Ginger the giraffe ?

205 Words
Once upon a time, there was a giraffe named Ginger. Ginger lived in Kenya, a country in Africa. Like all giraffes, Ginger had a long neck and long legs. Because she was so tall, she was able to eat food from the very tops of the trees in the savannah. The savannah in Africa is an area with lots of grass and some trees. Sometimes, a savannah is called grasslands. The other animals like zebra ? and antelopes could not reach where Ginger could reach. But Ginger always found food. She loved the leaves and the new buds of the trees. One day, Ginger was busy eating her favorite leaves along with some other giraffes. It was a bright sunny day and there was not a cloud in the sky. It had not rained for a long time, so the grass was very dry. She heard a noise down at the bottom of her extra long legs: it was her friend, Mickey the Monkey? Mickey was trying to say something, but Ginger couldn’t understand what he was saying. He looked very tired. “What’s wrong?” asked Ginger. Ginger was a very kind giraffe and wanted to help everyone. Just then Mickey fell over!
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