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The Weeknd- Till Dawn (Here Comes The Sun) Breeze: How could I be so dumb? Why was I even a little okay with thinking that I was completely okay with Elias and Sasha being engaged? I had been dreading their return. I was so relieved when I found out a project opened up for me because it meant that I wouldn't have to be here to witness any of that. I wanted to avoid contact with him at all costs under a false premise. The little red stone led me back to the Elder Tower. I rushed after the location stone like a mad fairy. It turned to go up the stairs and I went after it with no hesitation. My body smacked right into someone. I fell back, landing on my butt, hard. Pain instantly shot up my spine making my jaw clench shut. "Lady Breeze?" I looked up at Lord Elias and instantly jumped up to my feet forgetting about the pain. I just smacked right into him. Did it even hurt him? "Sir, I am so sorry. I didn't see you there. I was in a hurry," I tried to explain. "To where? Sasha told me she was already home making dinner," he still seems upset with me. "I was looking for you. The stone," I stepped back and began to look for it. I can't lose my sister's stone. "Right here," he held it up between his thumb and index finger. "Thank you," I reached to take it out of his hand. He raised it a little, stopping me. "Why were you looking for me, Bre?" he asked. I am so close to him. Oh, so very close. He smells so good. He always smells good. I jumped back, clearing my throat. Think. What do you really want to say to him, Bre? What are we doing here? "Sasha informed me of the misunderstanding earlier. I have to clarify. I'm not dating Falcon Malory nor do I ever intend to," I stepped down feeling like an i***t. "Then why are you meeting him tonight?" he asked, stepping closer to me. His eyes are dark again. "Well, I'm-I-" I have several degrees in different subjects but none of them have made me any less awkward. If anything I think they've made me worse. "Yes?" he smiled, looking at my mouth, lifting his left eyebrow expectantly. "I'm getting the Early Dawn award before I leave and it's tonight. Well, early dawn," I cleared my throat. "You can come with me if that would make you feel better, Lord Elias," I am a stuttering mess. Why am I a mess? I know him. I've known him for a long time and now that I think about it, I've seen all the signs. "Would it?" "It would, Breeze," he pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose. The darkness in his eyes is gone. "Would you like to come have dinner with Sasha and me?" I asked. "I would, Breeze," he grinned. I stepped back and looked around. The receptionist is looking right at us. She put her fists up and made an exciting motion with her mouth wide open. That was so cute. She mouthed. "Why is this so intense?" I swallowed the dryness in my mouth. "I will tell you why later," he shrugged. "Come on, nerd. You know Sasha doesn't like to wait," he stepped down next to me and offered me the red stone. I took it and followed behind him. "Bre?" "Yes?" I asked, falling into step with him. "Did Sasha really have to tell you? You can't see it?" he asked. "I can. I mean I do. I just-" I cleared my throat. "It doesn't- You have been my best friend ever since I can remember, Sir, and I didn't want to mess that up. Then, before you and the others left, Sasha got an engagement order. I didn't know they were optional. I just-" ugh I am so weird. "I'm nothing like you guys. I can barely block something when Sash throws it at me playfully. I don't even have my wings yet. My idea of a good time is-" "Catching cat-poles in catfish river, provoking dragonflies to study their tail flames, reading with the window open when it's raining because the sound of it helps you relax. I know," he smiled at me. "I've been there with you a couple of times," "You have," I nodded, feeling a knot forming in my throat. I am going to melt and just be a universal fairy puddle on the floor. "I got you something," "Did you?" he smiled. "Yes," I took his hand. "You're going to love it," "I believe you," he smirked. I pulled him all the way back to my apartment. "Sash, we're home," I called out as soon as I got the door open but there was only silence. "I guess she went out," "Weird, it's her I am home dinner," he shut the door behind him. "Okay, I know you've always wanted one and I saw her and I knew she was the one," I grabbed Serenity and turned to face him. "Breeze?" he shook his head with disbelief. His hands dropped to his sides. "Her name is Serenity. She's a sweetie," I let go of her. The Pegasus jumped out of my arms and fluttered over to him. Their wind magic swirled around the two of them when he reached for her. Mini Wind Pegasus are extremely rare. They used to be hunted because they are so incredibly difficult to catch. This one is still a baby. I wasn't able to locate her nest but at the very least, she's safe. "Bre, where did you find her?" he asked when she settled into his arms. "Ceilly and I were out on Dandelion Meadows. Her hind leg was broken. Is, so I brought her home with me. I've tried to find their nest but I didn't have any luck finding them. Location spells are not my thing. She's got all her shots and is officially registered as a rescue. All you have to do is sign and she's all yours," "I don't know what to say," he scratched under Serenity's chin. She loves it. She loves all the attention. "Did you guys make up?" my sister barged in ruining the moment. "Terrible timing as always, Sage," Lord Elias growled at her. "I was outside the door for a while. Nervous brainiac over here took forever to get to the point," she scoffed. I laughed. "I am starving. Are you guys hungry?" "Yes, I didn't really get a chance to eat lunch," Lord Elias set Serenity back on her perch and made his way over to the dining room. My face flushed red when he looked over at me with that same playful smirk he always gives me. Sasha is enjoying this way too much. She's looking at me with a smile plastered on her stupid beautiful face. We began to serve our dinner. "Where did you go?" I asked. "Oh, did you get the mail? The new fae creature magazine released the research on that Lunar owlette project. I'm so excited to read about it," "Nerd. Oh, snap, the neighbor guy kept it," she snapped her fingers. "What neighbor guy?" I laughed. "Question, do you know who Eldin Drake is?" she asked. Lord Elias and I looked at one another. "Do you mean Elvin Drake?" he asked. "Oh, yeah. Elvin," she nodded. "Yes," we both answered at the same time. "Does Elvin Drake live in the building?" I asked, getting serious. "You didn't know that?" she laughed. "No, I don't like meeting people here. Everyone is always staring at me. You know I hate that," "He is a big fan of yours. He said and I quote. How cool is it for you to be related to Lady Breeze Airstorm?" she smirked. "Did he not know who you were?" I asked. Who the hell doesn't know who my sister is? "Yeah, he did. Addressed me formally," "You just went out to get the mail and you met Elvin Drake?" Lord Elias asked her. "Actually, funny story. If I ever make out with his beautiful face, I will tell everyone even if it doesn't work out. I was getting the mail and this Demi-Gorgon slithered past me so fast and then Mr. Drake was like my backpack and I lassoed the Demi-Gorgon to get his backpack back to him. Then we went down to the police station and reported him," "You're lying," I shook my head with disbelief. She laughed excitedly. "No, I am being one hundred percent honest. That's not all. Have you guys met Elder Redwood?" she asked sitting back in her chair. "Elder Ericson Redwood? The Norwegian Prince?" I asked stunned. "You have insanely high standards. Sweet fireflies, Sasha," "What can I say? I love me a gentleman with a pretty set of eyes and a very domineering personality. Drake is super smart but there was something there. Something under that perfectly tailored suit of his," she tapped her chin thinking about it. "Mhm," "You're insane," I shook my head. "Do you not think you have high standards?" Lord Elias asked me. Stupidly, I may add but don't tell him that. "Are you kidding me? I am way over my head. You are the Lord of the Realm. I'm just your academically gifted best friend who sometimes tutors you for the less exciting part of your job which is probably the only part of your job that's my favorite," "Awe," Sasha placed her hand on her chest. "That is so cute," "How did she take the news?" he asked changing the subject. I felt saved for a moment but then realized I haven't told her about the transfer. Well played, Lord Elias. "Oh," I cleared my throat. "What news?" my sister asked. That wasn't bad news but it definitely feels like bad news now. "I was offered a position to monitor the core for the new Elder Tree sprouting in High Rise," "What? What position?" she asked. "Leading Director," I whispered. She looked between Lord Elias and me. "Wow," she nodded, pushing herself up straight. She even scooted her chair a little closer to the table. "How long will you be gone?" "Well, the Elder Tree has to sprout. Once it's fully grown, it takes a few weeks, eight at most. I have to install the core and it takes months. Then I have to wait to see if the tree accepts the core if not I have twelve weeks to find the right one before it dries out. After the twelve-week wait, they want me to monitor its progress," I sat back feeling really guilty. "It's kind of a permanent thing. Elder Brucie asked me to go himself. My core installment strategies have been tested and confirmed. If this works, it can revolutionize Fae magic. Elves, fairies, trolls, we can resurrect the Elder Tree forests in every realm," "Breeze, that's amazing. You've been talking about this since you were eight. Blueberry, this is your dream," her eyes are watery. "Oh, sweet fireflies. Bre, I've been- I am so sorry for being gone for so long. I wasn't there," "Hey, hey. No. I know how important your job is. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be able to do what I do. You make sure we're all safe. You guys are the reason Aldrich is one of the biggest Fae realms in existence. You don't have to apologize. I do this for you. For all of us," Neither of them asked the question that is clearly lingering heavily over us. Well, it is lingering heavily over my head. I helped pack up Serenity's things so that Lord Elias can take her home with him. She was more than happy to get into her personal carrier. I walked him downstairs. I kind of don't want him to go, even though I'm going to see him later. "Thank you for helping me. I had it," he smiled. I can see he's upset. "What time should I come by later?" "The award. Right. I almost forgot," "You can come back to my place if you like? My brothers are both away on mission. It would just be us two. You can get your things and get ready there? Just like old times," "Yeah. Yes, we can do that. I'm only allowed a plus one and I wasn't even going to tell Sasha until I had it in my hands," I admitted. He laughed. "I actually have a link to my things in my bag. I'll go get it," "I'll be here," he nodded. I rushed back upstairs as fast as I could. Sasha was holding my bag at the door. Our eyes met as soon as I reached her. "I know about the award. The Elders told me. I'm okay with sitting it out. I want to see it when you get back though," she smiled tightly. "I'm sorry," "No," she shook her head. "Go, blueberry. Roll," "I hate you so much sometimes. Stop calling me blueberry and no more blueberry jokes. I'm twenty-two years old already," "Shut up. You're always going to be my little blueberry," she pinched my cheek. I shrugged her away. "Go, get out of here. You're wasting time," I didn't hesitate. I got back to him as fast as I could. There is no way in hell I can ever ask Elias to move with me. He just became the Lord of the Aldrich Realm. If he moved, he would have to start over from scratch. Even if I don't stay to monitor the tree it's a four-year project. "We're going to figure something out, Breeze," he broke the silence. I looked up at him. "I can hear the gears in your brain turning," "I want to be with you," I admitted looking away from the sad look in his eyes. Our timing is terrible. "Just hearing you say that makes me really happy. Bre. We will figure something out, uni bug," He made me look up at him. "You promise?" "I promise," he smirked. I froze when his sight focused down on my lips. My heart is racing so fast I want to run circles around my apartment building. I didn't move as he gently pressed his lips against mine. His restraint is so annoying. His patience as well as my sister is stupid good. I have none. I need results and this is not cutting it. I pushed up onto my tiptoes and pulled him closer. "Breeze," he laughed. "I'm going to drop, Serenity," "Oh, I totally forgot," I panted stepping away. "What the hell is wrong with me? I basically assaulted you," "Hey, you can do that whenever you like. We're just kind of standing in the middle of the sidewalk outside my apartment and I'd like to do this somewhere a little more private," "I will miss that stupid award ceremony without thinking twice about it. All you have to do is say so," I shrugged. He placed his hand on his chest and smiled like he was in complete shock. "Breeze Airstorm, you would play hooky for me?" he laughed. "Are you kidding me? Our entire friendship is based on us playing hooky together. Since we were nine," "I am a bad influence on you," he shook his head. "I originally created the hologram core to play hooky at six and it worked for the most part. That makes me the influencer and you the influence-y," I shook my head. "You're not missing that ceremony. Get your ass upstairs and start getting ready, Lady Breeze," he ordered. I stepped back and nodded. "Yes, sir," I agreed right away. "Hustle, we only have a couple of hours before we have to be there," he smirked. "You're going to be staying with me all week, Breeze. It's not up for negotiation," "I have no rebuttal, sir," I reassured him. Wait, how did he flip this on me? "Good, there's no need for one," he opened his door for me. "I know you like to curate our outfits. What color are we wearing?" "That is the most romantic thing you could ever say to me, Elias," I slumped forward-thinking back to the universal fairy puddle on the ground. He laughed. "I've been practicing," he admitted."For a really long time,"
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