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You’ll never believe this X-Apparently-To: X-Track: -20 Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2000 12:21:48 +0700 (GMT) From: DanFlower@h*********m, To: Subject: Re: you’ll never believe this Robbie, Hope you enjoyed your month in India. Still as mad as ever? An old friend from the overland trip has been in touch. I am coming out to Kathmandu to resolve a business deal long thought dead. Very strange story. I probably never told you about the boy Fred who disappeared at the end of our journey. Well, incredibly, after 25 years he’s been in touch and wants to meet to retrieve money we left in a bank in Kathmandu in ‘76. I have taken three weeks off work. b****y marvelous. I’m really excited about this trip. Will write again when I have flight details. I hope we can meet before you move on. Love,

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