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Alex Clare- Too Close Sasha: The last time I was here I didn't walk away, in the same manner, I had come in. This place is beautiful without all the lights, club tables, lasers, and drunk people. I had read about this in school. It had once been a library owned by my family. It was open to the public and attracted a lot of artistic fairies. The ceiling is covered in historic murals. The glorious marble looks like it's being properly cared for. I didn't know it still existed but if it really is the same library, it answers my prayer. We can do this. "You look a lot more relaxed now, Sage," Aurora greeted me. "This is my building," I looked around properly. "This is our Avionia Library," "Sasha," Sesshomaru glared at me. "No, no. She started this. I was minding my own business and she came at me," I waved him off. "She can fight her own battles," "Enough," he growled. "Aurora," "Sesshomaru," she tried to avert her eyes. "Oh, you didn't tell her that I knew. So, you're dipping your toe in the pool of neutrality," I laughed. "I'm sorry. Know what?" Elias asked. Sesshomaru only allowed Diana to come in with us. "Rory here was sleeping with Sesshomaru for two years after I made Spade. Before we broke up. He would send me away on assignments and would sneak her in through the back door. Sort to speak," I outed the two of them. "Are you f*****g kidding me right now?" Elias asked her angrily. "It's none of your business, Eli," she rolled her eyes. "Okay, I like it here," Diana laughed. "Spade, look at you in your new threads. I seriously thought you were going to wear the overalls. Do you know how many strings I had to pull to get you those," "Thank you," I turned to glare at Elder Redwood. There's amusement in his eyes but he's holding his serious expression. I love that. It's going to take a lot to get him to break character for me. "I apologize," he bowed his head politely. "Sage, what did you do to him?" Diana mused. "Yesterday he was daddy. Today it's baby," "First, eww Diana. Second, what the hell is wrong with you?" I asked, annoyed with her. "You used to be more fun. I'm glad I haven't gotten my wings. I am not excited to grow a conscience," she rolled her eyes. Did I sound like that before? I am not excited for my sister to get as self-righteous as I am now or worse, not self-righteous. "Yes, this is the Avionia Library. No, it no longer belongs to you," Aurora rolled her eyes. "That's not true," Elder Redwood scoffed. "It's blood magik. You better than anyone knows what that means. It doesn't belong to her but it does belong to the youngest descendant of the Airstorm bloodline. It's empty now but as soon as Breeze Airstorm steps foot in this place, it will be activated and it will solely belong to the last Airstorm sisters," "I bought it," she insisted. "That's not how it works," he shrugged. "You wouldn't be as hostile as you are if you didn't know the truth. You tried to intimidate Sasha the last time she was here because you knew. If magik worked on a technicality, it wouldn't be considered power," "Oh, there it is," Diana nodded. I laughed. "Well, it's settled. You're going to have to clear it out. I don't know if Elias has told you anything about Breeze but if I say magik secret library, she's going to want in and I will rather kill you than let her share it with you. I'm hoping she feels the same way," "Sasha," Sesshomaru growled. "Shut up. You did this. You're lucky you're still alive after all this time," I huffed. "Let's sit down," "Agreed," Elder Redwood laughed. "Before she wants to kill anyone else," She led us into a back room. Not the one from upstairs. This one is behind the DJ stage, this one looks like a dining room. Sesshomaru being the one in charge here began to explain what I want to Aurora and as much as I wanted to see her reaction to the new terms I can't seem to give them my full attention to them. This place is alive and it's calling to me. The walls are different here. While the others are marble, these walls are made of wood. It's not a coincidence. I can feel a slight buzz in here. "Sage," "Yeah?" I looked up. "What the hell is wrong with you today? This is your idea," Sesshomaru pointed out. "And?" "And I asked you something," he's getting irritated. Good. "There is nothing wrong with me today. It's this place. It's-" I looked around. "Calling out to you?" Elder Redwood asked. I nodded. "Particularly this room. There's a really powerful spell on the walls. I can hear it," "There is no magik in this room or this entire place. You can't do magik here," Aurora scoffed. I laughed. "You can't do magik here," I reached out towards Diana and pulled the scrunchy out of her hair and set it on the table in front of her. She grinned and picked it up before waving around. "This place was created by Airstorm magik. It's not going to accommodate your needs," "That's not what I asked. I asked if you wanted to explain what you want to her properly," Sesshomaru sighed. "Oh, no. If I do it, I'm not going to ask," I shook my head. "She might be old but I'm a lot stronger than her and I'll make her cry," "Then don't ask," he bit out angrily. "Don't make her cry either," "Sign the contract. You will start answering to the Elders and will be charged forty percent of all profits on and off the realm," "You're f*****g joking," she scoffed. "No, I am not. I have the upper hand now. This is a formalilty. Everyone else already signed. Don't sign and I will have Elder Redwood here raid, confiscate, and arrest any and all your assets we can get our hands on," I don't have to make her cry today. I'm going to be taking this place from her. It's going to be a big hit on her business. "I can do that. It would be a total abuse of my power and I will not sleep for a while but I can do that," Elder Redwood groaned. Diana laughed. "I'm sorry, what did you say your name was, kid?" he asked her. "Diana," "Stop enjoying this so much, Diana," he sneered. Her smile faded and she sat back averting her eyes. "I should have brought my King," she crossed her arms over her chest. "Would clap that i***t's cheeks without hesitation," "I'm babysitting," Elder Redwood mumbled. "f**k my life," Aurora shook her head. "What do I get in return?" "Portal access for your snake eyes. We're letting the jackets train with the military to gain access to the other realms for whatever illegal s**t you can do on other realms. You all will have immunity here but if you get caught there, you're on your own," I explained. "Immunity here?" she smiled. "In your trade. Murder, theievery, and anything involving children I can still gut you for. Touch any of the policing fairies and I will-" "Let me guess, gut me?" she smirked smuggly. "No, I will trap you in darkness that will make you wish you were dead. And when you cry out wishing to end your misery, no one will hear you. No one will help you and I will watch you rot for as long as we both shall live," I stood up, sliding the contract to her. I removed my dagger from my waist and placed it next to the paper work. "Now sign the f*****g paperwork so I can go get my sister and bring her here. I want to know what this place is exactly," "You're seriously going to relocate us?" Aurora asked. "You pretenious b***h," "You're lucky you're alive. You have Elias to thank for your pathetic existence. No matter what way you look at it, you're nothing but a w***e in a w***e house. I don't care if you loved him or if it was accidental. You crossed a line you can't step back into. I've done some pretty ugly s**t to people I don't even remember. "You hurt me, you both did. And it's taking everything inside of me not to retaliate because I need you to help my sister save this f****d up world we live in. No amount of apologies or kind gestures is going to change that. One thing I can tell you about being what I am is that everything I experienced before my wings was amplified to the point where if I think about it, I give into the darkness inside of me. And this void. It's infinite. So, yeah. Get the f**k out of my library and rebuild your shitty gambling w***e house somewhere else before I kill them all and make you start from scratch," "Wow, this was an amazing break through," Elder Redwood smiled. "Is this your emotional support Elder?" Diana laughed. "Yeah, that's exactly what he is to the Royal Party," I nodded. "Isn't sleeping with him a conflict of intrest?" Elias asked. "I haven't slept with him," "You want to," Sesshomaru laughed. "Well, look at him. He looks fun," "He does," Diana agreed. "You want to sleep with her," Elias added. "Yeah, look at her," Elder Rewood nodded giving his attention to Sesshomaru. "Not to mention who she is. Brilliance like this is wild. Why you would want anything less is beyond me. You're very reckless and self-destructive. You carry a very heavy weight on your shoulders. Not just the job but in your head. Ice faires are very emotionless but air fairies are fleeting and driven by their emotions. Would you consider seeing me once a week?" "What the f**k?" Diana and Elias both burst into laughter. "Is he serious?" Sess asked me. I laughed. "Yeah, since we're all now working together, you guys are all assets to Elias, Rey, and me. So, you guys running around thinking of things that can screw our orders up needs to be under control. He's spellbound with the Elder pact of the Council. I forgot about that," "There is that conflict of interest regret," Elias shook his head. "He's only giving you what you want," "That's embarrassing," Aurora sighed. "No, I wanted her since we met. Back when I was the Guardian of the Realm," he sat back. "The spell doesn't work when it's a conflict of interest. It becomes void," "Do we have a way in testing that?" Elias asked. "Never once have I addressed her to do what I just did to him. That just blurts out of me at times. Around you and everyone else. Rey accused me of favoritism because I have normal conversations with her. I was warned before hand," "That is a very well thoughtout loop hole in a spell," Aurora pointed out. "A loop hole and a technicality aren't the same thing," Diana blurted out. We all laughed. "That's exactly what loop hole is," Elias shook his head. "The bar for Aces has to be really low," "She's brilliant with numbers and bossing people around. There is no room for anything else in her head. At least not until she gets her wings," Sesshomaru shrugged. She was always his favorite. "That's concerning," Elias whispered to himself. I agree. Now I'm wondering what changes Breeze is going to go through. I got raging homicidal maniac. What will she? "That aside, I want to say I forgive you both but it's not going to stop me from being an ass hole to the both of you. It's fair in my opinion. It's not like you were in love," "I hope not," Captain Airstriker appeared behind us. "I have diplomatic immunity. I will kill you and I will not feel bad about leaving your little brother alone in this world. He can easily take your place at the table and he has a princess at his arm. I doubt he'll miss you too long," "Lily," I greeted her. She smiled at me fondly. "Sage," she bowed. "It's time to go. The Kings are growing restless," "Since we're going to be working together, here are some areas of your expertise that we will be needing you to cooperate with me on. All commercial," Diana put a list in front of Aurora. "You can send someone for a reply and if you want to negotiate changes. Here are the lists from the others for the exception of the Spade. I'm sure she's going to have her personal request made in person," "Let's go, D," Sess stood up. He turned to face me before he left. "Are you catching up on the changes Diana made to your little side hussle," "Hell of a side hussle," Diana snickered. "I said I'd be there on Monday," "You do understand I need the Spade there on Monday. Not the princess. That one is distracted by all of this bullshit," he motioned around the room. "I taught you to be petty, Sasha," he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear leaving a trail of frost on my skin. "You're going to have to try harder to get under my skin. Messing with side piece is beneath you. Ask our accountant just how many there are. Ask her for locations and gifts I've given them. She's made a fun game out of them all," Every bone in my body is fighting the urge to kill her just so I can lash out at someone. He has no principles. He wasn't raised with honor. This is what he knows. To cheat and play dirty to get what he wants. He knows my self respect is different from his. The standards limit us to our upbringings and being raised to be what I've recently become offers me the short end of the stick. It just means I need to think my way around it. I smiled, reaching out to take his hand gently. He looked down at our joined hands. "I'll be there on Monday, sir," I stated calmly. He ripped his hand out of mine and stepped back. "Should I bring you an extra coffee in the morning?" "She just sucked the warmth out of the room," Diana whispered. "We should leave her alone for a bit, sir. I'm all for banter but this is not the hill I want to die on," He turned his attention back to me. I tucked my hands together behind my back and smiled at him innocently. His smug smirk faded. His wings began to frost. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Aurora signed the paperwork and Elder Redwood took it. Sesshomaru doesn't want to turn his back to me and I get it. My reaction startled him. It's never been directed at him before. He's gotten anger and tears but never the emptiness that I just displayed. He's seen what happens after. "Thank you, Dice Queen. You have forty eight hours to clear out. Elias, help her. I'll stay home with Breeze the rest of the weekend. You can bring her here Sunday. This will be your fourteenth friendaversry gift to her," "Are we all clear on the new rules?" Elder Redwood asked. "Yes," Aurora answered. "Yes," Sesshomaru nodded without taking his eyes of me. "Good. We all start Monday then. By then the paperwork will be filed and your new positions will be finalized," Elder Redwood addressed all of us. "Sage, you need to lay low for a bit. Not a lot of people are going to be a big fan of your new project. Stay with your sister. Get to know her a little more. Are we all good?" "Yes," we all answered at the same time. "Good. Sage, lead the way. Your little tantrum doesn't scare me. Settle down," he turned his full attention to me. I looked up at him. He took the things on the table and led me out first but paused when he stood in front of Sesshomaru. The others visibly tensed up. "This is what control looks like, Sesshomaru. You were nothing but the scrape after a little fall," his hand shot out so fast, I missed when he intended to move. His skin is buzzing as he took a step closer to Sess. "You might have your foot on her neck for now but you have mine on yours. Provoke her again and I'll wreck you. I'm a quick study. You only get the upper hand once and you missed your shot," Elder Redwood let him go. Sesshomaru stumbled back holding his neck. It's bright red. I laughed when he came over to me and took my hand again. Everyone in the room is stunned, me included. As soon as we were outside he pushed me towards the car and we left with only a couple of cars following behind us. He adjusted his blazer while he looked out the window cautiously. I bet this is his first time coming out here. "You didn't have to do that," I broke the silence. "I know," he smiled. "I wanted to. You made your choice. You didn't want to be in charge. You have given me that task and I intend to uphold it to your expectations. As I explained to the Ace. I'm a quick study," "You are," I placed my hand over his. "It takes a lot of consentration to do what you did. To use your affinity the way you did," "It does. Lots of training," he nodded. "Can you teach me that?" "No," he laughed. "You don't have the patience for it. This is a close combat technique for my kind. You have close combat training. Your void abilities are far range. I'm going to teach you how to use your void to where you don't even have to be in the same room with it. You have a magnificent weapon at your disposal. You and the others. You're an expert assassin now, but to your actual capabilities, you're still just a novice. We have a lot of work ahead of us," "Do you know anyting about the Avionia Library?" "No, nothing. Do you?" "I do and I think we found our means of travel for the nerds. It's spellbound to our blood. It's inactive at the moment but once it's activated, I can teach Breeze how to use it. We can link her lab to it. We don't have to move a single machine she's going to need. This is a big help," "You couldn't have just explained that to her?" he smirked. "And miss what might be the last time I'm able to f**k with her? No. This has nothing to do with Sess and everything to do with pride. I am a very prideful fairy," "I'm starting to see that," he took my hand in his, lifted it up to his lips, and pressed a kiss that sent an electric shock up my arm. My skin broke out in goosebumps. I had forgotten about the Elder spell. It kind of scared me for a moment. I felt like something came crashing down on me. It was unexpected. I know it doesn't work if there's a conflict of interest. I studied everything that has to do with the Elders and us as the newly appointed Royal Party. I've been pulling him in but keeping him at arms length. "I'd like for you and your family to come stay with us. Permanently. Use whatever excuse you like to make it happen. I'll do whatever is required of me as cooperation," "You don't have to do that. We can take care of ourselves," he began to decline. "I know you can. I've seen it. I need you to. This is me needing more," "Sasha," he reached out to make me look at him. "You don't have to feel obligated to do anything for me," "What's about to come out of my mouth is going to both hurt and flatter you," I smiled. "I don't feel obligated to anyone but myself and my sister. I move things around us in a manner that benefits me. To make things easier for me. I really don't ever think about anyone other than myself but as of late, I find myself wondering about you. Have you eaten, did you get enough sleep, when am I going to see you again? It hurts me to know that I care about you enough to think about little things like that. It's something I've never allowed. Not Sesshomaru, not Elias, and not Rey. I'm scared to admit it and the only reason why I am telling you this now is because for an instant back there. I thought it was all in my head," "That does hurt me and flatter me simultaneously," he sighed. He reach for me, cupping me face tenderly. "The trauma you're repressing with everything you're doing runs deep, Sasha. You know that right? It runs so deep, it's become hatred and recentment. It's why your void pulls in as much heat as it does. You've forgotten what love is and your soul is crying out for help. I can't help you personally, but I need you to talk to someone. I am going to find someone that can help you,"
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