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REZZ & Underoath- Falling Elias: I haven't been able to keep her in bed longer than a couple of hours four a couple of days now. When Sasha called to let me know she's on her way back and that she is officially benched, I couldn't be happier. Even if Breeze doesn't want to listen to Sasha, Sasha will always have her way. It's something unspoken between the two of them. I've always respected their bond this way. "Where is she?" Sasha asked as soon as she walked through the doors. "In her lab. I told you keeping it close to the house would backfire," "It's a lot easier to drag her out of the lab here than to do it in public. Come on. Let's bring her up. How far along is she?" "The skin on her back is starting to split already. It's not just lifted anymore. They're coming out soon and she hasn't gotten any rest," I swiped my bracelet over the scanner to open the elevators. "She's also having trouble controlling her breeze," "I can smell it," she nodded. "This place is air-tight. The filters are out back by the southeast entrance of the forest," The two of us walked over to see Breeze laying on her belly in front of a machine while she tried to bolt the machine to the ground with a hand wrench. The ground is made of reinforced concrete. She's in her final stages. I give her three to four days before they sprout. The two of us looked at one another worriedly. The room is freezing and the air in here is lightly spinning around the room. Her abilities might not be out of her control, she could be doing this on purpose. I remember when I was in my final stages. I was always hot and no matter what I did, it wouldn't go away. "See what I mean?" I asked her. "What are you doing?" Sasha demanded going over to her. She pulled her legs up-lifting her butt in the air so she could turn her body to look up at her sister. "Oh, hey Sash. When did you get back?" she asked confidently. Sasha smiled and squatted down in front of her. "Blueberry, you're burning up," she placed her hand on Bre's forehead. "It has been a little hot in here. I'll make it colder," "No, no," Sasha wrapped her arm around her waist and lifted her up to her feet. She grabbed for the wrench but Bre held it back to keep it out of her reach. "Give me the wrench," "No," she cooed. "I have to finish. Please, Sasha. Just go away," "Blueberry, you need to rest. Your wings are coming in soon and you're a mess," "What have I done to earn my stupid wings?" Breeze waved her off. "You're dumb," Sasha let out a heavy sigh. Suddenly the breeze in the room stopped and began to rotate in the opposite direction. It confused Breeze who turned around to see what was happening behind her giving Sasha the advantage to snatch the wrench out of her hand. Sasha tossed it over her head not caring where it landed. If I had done that, she would have had the ultimate fit. "You're going upstairs, now," "No," Breeze complained but she didn't have the strength to fight anymore. Sasha pulled her to her side and finally waved me over. I went over to them pulling her other arm around my shoulders. If I pick her up, she's going to be upset. "Hey," she greeted me like I haven't been down here with her all day. "Hey," I laughed. "Sasha, this is Elias. My boyfriend," she jabbed my neck a couple of times. "He has a lot of tats," "I know," Sasha grinned. "Where you been, missy?" she asked her accusingly. "I was running a mission for Rey," she answered as we tried to get her to climb up the stairs. Breeze is just cycling her legs as we walk. "For Rey? Not Redwood?" I asked. "Nope. For Rey. He needed something from High Rise and used Peabody as an excuse to get it," "I thought we were done with that s**t. You guys do know we're elected officials right? And we're replaceable," "You do know I don't give a f**k right?" she shot back. "Hey, don't talk to my boyfriend like that, b***h," Breeze slurred. We both tried not to laugh. "Is that why you got benched? What did you do?" I asked. "None of your business," "Yeah, butt out Elias. You don't gotta know everything," Breeze giggled as we got into the elevator. "How long?" I asked. "Two months. Rey is going to have me run something down in the Aldea," "With Ace?" "Hey, are you still in love with him?" Breeze asked out of nowhere. That's a really good question, baby. "No," she answered a little too quickly. Breeze noticed and gave me what I think she believes to be a subtle glance. It's not. Not even a little. "Biiiiiitch, don't be lying. Why are you mad at him? Or you just trying to get some from Elder Redwood before you go back?" she asked. I didn't stop myself from laughing this time. "I'm not mad at him and no. I am never going back," Sasha shook her head. "Why? Is he compensating for something with the Aldean Resort?" "What?" Sasha laughed. "No," "Then why you mad? What he do to you, ma?" "Why are you talking like that?" I asked her. "Shh-shh. I'm getting through to her, Elias. I want to know too," she flapped her hand over my head. "Why are you mad? I know you are. Tell me. Tell me," "Redwood sent Captain Airstrike with him to do something for me and he opened up to her. Told her confidential s**t he's never told me and he barely even knows her. I mean I get that I'm not exactly the least toxic person I know but I talked to him about everything and now he's out here acting like I was the only one who did something wrong. Maybe next time I'll f*****g leave him to rot in that alley," she's panting with anger. The three of us stopped moving when the doors opened. "No," Breeze shied away from the sunlight and then hissed, baring her teeth. I took her from Sasha and pulled her up into my arms this time without hesitation. She didn't fight me. She curled into my arms trying to get away from the warmth. "Closer," she whispered resting her head on my chest. "Say something nice to her. She doesn't know the difference," "Get her inside," Sasha ordered. "I'll go get my aunt," I took her up to her bedroom to lay her down. I pulled the blankets out from under her as carefully as I could. She grabbed one of the pillows and pulled it under her as she lay down on her belly. I understand the problem now. She can't lay down without the pain suffocating her. No matter how she lays, it's going to be there, and moving around trying not to think about it is her way of coping. Even if it is prying into Sasha's love life. "How long have you been in this much pain?" I asked her. "Two days. How much longer?" she groaned. "A few more days," I sighed. "I will f*****g kill myself if that's true," she cried out angrily. "Can you at least drug me?" "Yes, that's why I am here," their aunt walked in with a duffle bag. "Take your shirt, Breeze," I went to help her but the little woman stopped me. "She needs to go through this without you here," "Are you serious?" I asked getting irritated with her being here. "Yeah, both of you need to get out. This is a very personal thing for us. You two know better," she scolded the two of us. She seemed to have completely blindsided Sasha because her worried gaze turned dark in a fraction of a second. "She's never been alone for anything before," Sasha disagreed. "Sweetface, I know you don't hear this often but get the f**k out. I am drawing a line and you're trying to get over it. Somethings Breeze has to learn for herself. Go," Sasha's eyes darkened. I got up placing myself between the two of them. Without another word, Sasha stormed out. The air around her whistled as she went. I let out a sigh of relief. I glanced back at Breeze to see that the skin on her back is opening up nicely. I turned away forcing myself to leave. I have to get the hell out of here and I need to take Sasha with me or we're going to sit outside that room together. Their aunt is right, Breeze would just be embarrassed afterward. I kept my wings sprouting to myself as well. I owe her that. I followed Sasha to her room where she threw a wax warmer across the room. Wax splattered everywhere. "f**k," she grabbed a pillow from her bed, put it to her face, and screamed. "Okay, why don't you put something nice on? Preferably black. All black. Try the suit and tie we got you for your birthday last year," I pointed at her closet. She looked up at me annoyed. "For?" "We're going for a stroll. In East End," "Really?" she stood up straight. "You know people in East End?" "I do. Don't forget your gloves. I'll meet you downstairs," "Sure," she agreed and tossed the pillow. I went back to my room to change. It's been a while since I've been to the East End. In fact, no one knows I ever step foot there. East End is one of the darkest parts of the Aldea. The place is run by the lower-rank wind fairies. This is where all the really illegal stuff happens. The crime rate is at an all-time high in that section and the police really don't care. The crime there isn't sensational. It doesn't make careers. It just is and if you get caught in East End, you have to be really stupid or really smart. "I haven't been to East End in a few years," Sasha pulled her black pleather gloves on. "I didn't know you knew it existed," "You don't know everything about me," I scoffed. She fixed my tie. Her tie looks fine. "Is that right," she smirked. "Show me," "I am pulling the Lord card here. You can't talk, it has to look like you're my back up," "Oh, okay," she laughed as she pulled her hair up into a high ponytail. "I am already having a great time," "Before we go, about Ace," "Can we drop it?" she groaned. "On behalf of Breeze, I have to say it," I shrugged. She looked me over and nodded. "Go ahead," "It was never going to work, Sage. Neither of you can take back what you did. You can be very indifferent when it comes to admitting your actual feelings. He's an i***t. It looks like you both were able to identify what you did wrong. You didn't listen to Ace but you're listening to Redwood. He didn't open up to you but he's opening up to Airstrike. That shows growth. It was your first time having actual feelings for someone. Take it as a win. You really have a heart in there. It's not f*****g empty. "I know it probably feels like s**t to see what you wanted, given to someone else but honestly, that guy is a f*****g mess. You're lucky he didn't open up to you. Can you imagine all that darkness in his head on top of your own? You would have dumped him for being an emotional whiny little b***h. You liked him because he was mysterious. Well, mystery solved. If you keep obsessing on this, you're going to ruin your chances with Redwood. He's a man and he wants the woman you're supposed to be. Not twenty-year-old Sasha with the bangs," "Wow, Elias," she laughed. "Was it too much?" "No, it was perfect, kid. Breeze wouldn't have said that. She would have lied to me," "I know but we're not like that. We have to be honest with one another if this is really going to work," "I agree," she nodded. "I have a serious question I want to ask you," "Yeah, you have my blessing," she smiled. "What? No, I wasn't-" I paused looking up at her confused. "That's not what I was going to ask," "Are you not ready?" she smirked. "Are you ready for that?" "Do you think my feelings should be brought into this? That's a you and Breeze problem. Not me," she shook her head. "Yes, your feelings matter. You're practically her mother and I value your opinion of me," "Really?" she looked me over. "Have I ever given you the impression that I didn't?" "No, never. I just didn't think you cared about my opinion of you and Bre," "Do you not think I'm good enough for her?" "Do you think you are?" her expression grew serious. "No," I shook my head. "I'm not even a little bit worthy of her. Do you also think that?" "No, I don't. Why would you think that?" "I'm a garbage person," I admitted. "Look at me. I'm covered in tats. I can kill someone with my bare hands. I've done it. You have seen me do that," "She likes the tats. I've killed people with my hands. It's my job and before that, it paid for everything we've ever had. You don't get to be where you are by being a good person. Good varies depending on the person's perspective. We're the heroes here in Alrich but we're the bad guys on Emblem. They're the bad guys here but back home they're the heroes. If you waste your time thinking about the things you do, you're only going to find more and more reasons to call yourself a piece of s**t. "Trust me, I've been there. We all have. It will pass," she put her hand on my shoulder. "We're working on something big. The journey there is always going to have gory details but the result is going to be magnificent. There is more to this than being a bad person or a good one. It's about being the best and being the best is both ugly and beautiful. Choosing to only see the ugly will destroy you. Let it go. Be Elias with the tats. Don't be skinny awkward Elias. You've come a long way. You're beautiful, kid," "Thank you," I swallowed back the emotion that was instilled in me. "This was a good talk. Why don't we do this more often?" she smacked both my arms with a loud slap. "We usually end up fighting," "Because of Breeze. My methods are too radical for you. But for us, there's more to us than just Breeze. You know that right? We can talk," "Yes," I nodded. "Good. Alright, take lead. Show me what you've got," "Let's go," That was weird. I know I'm not the only one who thinks that because I can feel her looking at me every few minutes. It also makes me feel really good about what I am about to show her. I feel better about having kept this to myself for so long. The two of us stepped down in East End. Being back here is-I'm not sure how I feel about it. I looked over at her and signaled for her to follow my lead. She bowed respectfully. After looking around, I motioned her to follow. The alleyway is littered with garbage. There is graffiti everywhere. Broken windows and the pungent scent of urine is strong. We walked all the way down until we got to the red door. I tapped on it three times. It took them a few seconds to open the peephole. I stood back so the bouncer can see me clearly. "I took care of that thing," he grunted. "That one thing or the other thing?" I rolled my eyes. He shut the peephole. "What the f**k?" Sasha snickered. I shook my head. "Don't," "I wasn't going to," she chuckled. The door opened for us. "Unless it didn't work," "She's with me," I pointed at her. "She's in the back," Kenny motioned me in. "Good to see you, Lias," "Kenny," I bowed respectfully. "How's your mom?" "Gone with the pappi," he shook his head. "I'm sorry to hear that, Ken. She was a really nice lady. Real classy," "She was," he nodded. "Get on," "What does gone with the puppy mean?" "Pappi. That's what the little things from the dandelions are called. She's gone with the pappi. She's dead," I explained. "Wow, they are super airy here," she smiled. "Yeah," I agreed. This place has real traditions and customs. It has character. They don't paint anything shiny here and call it gold. This place is called The Cabaret. Before my dad took me away, this is where I lived with my mother and sister. It's an old victorian stage with an open floor that was turned into an exclusive club. During the week, there is live music. Tonight, they have soul. A woman is on stage singing with a live band lightly playing behind her. During the weekend, cage fighting takes place where the guests are now having a fancy dinner and drinks with the show. "Wow," she whispered as she followed me towards the back. "Keith," I greeted the second bouncer. Keith and Kenneth are twins. He smiled at me fondly. "Lias. Wow, the Lord of the Realm gracing us with his presence. Balcony one. You know where it is. Enjoy the show," "Sage," I motioned her to go first. I placed my hand on her back guiding her forward. "Stay close," "Yes, sir," she nodded. We went up to the top of the staircase. I stopped right outside the entrance and fixed my coat. I took a deep breath and rotated my shoulders trying to relax. Her playful demeanor faded when I looked up at her. She nodded letting me know that she was ready for whatever comes next. The two of us stepped into the booth. I held my hand out to keep her from saying anything until the song was over. When the woman on the stage finished the song and the people began to applaud her. My sister stood up joining the crowd. Once the curtains to the stage were completely shut she turned back to face me. "You don't call anymore?" she asked. "You break your phone again?" "I couldn't call. I was preoccupied," "Yeh. You always are," she nodded before glancing back at Sasha. "Classified. Usually," "Yeah," what do I tell her? Sorry, I almost let myself die? "You didn't come in here lookin for me, bruv. You're here for the boss, ay?" "Yeah," "Yeah?" she walked up to me putting her hands on my face. "I don't want to wait for you to go out back to put a f*****g costume on Rory. Let's talk," "You got brothers, Ace of Spade?" she asked Sasha directly. Sasha looked between the two of us and smiled. "No, I just have the one sister," "Good. Brothers 'll kill ya," she walked past us. "What?" Sasha grinned. I motioned her to follow. "It's complicated," I shrugged. "I told you. You don't know everything,"
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