyes on me and I don’t know what I did to deserve it!” I accuse.                 “You didn’t do anything. You are frustrating to me and I am an ass hole okay?!”                 “Fine. I’m going.”                 He opens his mouth, but then closes it again and sighs. I look at him and raise my eyebrow, asking exactly what it is her wants to say but isn’t. “I don’t want you to go…” He whispers. I hear him, but don’t believe the words.                 “What did you say?” I play dumb.                 “I… I don’t want you to go okay.” He says louder, still avoiding eye contact.                 “Why… Why don’t you want me to go?”                 “Seriously Emileen? You are going to force me to say it?”                 “Say what Vice. This is literally the longest we have ever spoke and all you have ever done is looked at me with derision and sneers. So, what are you doing to say?”                 “For f***s sake Emileen. I want you. I can’t stand knowing that you spent all weekend with that dude, him touching you… his lips on you….”                 s**t. Were those women right. “How did you get hurt?” I ask him, lump in my throat, not wanting to hear the answer.                 “I was driving… drunk…” He looks away ashamed.                 “Why were you driving drunk Viktor…?” He gasps lightly at the sound of his real name.                 “Because I was upset…”                 “Are you intentionally being vague? Are you trying to get me to leave out of annoyance?”                 He huffs. “Fine! I was drinking because you flirted with Alecsander intentionally to piss me off, you looked so beautiful sleeping and I wanted to kiss you and you pushed me away for that guy!”                 “He isn’t that guy; he is my fiancé! We’ve only known each other a week, this isn’t normal.”                 “What isn’t normal?” He asks frustratedly.                 “You thinking I would be with you over my fiancé at the drop of a hat, the fact that I can’t seem to leave this room or that I keep coming here knowing I am unwanted. You treating me like s**t just to tell me you want me! It all isn’t normal!”                 He makes a low deep growling sound deep in my throat at the mention of Patrick. “I need to go Vice. I have to go to work tomorrow and Damian is treating me like shit.”                 “That is my fault. I will text him. I told him about your fiancé showing up and us… almost… almost kissing. And then I was in the accident…”                 “He is blaming me for the accident too? Everyone seems to think that I rejected you and that is why you got hurt.” He looks away, shame on his face.                 “I’m sorry.”                 “Maybe I should just quit and move back with Patrick… Clearly this is not the place for me. Damian turns on me at the drop of a hat, people talk about me and blame me… I am not wanted here.” I start to walk out and hear shuffling behind me. I turn to see Vice trying to get out of bed. “Stop, you are going to hurt yourself.” He ignores me and continues to rip off things and shuffle out of bed. “Vice, stop!” I run to him and put my hands up, but it is too late, he stands and falls out of the bed, pushing me over with him. We crumple to the floor, Vice landing on top of me, his hard cast knocking the wind out of me as it collides with my gut. I gasp for air.                 “s**t, Emileen, are you okay?”                 I nod as I gasp for air. Vice pushes himself up and hovers over me, giving me space… My hands begin to tingle, almost burning. I look at my hands to see my palms pressed firmly against Vice’s chest. My fingers begin to move of their own accord, slowly creeping up his chest and across his massive, muscular pecks. “Hmmm…” his moans gently as I move my hands. “Emileen…” he breathes out my name as if a prayer… I feel the tingling spread up my arms and through my body. It is like electricity is passing between us. “Vice…?” I say out softly, more as a question. What is going on, why do I feel like this touching him. The first time our fingers crazed was like being shocked. He moves a little, moving to be face to face with me. “I like when you call me Viktor… or you can call me Vik.”                 I blush at his words and the passionate look in his eyes. “Do you feel that?” I ask, staring at my fingers still, not understanding what is happening. He nods. “It is because you want me just as much as I do… Your body wants mine… They are desperate to touch…” My cheeks burn as I feel my blush deepen. “Vik…” He growls at the sound of his name, “I love my name on your lips…” he hisses passionately as he moves forward, “I want more of me to be on your lips too…” He stops just centimeters away from me. This feels familiar, but this time I can’t let the opportunity get away from me. I lean forward and touch my lips gently to his. Instantly I feel myself become aroused as the electricity burns through us and I feel like I can’t get close enough to him. I throw my arms up and wrap them around his neck and pull him into me. He groans loudly.                 I let him go and pull back, “Oh my gosh, Vik, are you okay. Am I hurting you?’ He smiles and looks down at me. “It’s worth it. I eight days was too long to wait to feel your lips. I have wanted you since the second I say you Em.” He brings his lips crashing down to mine and we are locked in a passionate embrace. My body is burning with desire, I want more of him. I feel my fingernails dig into his skin as I scrape my fingers down his back. I have never wanted another man the way I want him. He breaks the kiss and I am left breathless. He moves down my jaw and begins to kiss my neck, his teeth grazing my skin lightly. I gasp at the sensation that pulls instantly inside me. My walls begin to throb with anticipation and desire.                 “Vice! What the hell are you doing?!” A voice comes yelling from the door and we both freeze. “Orderlies!” The doctor calls and shortly after there are four men in the room picking up Vice and putting him back into his bed. “I already told you that you are not to get out of this bed. If I need to crank up your meds and keep you under until you are well enough to move I will.” Vice hisses at his words. “And you, who let you stay this late? Visiting hours are over. You can come back tomorrow after nine. Go on!” I grab my bag as I am forcefully pushed from his room. “Wait! Em! f**k off Peter, let her stay…” is the last thing I hear from the room as the door closes and I am shown to the elevator.                 I arrive home exhausted, aroused and confused. What the f**k Emileen, how are you going to be just minutes before s*x with someone like that. I collapse on the couch and find myself falling right to sleep. My dreams are not restful, I am haunted by visions of Vice beat and bruised, Patrick finding out about what happened and the look of pain on his face. What am I doing? I need to talk to Vice and end this. I have been with Patrick for a long time. We love each other, we have plans. We have planned our lives together and this… This was not in the plans. Vice was never in the plans. I can’t just abandon our plans and our life now. That is it, I am going to tell Vice that I am leaving and going back to Patrick. I will find another job. As I get up, I look at my phone waiting to see a message about work. Nothing comes. I dress casually and decide maybe it is for the best that they haven’t reached out. It will make it easier to quit. I have only worked there a week, but it was starting to feel like home… But it was not meant to be. I drive to the hospital, practicing what I am going to say to Vice the entire way. First thing first, I am not going to touch him and leave at least six feet between us at all times. I can not chance being any close to him than that. At the hospital, I check in with the reception desk and she tells me to wait. I stand for almost ten minutes until the receptionist returns. “He isn’t here. He went home this morning. You can visit him there.” She says with a short and pointed tone, handing me a card with an address. Ugh! I need to get this out before I lose my nerve! I get in my car and put the address in to the GPS and follow the directions. I turn down a long and bushed lined road that opened to a large home, almost a mansion. It has tall brick columns and large bay windows. I stop outside in front of the massive glass doors and get out of my car. I knock and the door is opened by a very attractive young woman. I am panged with jealousy at the thought of her being here with him. “Hello, may I help you?” I clear my throat and force the words out. “Yes, I am here to see Viktor.” I use his real name, feeling like I have something to prove to her. “Please come in,” she stands aside to let me in. “Who may I ask is calling?” I try to be very polite, fighting the cattiness rising in me. “Emileen.” She nods, “Emileen…?” she asks. The anger is beginning to rise at her attitude, “He will know. Thank you.” She nods and curtseys before leaving the room and climbing the stairs. She returns a few minutes later. “Mr. Cruz will see you, but he is not able to leave his room. If you would like to see him, you have to see him there.” I nod. She smiles, but it is not genuine. Instead it is very condescending. She turns and begins climbing the large split staircase. I follow behind her, trying to replay my talking points in my head, refusing to be distracted by the décor around me. She stops before another set of massive doors. Maybe the doors are so big to let Vice fit through them. I laugh to myself at my joke. She knocks on the door and pushes the door open. “Mr. Cruz, sir. Emileen has agreed to meet with you here.” “Let her in.” His rough voice cuts through the silence and it surrounds me like a warm breeze. She steps aside, I walk in and she closes the door behind me. The inside of the room is very similar to inside his office. It is very clean and minimal. There is a small sitting are next to a large window and a door that I think leads to an outdoor patio area. His large white headboard it up against a wall below a huge and beautiful art piece. It is very similar to the art in his office. It looks like the Shanghai Tower peaking through the clouds, being covered and obscured by the thick coverage. His thick white comforter looks soft and clean. Even though the bed is massive, it dwarfs in comparison to him. He is sat up in the middle, bruises and all, staring at me intently as I survey the room. I approach the foot of the bed and look up at him. “Hi,” he says in a tone very similar to that at the car Friday night. The sound makes me blush. “Hi.” I call back. “Damian didn’t make you go in today?” I look away, avoiding his eyes. “I haven’t heard from Damian… or Tripp… or anyone… But that doesn’t matter. I have decided to quit and go back to my old apartment with Patrick…” Rage instantly fills his eyes at the sound of Patrick’s name. “NO! You can’t!” He shouts, his voice is so powerful it shakes the wall and pushes me backward. “You can’t leave Emileen. We haven’t… You don’t… NO!” Steam is radiating form his ears as the rage boils up and over, his eyes are completely green, with no hint of brown remaining. “I came here to tell you. I can’t do this anymore. The ways I have been treated by you… and now by Damian. I am not happy, and I do not want to be somewhere that I am treated as if I have so little value… It isn’t worth it to me. I want to be happy.” His eyes soften, and they turn glassy, almost as if he is going to cry. “I can make you happy Emileen. I know I can… Just give me a chance. You will never be happy with him, I promise you. I will always haunt your dreams and your life will feel empty. I know it!” Anger starts to rise inside of me and I stare him down. “Why would you wish that on me?” I ask, my voice just a whisper. “I don’t wish it on you, but I know that is how it will be. You know that what you feel for me is different, stronger, more powerful. Don’t give up on it now.” I look away and shake my head. “I don’t know anything anymore. But I know that I don’t want to be somewhere that everyone turns on me overnight. They clearly do no value me as a person… I don’t want that.” He sighs heavily, “Emileen, all of that is my fault. But I can make it right. You are misjudging people, but it isn’t your fault. Damian is upset and overwhelmed and scared… He still loves you and wants you to be there, he just needed time. It was all me. I sweat to you.” “That changes nothing. He still turned on me over something that wasn’t my fault… I just. I need to start again fresh, somewhere new. Somewhere that isn’t as cliquey as it is here. I walked into a family and I was always going to be an outside. Some people are fine with that… I am not. I like to belong.” The pain of my words is evident on his face. “We are a family. I wish I could explain but I can’t yet. But you do belong. You were meant to belong here. You were! You just don’t get it yet. But you are meant to be here… and I am meant to be with you. Please. Just give it a chance.” I shake my head no, refusing to believe his words. “Fine… but before you go, can I have a kiss goodbye?”
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