
3480 Words
Pierce The Veil- Bulletproof Love Elias: Breeze is sitting at the end of the docks by the lake. Her knees are pulled up to her chest and her head is resting on her knees. I haven't been able to talk to her since she found out about Sasha's secret life outside of her and I don't know how to bring it up. Rey advised me to just leave it alone. I want to but the information has put a big gap between us. We've been sleeping in different rooms. She's been avoiding me. Went as far as asking Sage to keep me out of the lab. "What are you doing?" Sasha asked. "She's safe out there," "I know she is," I glared at her. "You okay?" she asked. She took my arm and pulled me away from the window. "You only act like a creepy stalker when she's mad at you," "What?" I don't act like a creepy stalker. She's the creepy stalker between the two of us. "Nothing. Talk to me, Elias. What's going on with you?" she tried to hide her annoying little giggle. "You could have given me a warning, Sage. Time to mentally prepare myself for your sin confession," "Really?" she rolled her eyes at me. "You think it would have made a difference?" "No," I dropped down on the couch. "I just want to know what she's thinking," "Give her time to process. The only thing she can process in seconds is numbers. The rest of the world is too complex for her," "Where did you go last night?" I asked, changing the subject. "To do more illegal s**t but for the government this time," she smiled. "I also may have gotten drunk and hurt my own feelings but it was a good night. Rey and I went out for more drinks after and he's not home yet," "Are you okay with that?" "Yeah, dude needs a distraction. I wanted to ask you a favor," "What?" I asked sitting up straight. I knew she wasn't being nice to me out of the kindness of her heart. If she has one. I'm convinced there's a void where her heart should be. "You were on that Hail Airstrike case. What can you tell me about him?" Random. "He's a f*****g ass hole," I answered honestly. "Sess's dad had his family killed after Airstrike killed Sess's mom. It was a mess. Captian Airstrike is the last of them. Like the very last. She's the last one," "He was a little deeper in the underground business than the Ace. The Ace works with the government but Airstrike is more drugs and territory dominance than anything. Has she visited him since he's been incarcerated?" "No, he's requested to see her before he's put down. She hasn't said yes or no. Is this about her being around Redwood?" "No, this is about her being around Sess. Redwood sent her over to him so she can bring back my target alive. Lilly is stupid smart. It's impressive and if there's anyone who can take down the Ace and deck fifty-two it's her," "Are you scared she might do it?" "We should all be. If the Ace falls the entire West Side of Aldea will be up for grabs. Gang wars will break out everywhere to claim it. I prefer to have a devil we know running it than have to face someone we can't reason with. Without an heir, Sess would be the last of the Airingtons to run Aldea," "I didn't think of that," I admitted. "Is the favor to make sure that doesn't happen? What do you want me to do to her?" "Nothing," she laughed. "I want her on our team. She's going to be our new Guardian. I want you to watch her. Get her talking Lord of the Realm. She's a Knights fan. Plays the same weird games you guys do," "You want us to befriend her?" I asked confused. She doesn't trust anyone. "Mhm," "You're going to groom her to break the bloodline class, aren't you? What makes you think she'll be okay with that?" "She's the last Airstrike. This is her chance to take the filth her father turned her bloodline into and make it mean something. She has nothing, Elias and she's keeping up with us," "Why do you care?" "The Elders are getting lazy. They've been in charge for too long. We need a fresh perspective and she's perfect for it. We need smarter fairies in those seats. We have Elders who want to kill Rey to make sure we stay in the same bullshit place we're in. With Elders like Redwood and Bruce in place, we can prevent that. Our Kings only last seven to ten years. Not because of outside threats but because of the ones we have here," "So, what? You plan on assassinating them?" "No, I plan on cleaning out the bad blood," "Are you guys conspiring against the Elders?" Rey walked in with shopping bags in his arms. He set them down. The cleaning lady came out of nowhere and took them upstairs. "Mhm," she nodded. "We drank to that last night," he dropped down next to me. "Airstrike gave us General dumb ass. She has potential. We have to put that aside for a bit, Sage. We have a problem. High Rise has Elder Peabody on lockdown," "What? Why?" she asked. "They don't want the project to be transferred here. General Howlwind and Elder Bruce want us to go down there and bring him back personally," "By force?" she grinned. "No," he laughed pulling out his puck. "We have his transfer paperwork. He's moving here as a permanent resident of Aldrich. He named you and Redwood his primary caretakers. Since he's in Emblem dealing with the whole treaty thing, we have to go pick him up," "Okay, I'll get ready," she stood up. "Talk to Elias about Lilly. He doesn't seem convinced," "Because you're insane," I called after her. She laughed stomping her feet as she rushed up the stairs. "You don't want a reformation?" Rey asked me. "That's not it. I just think picking some girl off the street and asking her to forget who she is because Sage wants new bloodlines in the Elder chairs is incredibly f****d up. I've seen her records. I was there when she watched us arrest her dad. I think she just wants to forget it ever happened," "She's military police, Elias. She ranked Captain in the two years she's been out on the field. That girl doesn't want to be known as the daughter of a mafia crime lord and even if she steps down in a few years. If she rejects the Elder position. It's a great fresh start. She'll never live paycheck to paycheck again. Sage is starting to trust her. Having her under our pay is a good investment. We're not on the streets anymore. We've made it to the top. There's more honor out there than there is here. We know what the killers want. Politicians aren't merciful. They like to watch people suffer. They're a lot harder to read. What did she ask you to do?" "Become friends with her," "Good. Do that. See if she has friends. Get out there. You need some space from Breeze, man. Give her some time to get her head together. She's not going anywhere. I know expanding the circle is going to take time to get used to but we need to expand fast. We have two years to get people on our team. Sage is already working the business end and they might be a little tense right now but she already has the Ace on board. We need more alliances like that," "This isn't what I signed up for," I shook my head. "I know but you want to be part of her life. This was always going to be her life, Elias. Breeze and Sasha were born into this. You want one, then get prepared for what they come with," he stood up and went upstairs. "Hey," I stood up at the sound of her voice. "Hey," I greeted her. "You okay?" "Mhm," she nodded without meeting my eyes. "Okay, we're going out. I have somewhere to be. Do you need anything before I go?" "Um- you're leaving?" she finally looked up at me. "Yeah. Sage gave me something to do. Guardian's orders," "Is that why or is it because I've been avoiding you?" oh, baby you have the worst timing. I swear. "Both. I will rather be second-guessing my decisions when I'm on my own doing something productive than sitting around here waiting on you to make up your mind," that was a little harsh but I've never sugar-coated anything for her and I don't plan to do it now. "That's not fair," she shook her head. "And keeping me out of your thoughts is? I don't want to argue with you, B. But I'm not one of your journals you get to put on your shelf to look at when you feel like it. I have to go. Take your time. Think things through. Just don't expect me to sit here doing nothing," "You're really second-guessing telling me you're in love with me?" "Yeah. I am. I feel like I ruined what we had. I knew the risks. Post confession Elias wouldn't be sitting here waiting for you to talk to me. I would have been the first person you would have called. I wouldn't have been able to get you out of my apartment for days. I miss my friend. If that's not what you want from me right now, I get it. I'll see you when I get back," I stepped into her and kissed the top of her head. She couldn't keep her eyes on me. It gave me my answer. I went up to my room and got dressed for the day. Sage wants me to watch the girl then I will. I can't be sitting around like this. Sage and Rey are right. If I want to be a part of their lives I have to keep up. I love Breeze and that's not going to change but she has a lot on her mind. I do too. I didn't know how far we were going to go until now. It looks like we're going all the way and I can't be here worrying about this when we have a lot of work to do. "I miss you too," I turned around as I strapped my watch on. Breeze is standing there with tears streaming down her face. "I've never had a boyfriend before. I don't know what to do. Everything is changing so fast. I don't know how to handle it," "I know you don't," I went over to her. "Bre, things are going to keep changing. What did you think was going to happen once you got that on your wrist? When you built the weapons that we use to kill one another?" "I don't know," she cried. "I just want to make stuff. I don't want this. I don't want to be targeted for anything. The news says more people have been apprehended because they were involved in my assassination attempt. I'm scared," "Hey," I pulled her to me. She wrapped her arms around me tightly and began to cry hysterically. Sage froze right outside my door. She shrugged and danced away giving me a thumbs up. I shook my head when she waved goodbye and disappeared. "She's a f*****g ass hole," she choked out. I laughed placing my hand on her head. "She is," I agreed. It's rare when Breeze curses and she's been doing it a lot as of late. "Do you really have to go?" she finally looked up at me. Her eyeliner is all over her face. I have to change my shirt again. "I do. Where is Falcon?" "He's programing the new computer I'm working on so I can make everything voice-activated in the lab," "Oh," I laughed. I never know what to say about her work. It all feels a little out of my reach. Kind of like she does most days. "Are we okay?" that's the real question, isn't it? I feel like telling her got her excited for a few hours and then she was over it. "Are we? Breeze, do you even want to be with me? You can tell me if you don't. It's not going to change what we have. I'll get over it," I lied. Lie. That's usually my go-to when it concerns her. "You don't even have to answer that right now. I have to go," "There's never been anyone else," she whispered before I walked out of the room. I stopped feeling my stomach lurch. "There will never be anyone else," I looked back at her to see her walk over to my bed to sit down at the end of it. My body is trembling, my ears are ringing. I can barely breathe. It's not the first time I've heard her say those words to me but the last time I heard her say them, it wasn't real. The difference between then and now is that she sounds really upset about admitting that out loud. We're in a really awkward stage right now. I walked back over to her. She looked up at me a little startled. "No, there will never be anyone else," I informed her. "I'm glad you know that," "You just said-" "I say a lot of things for your benefit, Breeze. The thought of you looking at someone else takes me to a really dark place. I'm willing to be whatever you need me to be. There's no one else for me either," I reassured her. I can hear it in my voice. The desperation. The fear of admitting to this ugly thing inside of me. It should scare her. Why doesn't it? "You've had other girlfriends," she scoffed. "No, I've never had other girlfriends. They're just faces. Things I needed to keep me from doing something stupid," I admitted. "You should go," she smiled without looking away this time. I leaned into her and pressed my lips to hers. She shut her eyes and didn't open them until I pulled away. Her eyes opened. The blue in her eyes is glowing. She shrugged probably stretching the discomfort she should be starting to feel more of. "Get some rest and eat something. I know you're not feeling well," she even feels a little warm. "How?" "Your wings are coming in, Breeze. You need to take care of yourself better. Let Falcon take care of the computer. Promise?" "And if I don't?" she challenged. Her eyes flickered on and off. Those things are going to change everything when they sprout. I'm sure of it. It was a mild crush before I had mine come in. Things took a turn after. "I'm going to be very upset with you," I squinted my eyes at her making her laugh. "Scary," she rolled her eyes. "Okay. I'll get some sleep. Here," she placed her hand on my bed. "I'll have Delia bring my food here," "Who is Delia?" "The cleaning lady," "Right. You better be here and asleep when I get back," "Yes, sir. Lord Elias," she saluted me and jumped onto the bed completely. Sage and Rey are right. If I want to be here, I have to keep up. I've let Breeze distract me enough for today. I got what I wanted anyway. Blending in is easy in Aldea. It's actually more difficult to decipher who belongs here and who doesn't. It's a very social district. Captain Airstrike and the Ace walked out of his resort together minutes after my arrival. He seems wry of her. Watching her every move. The two of them are keeping an eye on their surroundings but they look... cozy? They know each other. She took him to her house and didn't care that her neighbors spotted them together. The girl is smart. She wants witnesses if she happens to go missing. It was dark when the girl stepped out to have a cigarette. There's no movement inside which means he's spending the night but not with her. She glanced in my direction when she exhaled. I stepped out of the shadows and went over to her. "Didn't think she'd have you tail me," she admitted. "We just want to make sure you're alright, Captain," I sat down next to her. She offered me a cigarette. I took one. She put the flame of her lighter to it. "It's dangerous having him here around all these people," "It's more dangerous to have him alone before a mission like this. He's going through some s**t. Men don't just get over people like Sage from one night to the next," she smirked. I laughed. "You're telling me," "I've never been with a genius before. What's that like?" she bumped me with her shoulder. Hmm, I thought she was going to be a little bit of a stick in the mud. Like Redwood. Maybe I'm judging him a little too soon. "Like trying to ride a wild pegasus," "That sounds like a nightmare," she shook her head. "It can be but that feeling once you reach the clouds is worth it," I exhaled. Interesting, she likes menthols. So does Sage. "What are these?" she asked pointing at my arms. "I get a tattoo after every successful mission. I have more on my chest," "That's morbid considering I've seen all of your reports," "It's a complicated relationship," I agreed. "See those dark spots? You're not alone. If he tries anything, all you have to do is run out here or give any kind of signal. Be safe tomorrow. Don't get in his way, Lilly. Ace does things a certain way. He taught Sage everything she knows and she scares the hell out of me sometimes," "Thanks," she nodded looking down at her lighter. Her playful demeanor faded. "You're doing great. Sage hand-picked you for this. She thinks very highly of you," "Really?" she asked looking up at me curiously. "Why?" "You're a survivor," "We all are," "No, there's a difference between getting by and making it. I won't take up more of your time. Remember what I said. Stay out of his way," I repeated. "Good night, my lord," she bowed. I stepped back into my shadow and watched her smoke another cigarette before she went back inside. My phone vibrated in my jacket. "What?" I answered pressing on my earpiece. "How is she doing?" Sage asked. "I'm not worried," "Good. Go home. MG Redwood is taking over," "How many of them are there?" I asked. "Four," "We have mercenaries in the area. Six snipers and four katanas," "Really? He's taking precautions?" she chuckled. "I think it's the girl he's with. The Captain of the MP," "Mm," she hummed. I grinned looking over at the house. "You're not jealous are you?" "No," her tone isn't defensive at all. "Then what's the problem?" "I'm not the only one who sees her potential. Did you approach her?" "Yeah," I looked towards the blue light coming from her bedroom. "Good. He's f*****g dumb if he thinks he can take her from me," she hung up. "What the f**k?" I asked myself. "My Lord," I turned back to see Elder Redwood's younger brother. Ishtar Redwood is a lot taller than I thought he would be. "Major General," I greeted him extending my hand out for him to take. He gripped it lightly. The same way Breeze does. Begrundgenly. Noted. Rude little s**t. "We have two snipers on us," "Six," I corrected him. He looked back at me. "Six?" he asked to make sure he heard me right. "Yeah, his guys. We have four katanas on foot as well. Have a good night, man," I patted him on the back. He bowed nervously and turned his attention towards the house. I raised my hand catching my guys' attention and motioned them to move out. Knuckles stepped out from the shadows up ahead. His eyes stayed on me for a bit before he turned away and vanished behind one of the houses. That guy gives me the creeps. I wonder if he knows he's made a mistake by revealing his identity to Airstrike. I had every intention to go back home but what Rey said is playing in the back of my head. He wants more alliances like the one Ace and Sage have. Maybe not quite the same but I understand what he's saying. I headed back towards Elite Aldea. The Venue is the spot to be as of late. It's time for me to get reacquainted with some familiar faces.
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