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Brent Faiyaz- Gang Over Luv Ace: Out of all the places she could have stumbled into, the Spade walks into the one place we've never been able to find. Should I be following her? Probably not but I'm glad I did. What the hell does she want with the Dice? How the hell do they know the Dice Queen is Aurora? If Sasha ever finds out any secrets between Aurora and me, we're both dead. I think Aurora knows that herself. I went back home when they got out of there. "Pink girl's cat is ready," Knuckles informed me when I stepped off the elevator. The kitten is sleeping on his lap. That thing is going to get big and it's probably going to eat all those alley cats that come in and out of her house. I'm not going to tell her that though. Payback for all the times she f****d us over. Messing with Airstrike is going to be a regular thing for me now. "Great. I'll call her," "These are the follow-ups," he placed a booklet in front of me. "Do you need anything from me?" "No, why don't you take the rest of the week off? Spade is on the move, I want to know what she's up to," I dismissed him. He let out a groan. "You're kidding. Say sike, right now," his eyes flared. "What?" I looked up at him. "Sage doesn't want anything to do with us, Sess. I told you dating a girl with the same initials was going to be a mistake. She's the Guardian of the Realm-" "She's putting chess pieces on the board, Fyer. She has all of us in her f*****g pocket now and I think she's after the Dice. This is a power move. A big one. She's either getting ready to line us all up and open fire or she's recruiting an army. Whatever she's doing I want in on it. I am not going to be sidelined again. I've laid low long enough," "I get it, man. You're never going to find what you and Sage had again but that's the point. She's a lesson, Sess not f*****g life sentence. She's moved on and is moving on. You need to do the same before she-" "Get out Knuckles," we both turned our attention to the open balcony window to see Sasha standing there. "f**k," he sighed heavily. "Before I go, f**k you, Sasha. You f*****g suck. We were fine until you f*****g came around again. He was healing. There's not a moment when I don't wish I would have-" "Fyre," I growled. He looked between us. "She's going to get you killed, my man. You're all I have left, Sesshomaru. We care about you. We're your family. She chose hers and it wasn't you. It wasn't you, Sesshomaru," he shouted before the elevator doors shut on him. "What the f**k were you doing in the ghetto, Sage?" I demanded. She laughed and took a seat. "How long have you been following me?" she asked reaching for the cat. She picked it up by the spare skin on its back. I went over to her and took the cat from her. "Don't touch her," "She's going to be staying in my house along with Captain Airstrike," she informed me. "If you f*****g hurt her because you think I've taken an interest in her-" "You have?" she asked amused. "Who you're f*****g or dating is none of my business, Sess. I don't know what you think this is but I can tell you now that it's all in your head. Lilly is great. She'd be good for you. Now, I'm not here to talk about our beloved Captain," "What do you want then?" "I want you to call the others so we can form an alliance with Dice," "No," "No?" she asked. "No, Sage. I am not going to form a f*****g alliance with her. Why the f**k would I want that b***h anywhere near me after everything she did?" "You did worse," "Tell me what the f**k you're doing, Sage. You come back and suddenly you're going to try and take over. Did the loop really mess you up like that?" "I need you to calm down. Why are you so mad right now?" she asked calmly. "You. You're the reason my entire life is a mess right now. You should have-" I stopped myself from saying something I'm going to regret later. "I know," she looked away. "I wish the same thing sometimes," she scratched the back of her neck. "I know it's a lot to ask, Sess. So was killing your dad. So was everything we did to make you the Diamond. I did that for you. Did you think that was blind faith? That I wasn't ever going to ask for anything in return?" "We did all those things together. For us," "For us?" she scoffed. "I don't know if you've looked around, Sess. There is no more us. There hasn't been an us for years. Longer than we've been broken up. Do you want to know how long it had been since I had gotten laid before we broke up? Four years. Four. Did you even notice? Stop acting like a f*****g victim. It doesn't suit you," "I don't want to touch you," I admitted. "I don't want anyone else to do it either," "f**k you," she spat at me. "You're going to call a f*****g meeting and you're going to sit across from Dice and sign those papers or I am going to kill Lilly Airstrike," "What?" I placed the cat on the floor. She ran off. "I will f*****g kill her, Sesshomaru. I'm not going to stop there either. Fyre Flamestorm and his family. His kids. I am going to pick off everything that you love one by one if you don't get your s**t together. We are not together and we will never ever be together again. We are partners. One of four. You wanted me to come back, here I am. Do you think I haven't noticed your men running around with the shipments I've sent over? You can't have me be the Spade and your girlfriend at the same time. "You let everyone think I was the one who chose but it was you who chose your side and it wasn't mine. I am not one of your little toys for you to pick and choose when you're going to play with me. I am a person. I have feelings and they surpass the level of crazy yours will ever reach," she shoved me. "You chose all of this and then I chose my sister. I was this close to walking away from her," she stepped close to me. I haven't felt the intensity of her warmth against my skin in a long time. "Get your head out of your ass. If I could walk away, I would. But you're a part of this now and I need you to put the same dedication I put into you getting you up here in return," "Why are you crying?" I reached to wipe the tear sliding down her face. "Because I meant all the things I said," she choked out. "I will really hurt you like that and I don't want to. I don't want you but I don't want anyone else to have you either. The thought of touching you repulses me but the thought of Airstrike touching you makes me want to kill you," she turned away. I let out a sigh of relief as the heat of her void around me dampened my ice abilities. It was suffocating me. "I'm sorry. I know I'm not supposed to say this but I need you. I can't do this without you," "What are you doing?" I asked taking a seat. "Aldrich is going to become the center of the Fae world," she announced. "That's only going to happen if we can gain control of the Elder Tree. I don't know if you know this but that old thing might kick the bucket soon," I poured myself a glass of bourbon. "Trees," she whispered. I stopped taking a drink. "Trees? As in more than one?" I asked looking up at her. "Yeah, she's doing it. Breeze is doing it and they're all going to come for her. I can't protect her from everyone. I need help," she sat down. "She's the one?" I asked looking up at her. "She's the one, Sess. She's always been the one. You've just never wanted to hear me out. All you ever see is yourself," "I'm listening now," "Good," she came over and sat down next to me. "I've always known about Dice," my heart skipped. "She's Elias's sister," "I'm sorry, your little wayward son is related to the biggest drug dealer and pimp in the fae world?" "Yeah," she fell back covering her face with her forearm. "I've been watching over him since he was a little kid and there's still so much I don't know about him. I know who he is but I have no clue what he is. It concerns me that he can keep up at his age. They're both barely earning their place in the world but they're so far ahead. All I can do is watch from the sidelines," "You sound scared," I placed my glass on the coffee table. She sat up rubbing her face with frustration until it turned red. She did that every time she went to visit her sister or rather every time she went home. "I am. Elias is light compatible and I've been monitoring Breeze. Her wings are sprouting. All the signs are there. Light fairies are f*****g dangerous. No matter what race they're in and her being born into our race. Being an air fairy with light abilities. We should all be scared. We thrive in the darkness but not in the light," "You're a void fairy," I reminded her. "You being born into this race is just as bad," "Which is why I'm here. Why I've been trying to protect her and keep her in check. It doesn't change anything. She's still going to be who she is and I am still going to be who I am. It will get to the point where we won't be able to be in the same realm. That much I'm sure of. With the birth of the new trees, one of us is going to have to relocate," "Not if you kill her," "I'm not going to kill my sister. Everything just slides right out the other ear with you doesn't it?" "It's a suggestion," I laughed. "Fine. I'll call a meeting but you have to be there as well," "Obviously. I'm bringing Elder Redwood," "That f*****g prick," "Yeah, he's a big part of this. Without Redwood, we wouldn't have a link inside the council. My uncle can only take so much. He's not a very good liar," "Redwood is. He's an amazing liar. He's good enough to be playing both sides just like you," "He is," she agreed with a smile on her face. "Wouldn't it be something if he were?" "You want that?" I asked confused. She stood up looking back at me. "Maybe. I want whatever he wants," "What if he wants to kill Breeze?" I asked. She smiled. "Then he wants to go to war and I wouldn't be opposed to it. Makes for fun foreplay," "You're insane," I rolled my eyes at her. She shrugged. "No, I'm not. I just want to protect her. Even if it's from herself," Her wings spread out behind her and she disappeared. The sound of her going into super-speed echoed right outside the balcony shattering the sliding door. That's the second time I have to replace the window since she's come back. I guess I have to get used to the idea of her being around and not for me. Whatever we had is done. That much I've known for a long time. When she was still running with me, I couldn't even look her in the eyes most days. I wasn't sure what to say to her after everything I put her through. Before we set out to become what we did, she sat down with me. She asked me if this is what I wanted. At the time, I didn't know what she was asking me. She was asking me if this was really what I wanted. I knew what came next was going to pull us apart but I didn't think I would lose her. She's right. I didn't choose her. I chose power. Not that any of it matters anyway. "Hey, Knuckles called me," I flinched at the sound of her voice. "She looks so good," Lilly walked out of the elevator and made her way over to the cat. When she was close enough the cat took off running. "No, let me love you," "What are you doing up so late, Captain?" I asked. "I was suspended for a couple of weeks for killing those two guys and letting you and Knuckles getaway. I'm lucky that's all they did," she's floating around my apartment trying to catch the f*****g cat. "I'm not even supposed to be here but Sage let me sneak out," "I see," it looks like Sasha is favoring this girl. I wonder why. She came over to me and sat down where Sasha had been. "You look extra sad today. Did something happen, snow boy?" she asked. "Sage was here. She gave me some news and I'm not sure how I want to handle it. For now, I think I'm just going to have to play along," I reached for my glass finally able to feel the warmth of my drink. "This is what Blossom fairies can do," she held her hand out releasing a sweet fragrance all around me. I took a deep breath instantly feeling light-headed. "Wow," I let out a sigh of relief. She stood up in front of me. "That feels amazing," "I know," she took the glass from me and put it back on the table. She sat back down next to me. "It's less potent when I'm relaxed," "Does it work on you as well?" "Yeah," she snickered. "It's poisonous," "What the f**k?" I jumped onto my feet and swayed a bit. "It's fine, stupid. Small doses can't kill you," "Can it kill me though?" I asked. These women are going to kill me. It has to be the poison because I laughed and sat back down next to her. "Yeah, if I were pissed. When it first started up, I had to wear a biohazard mask," she laughed. "Are you serious? All Blossom fairies can do that?" "No, just certain aristocrats," she waved me off. "So, what do you do for fun?" "Sleep," I shrugged. She looked over at me with disgust. "Are you serious?" "I rarely have time to myself so when I do, I sleep," "Do you at least have a girlfriend or I don't know a boyfriend?" "What? Do I come off as someone who would have a boyfriend?" I asked appalled. "You can't tell anymore. Some people break their stereotypes. Anyone can be gay or bi now. Worlds is full of fun mysteries like that," she shook her head. "What?" I laughed. "That sounds like you have a story," "I do," she rolled her eyes. "I met this super cute garden fairy when I visited one of my aunts in Blossville. He was gorgeous. Expensive pressed suit like you. Sick accessories. Nice hair. The whole breeze. We talked for a couple of days and we met up at a club. He left with another dude. He told me I was the greatest wingman ever," "Awe man, Airstrike," I burst into laughter. "He thought I was gay too. You know a girl on girl stuff," "I'm not going to lie to you, Airstrike. You do come off a little aggressive," "I'm a special ops military operative. No s**t," she rolled her eyes. "I brought you some stuff because I knew you don't know how to have fun outside of work. Espeically about the whole thing with the food," "I got you food," I pointed at the fridge. She sat up looking back at me. "You didn't," she laughed. "See for yourself," I smiled. She got up and went over to the fridge. She looked back at me annoyed. "You're a d**k," she shut the empty fridge. "I know," I shook my head. "b***h," she rolled her eyes. "Serious s**t though. There's food in the mini-fridge in my room. If you want anything," I shrugged. She rolled her eyes coming back over to me. I didn't see that she had a backpack on earlier. She picked it up and placed it between us and pulled out a box. "What is this?" "I am going to set it up in your room. Where is?" "Other side," I pointed behind me. "Come on," she grabbed my hand giving it a small tug before jumping over the couch. I got up and followed her. The effects of the poison she used on me wore off and suddenly I didn't feel so aggravated anymore. My headache is gone and I feel calm. Lilly Airstrike sat down in the middle of my room and began to pull things out of the small box she had brought with her. She moved around setting up the device. She looked up at the ceiling and began to adjust the white device. "What are you doing?" I asked her. "Get the lights, snowball," she pointed behind me. I rolled my eyes at her and clapped my hands together. The lights all turned off. "Oh, that was cool," she clapped turning them back on. I laughed when she shut them off again. "Awe, I want that in my house," "What are you doing, Airstrike?" "You are a snow fairy. It's why all your decor is white. Your preference is cold, but I read that snow fairies like to bask in warmth. So, I got this. It's a summer night simulation projection. Come lay down," she motioned my bed as if it were her place to invite me into it. "Okay," I went over to the bed to lay down. She climbed into bed next to me and offered me a small remote. "Now, press the power button," she encouraged. "You can adjust the setting if you want it to be warmer," "All right," I pressed the button. A summer sunset appeared on the ceiling. The temperature around us slowly began to change. I took a deep breath as the coldness of the surface of my skin began to warm. I don't think I've ever been this relaxed before. I looked over at her to see her hand stretched out in front of her as if she were reaching for the faux sky. "Feels good, huh? I have a midnight rain one. It even smells like rain," she smiled. "Thanks, Lilly. No one has ever done anything like this before," "Not even Sage?" "Well, Sage's idea of a gift is the heads of my enemies on a gold platter," "Ooo," she laughed and then got serious. "Damn, that's romantic as hell," "Are you wooing me?" I asked her. "I am," she giggled. "Question, am I wasting my efforts?" "No," I answered without thinking. "They're not but you can do a lot better than me," "I know but I like you," she reached out for the ceiling again. "I can be myself around you. I don't have to pretend to be something I'm not. It's rare in my line of work. I can tell a lot by looking into someone's eyes. Your's are really kind which is funny because most days you smell like blood,"
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