26. Homecoming

401 Words

Dani Stricker had tears in her eyes. She couldn’t help it after sitting in a crab shack in Kep all afternoon. She’d discarded her hired assassin’s advice. Siem Reap could wait. Once, a long time ago, in another life, she’d come here, with her sister. They’d run away from the paddy fields for a day to see the ocean. Their parents had never allowed them to go so far from the village. Dani’s sister had been very young then. With the few riel Dani had taken from the family purse, she’d bought steamed crab for her sister. Her cell phone rang. “Where are you?” the voice with the strong barang accent enquired without a word of greeting. barang“At home. I ‘ve come home. I’m in Kep.” She hoped that she didn’t sound tearful. She could still taste the lemon sauce which came with the crab on her l

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