
2743 Words
MK & Becky Hill- Piece of Me Breeze: Seeing my sister walk into our home covered in splatters of blood was a little unsettling. The look on her face, however, tells a different story. She did something that completely affects her somehow and sitting here in this silent car with her tells me she's overthinking it. It's really bothering her. "We can wait," I suggested. She looked over at me confused. "This is going to drain us and I can tell your heart is not in it," "That-no. We're doing this tonight," she shook her head. "I'm fine," "I can tell you're not. If I can't change your mind about the spell then maybe you can talk to me about what's going on with you? Are you overwhelmed?" I pressed. "Not in the slightest. I went putting with some of my coworkers today. That's how not overwhelmed I am," "Okay," I laughed. "One, I would have loved to see that. You shooting put balls with a bunch of rich ass holes. Two, if it's not work, then what is it?" "You're not allowed to tell anyone. Yes, you can tell Elias but that's it. He won't tell anyone. Also, I was the richest asshole there," "Promise," we both laughed. "Ericson's wife is still alive," she said. Butterflies burst out of me when my stomach tightened. "Bre, I can't see. Pull them back," she began to swing her arm around trying to get them away. "Bre!" "I'm sorry. I'm sorry," I tried to get them under control. Once they were calm again, she glared at me. "Why?" she asked annoyed. "It happens when I get agitated or excited or scared. I don't know. It's my overwhelmed-ness-es," "Over-" she shook her head. "Well, get whelmed. I could have killed us," "Sorry," I tried to apologize again. She glanced at me again and laughed. "I did that in a tank once. When I first got my wings. We were attacked in the badlands and my void just covered everything. Blinded the driver. We flipped. Elias was pissed," we both laughed. "Are you going to tell him?" I asked referring to Elder Redwood. "I already did," "Sasha, that's so unlike you," "I know," she shrugged. "But I don't want to be something someone settles for. I'm killing myself out here to save us. The least the universe owes me is something real," "That and if she turns out to be evil you get to f*****g kill her," I laughed. She parked the car where Elias has the last time I was here and looked over at me. "You are the only one that gets me, Breeze," she laughed. I leaned over the center glove compartment and hugged her. "I'm getting there," I nodded. "Come on. Let's get you your magical fairy library," "How did he react?" I asked as soon as we were inside. She placed her hands on the floor to seal us in. "He walked out of my room. He put the picture I handed him down and walked out without saying a word," "You didn't go after him?" "Why would I? If someone told me mom and dad were alive all of this time while I was out here doing everything I've done because of what happened, I'd want to be alone for a while and I don't know break stuff and eat a whole lot of ice cream," "Are you sure?" I asked. "I mean about her being alive. I now know that you've eaten a gallon of ice cream because you were heartbroken when Sesshomaru dumped you," "Shut up, Bre," she growled. "Yeah, pretty sure. Lilly and Highwind are going to try and locate her," "I don't know if I could be as brave as you," I admitted. "If something like that were to happen between Elias and me, I'd pretend I never heard it," "I know," she smiled. "We might be significantly different but we're still a little alike. If I loved him the way you love Elias, I'd hunt her down myself and make her disappear for real. I actually kind of already had it planned in my head," "There you are. I thought you were getting lost in your little void sentiment," I teased. She laughed. "Are you ready?" she asked. I took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay, this is going to be our first jump. I read that it hurts a little. I want you to think of your lab. I had Falcon clear out the basement and we cast a binding spell. As soon as the magic it takes from us touches it, your lab will be a part of it. The entire thing will move together after that. The entrance will still be the one to your lab. I have the spell to get to you. I will have access to it. Ericson, Elias, Falcon, and Rey will all be able to get to you through the entrance. As of now, the rest of it is sealed off. You can't leave anymore," "Right," I nodded. "How long do you think we're going to be this way?" "I honestly don't know, blueberry. I just got intel that the military sector of High Rise is gearing up to come here. We know the fire fairies have been after us for a while. The only outside allies we have are the water fairies. They wouldn't dare go against Sesshomaru. It's why I need him to be happy with us," "I'm scared," "Don't be. I've got it out there. I need you to get it here. Those seeds need to be successful. Whatever you need. Ask for it. No matter how ridiculous or dangerous. Ask me for it. Yes, Elias is included in that offer," "Shut up," I laughed. "Take your shoes off," she smirked. She took my hand and led me up the stairs into the massive study room. I felt my face instantly heat up. Butterflies began to swarm around me a little more. She gave my hand a squeeze probably thinking that it was because I'm nervous. She cleared the center of the room right under the skylight. The moon is just over us and almost in position. It looks beautiful. I don't think I've ever seen it this close before. Then again, I'd have to go outside to be able to remember things like this. She took her satchel and set it on the floor. She created a salt ring with our crest in the center and set up five candles representing both our elements. Two gold ones. Two black ones and the one in the center is both black and gold. Se might not paint or draw anymore but some things are just engraved in her. It's perfect. I stepped over the ring when she offered me her hand. I placed both my hands in hers as she led me to the spot she needs me. The gold and black candle is between the two of us. The blue light shining from the moon moved across the floor slowly until it was right in the center of the ring she created. I've never actually used magic like this. I can use my abilities to move things and heal but I've never done spells like this. I've read that in the military, mage craft is a big part of combat techniques. Sasha never brought it home with her but there are marks on her body that indicate that she had to use it. Even before she joined the military. "Incendio," she whispered. I jumped when the candles all turned on at once. The flames went up like flame throwers. It took a moment for the full moon to fully adjust itself to us. Like before, I felt the building connect to my magik. I took a deep breath feeling a warmth flood through me. My butterflies multiplied like never before. The sound they make jingled all around us. Sasha smiled holding on to my hands a little tighter. A different sound began to echo in my ears. It's coming from her. Sasha closed her eyes as the buzzing sound grew louder. I gasped when a black bee landed on her shoulder. Its wings are black-lined with a silver pattern. I've never seen anything like that. It lifted its sprite-like wings as if it were calling out to something. I Sasha gripped my hands tightly when I almost jumped out of the circle. A swarm of them burst out from behind her. They began to fly among my golden butterflies. "What are those?" I asked unable to take my eyes off of them. "They're called tarantula hawks," she smiled. "It's the form my void takes when used as magik. Just one sting and the victim drops dead immediately. The number one reason why I am the deadliest military asset in our history. Your familiars are butterflies. Mine are wasps," "Scarier than before," I whispered. The swarm of butterflies and tarantula hawks continued to grow as they created a twister around us. The entire building creaked as it pulled our magic pieces into the walls. We both stepped closer to one another when the magic began to set. New tables, books, paintings, and scrolls began to appear along the walls. The small change I made when Elias brought me here is nothing compared to this. The sound of stones moving, glass, paper. I can hear it all. The candle between us is melting faster than the rest of them. The gold and black wax is mixing together as our magik is drained out of us through our feet. "Ligare," Sasha called out clearly. The wax reached the salt and began to cover it. The rest of the candles are now doing the same. She pulled me to the side and we both stepped out of the circle but the building didn't stop taking. Sasha crouched down placing her hands on the floor. I did the same. I can feel how strong the building is becoming with our combined magic. The sound of my butterflies is starting to fade away, her deadly wasp sounds are almost gone. "I feel sick," I felt my body grow weak. "Just lay down," she reached for me. She pulled me close to her as she sat on the ground with her legs crossed. I rested my head on her lap. "Breeze, don't scream," "What?" I asked. "We're about to be teleported. Don't scream. Just think of your lab. Think of Elias," "Okay," I nodded. I turned my attention over to the desk across the way. My body feels really heavy now. My eyes are shutting on their own. A loud breaking sound began to echo around us. It sounds like the walls are falling down. Sasha didn't let me sit up. I held onto her arm as the sound grew louder and louder. I shut my eyes picturing my lab. My entire body tightened up unexpectedly. I cried out when it was suddenly released and my body went limp. "Hey, hey, you're okay," the voice called out. "Come on, baby. Open your eyes, look at me," "Elias?" I panted. My entire body is numb. "Yeah. I'm right here. Come on, open your eyes," he urged. I tried to open my eyes but I can't. "Sasha. Wake up. Sasha," I heard another voice. "Sasha, wake up," "Ericson," I tried to open my eyes. I can see him holding my sister. She's unconscious. "Sasha," "Wake up. Please," he shook her. "Wake up. you can't just leave like this, Sasha," he growled shaking her. He picked her up of the ground. "Get my brother down here, now," "What's happening?" I asked reaching for her. "Sasha?" "Get her out of here," Rey pointed back at me. "Now, Elias," "Baby, stand back," Elias wrapped his arms around me. "No, no, that's my sister," I pushed him away. My vision is clearing up. I can barely move from the amount of magic I lost. "Eric," "Help me," Elder Redwood placed my sister on one of my examination tables. She's not moving but that's not the alarming part. The darkness around her is fading. Her skin is darkening to the way it was before her wings sprouted. Her dark hair is turning blonde. "Hit her," "If her body is reverting back to its mortal state, I can disintegrate her," Ishtar shook his head. "Please, help her," I cried out. They both looked back at me. Elias isn't letting go of me. "Help her," "f**k," Ishtar looked down at my sister. "I can't. I'd be killing her if I do it, Eric," "Sasha," elder Redwood lifted her up into his arms. "Sasha, wake up. You're a lot stronger than this. Wake up," he growled. He set her down and began to prepare her for CPR. "You can't do this to me," I turned around when the buzzing sound caught my attention. I pulled away from Elias and followed the sound. He went over to Rey and the others as I followed the sound of the wasp. I can see it moving away from her. I looked back at them to see Elder Redwood pumping her chest. The sound led me to the lower levels of the library. They look like tunnels. "You have to come back," I tried talking to it. It turned to face me. "Whatever you want from there, it can wait. If you don't go back to your body you can die. Please," the wasp came over to me. I held my hand out for it. It didn't come close but it did listen. We headed back up the stairs where Elder Redwood is freaking out. "Move out of the way," "What the hell is that?" Ishtar asked as it went past us. "It's her familiar," Rey answered. "Get back. Way back," Elias came over to me and pulled me away from her. The giant wasp landed on her chest. My sister's body sat up for the wasp. It fluttered off of her as her body lifted off the table. The wasp began to break apart into pieces that shifted to a pitch-black smoke. Once it was completely gone, the smoke forced itself in through her mouth. Sasha's eyes suddenly snapped open and she cried out in pain. Her wings pushed out of her back as she screamed. "Get down," Rey shouted. Elias grabbed me and spun around as a massive surge of wind exploded out of her. He covered my head as the loud whistling surrounded us. The air is freezing. I can still hear her crying out over the loud sound of the wind. Just as violent and crazy as it all happened, it disappeared. I pushed Elias to see if she's okay. "Lumen intus est," she growled holding her hand out in front of her. Her eyes are completely black. The veins around her eyes are darkening. "Lumen intus est. Lumen intus est," "What does that mean?" Ishtar asked. "The light is inside," Elder Redwood answered. He approached her with a marker. She snatched it out of his hand and instantly dropped to the floor. She started drawing on the floor. "What's happening to her?" I asked. "She's a sage," Elder Redwood knelt down watching as she moves around. "That's never happened to me," Ishtar stepped away. "You've never used your sage abilities in combat," he stood up. He jumped off the ground to get a better look at what she's drawing on the ground. I went over to him without hesitation. She continued to draw for an hour before she finally looked up. I thought she had been looking at me but as the darkness in her eyes faded, her eyes were on his. She began to laugh hysterically. "You shouldn't have done that," she grinned before passing out. He went down to her. I lifted myself higher and higher until I was able to see the entire picture. It's a doorway to one of the tunnels the wasp had led me to. "Don't touch the floor," I shouted. They all got off the ground. "How are you still awake?" Ishtar asked. "I think it took more of her than it did me," I answered feeling tired. "It wanted to show us something," "Let's get you inside," Elias came over to me. "We have twenty two hours before it teleports away," "Okay," I nodded. I really want to know what's down there now.

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