Chapter 9 Exposed

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(Y/n)'s POV I was sobbing until I felt someone's presence. I quickly wiped my tears since I don't want anyone to see me crying. I turned back to look and I saw Karma, the person that I really don't wanna see right now, standing there. I gave him a smile. Karma's POV She gave me a smile, though I can see she's sad. (Y/n): K-Karma-kun!~ What are you doing here? What? It's too obvious that you were crying. Don't give me a smile like that. Your necklace is blue, your eyes is red, her voice is obvious are you gonna be? (Y/n)'s POV K: Walking around, I guess. Me: Oh. K: What about you? What are you doing here? Me: Nothing j-just seeing the beautiful moon~ I need to leave.. K: Ah I see~ Can I seat next to you? Me: Why not? *Giggle Don't. K: It's beautiful huh? Me: Y-yeah ^^ Go away. Then I remembered. ~~~~ "Okuda who do you like?" "Me? I like Karma-kun *blush" "And I think it's mutual..." Okuda adds while blushing. "Karma-kun who do you like?" "Hm~ I like Okuda-san maybe?~" ~~~~ Why am I remembering that? I really...don't like it. Before I realized it, a warm liquid was on my face again. I tried to hide my face. My body is trembling a bit. I'm so weird.. Me: Ne Karma... K: Hm? Me: Do you like anyone? K: ...Maybe? Me: Ah, yes. I know who it is~ Haha~ K: Is that so? Who?~ M: You like Okuda-san, right? Karma looked at me with a shocked and confused expression. K: Ah, so you heard that huh? I a- Me: So...when are you gonna confess? Okuda likes you back you know. So, when are you gonna confess? Or are you two dating already?~ K: Eh?~ She likes me? We're not dating *laugh You're curious when I'm gonna confess to her? Me: Yeah~ More tears started spilling. I don't...wanna hear it..!....Why? I'm the one that asked.. K: Well actually, I'm- Me: Ah, you know what? Never mind haha, just tell me when you've confessed. I-I'm going out for a run! K: Wh-wait!! And just like that I ran outside of the inn and go to a nearby park. I was sobbing quietly in there, then I heard a sound... When I looked at where the sound came from, it turns out that it was those guys that tried to kidnap me and my friends. "Well well well, look who we have here~" The leader said. "Let's finish where we left off~" The other guy said. I breathed in and out. "Okay, fine! *Smirk I feel like I want to punch something anyways!" I shouted. I want to waste energy! Karma's POV I tried following her, but lost track of her. I keep running and running then....I heard a shout, "I feel like I want to punch something anyways!" That voice..its (y/n)..! I walked there and saw a bunch of high schoolers. ....Wait aren't those guys the one that tried to abduct her earlier? I need to stop th- (Y/n): I see you brought friends, but still you guys didn't even reach 5% of my power! Don't blame me if you guys get hurt okay?~ Since you started this! What does she think she is doing and saying?! She is just weak yet so cute...Well that is what she showed us. Maybe...I could figure out her secret. I hid behind a bush. Before I realized it all of my classmates are here. Nagisa: Karma-kun what happened? I heard noises just now, I tried to find you and saw you running. Kayano: And we were searching for (y/n)-chan. Then we met Nagisa-kun and he told us that he heard noises. So, we came to find you...So why are you hiding? Isogai: Woah is that (y/n)-san with a bunch of high schoolers? Kayano: Woah! It's the guys that tried to abduct us! Isogai: Seriously? Maehara: Wait, is she gonna fight them? She has no chance of fighting them! She's weak right? Kayano: Koro-sensei we need to help her! Koro: ..Why don't we wait for a bit? There's something she hasn't shown us yet. (Y/n): Did you guys really thought that you could beat me? Haha..hahaha! I don't know where you got that idea from, but you have no chance on winning against me. She showed a little bit of bloodlust. She looked like she is just playing an easy game. Rio: Just what is she thinking?! Koro-sensei hurry up and- Koro: Wait. (Y/n): This is your last chance, do you still wanna fight? Leader: Do you really think that you could beat all of us? We are the strongest gang in the city when all of us are together! (Y/n): Well...I am the Angel of death, it's not like I am called that for nothing *sigh She rubs her head looking like talking to them is bothersome. ...Angel of Death..? She's...Angel of Death?! (Y/n): It's nice that I don't have to keep my identity with you guys. Sorry, all of us are listening to you -v-;; (Y/n): So, your answer? You still wanna fight? All of them: Eh?! Leader: N-no way that Angel of Death?! Kayano: What does that mean? Leader: The Angel of Death?! The one who always wins in every competition and always beat the opponent less than in 5 sec?! K: That's the explanation~ (Y/n): Well yeah. That's me *smile Leader: I only heard that that is only a legend! Guy1: S-so what do we d-do now leader? (Y/n): Run away like a scardy cat?~ Leader: N-no, there is no way she is the one, right?! Guy2: But she is fuckin adorable alright. Leader: That doesn't really mean that she is the one, right? Guy3: Huh? But doesn't the Angel of Death always use a mask? Guy2: Yeah, but there was that one time when she opened it. (Y/n): So, are you gonna fight me or not? If not then please leave.. Leader: ..*Cough We are gonna fight you and make mess out if you~ *snickered (Y/n): Hah, there's nothing you can do to mess me up~ Leader: You'll see once we do ecchi things with you. (Y/n): ..... Leader: Ha! See guys! She froze! She is scared of us now! I gritted my teeth. God fucking....I'm putting them to jail. (Y/n): ...I have a question.. Leader: Ha?..What is it? (Y/n): What is ecchi? ...PFFT.. Leader: *Laugh Don't try to be innocent haha! (Y/n): God! Seriously what do guys actually mean by innocent? They keep on saying 'She is too innocent' and stuff like that. What are you guys talking about?! Leader: Hahahaha! After we beat you, we will show you~ (Y/n): Eh?~ But that means never...since you can't beat me..Oh never mind, I will just ask Karma-kun. Nononononono! Don't ask me about that, I won't know how to respond -_- She smiled. Leader: You mean the red head? (Y/n): Yup! Leader: Who is he? Your boyfriend or something? (Y/n): ....Nah he is like a best friend to me and plus he likes someone else.... Hmm? I feel like I'm being friend zoned?  ̄ω ̄; Her necklace became blue and purple. Leader: You know you can just hangout with us~ (Y/n): *Sigh You know we have been chatting for a while now so let's fight! I feel like I really need to punch something! Leader: Ok boys! Do it! (Y/n): Heh~ Everyone ran towards (y/n) and I was about to try to save her, but she kicked all of them....then another one tried to stab her in the arm, but before he could do that she noticed him and punched him on the face. And another one comes out and was about to strangle her is the neck, but she turned around and kicked his chin and etc. ....Wow, she's a badass~ She's been hiding this? Then she wins...she only took 8 seconds to beat all of them. Nagisa: Wow! I can't believe she's that good! Rio: I thought she was helpless..... (Y/n): Maybe I should have made it slower and easier for you guys. But, Ah!~ It feels so good to finally let go a bit, it's been a while!~ You guys fight so recklessly. Well maybe we can fight again sometimes? Thanks guys it feels so good to let it all out a bit! Next time when we fight, I'll use more power ok? *smile I told you Onii-chan! I can take care of myself! Ha! Take that!~ She pumped her fist to the air. She's so happy, like a little kid. I laughed a bit. Leader: J-just who are you? (Y/n): Huh? Didn't I tell you already? That I am the Angel of Death? Leader: S-so you are the big deal? (Y/n): I guess she really is her. No wonder I felt like I've seen her before. Leader: S-sorry! We are so sorry! How about if we make it up for you...what do you want us to do? (Y/n): Huh? What? Leader: I-I'm actually a fan of the Angel of Death, but never really know what she looks like...I also didn't know that she actually exists. K: Pfft. (Y/n): ....O-okay...So...I don't know what I want. Leader: How about we accompany you to where you live? (Y/n): I don't live here, I'm in a school trip right now actually. Leader: I you are sleeping in an inn or something? (Y/n): Actually yes! Leader: Ok! Let us accompany you till you're there. (Y/n): You don't need to!...I can't go back right now...There is someone I don't really wanna see right now...I can't believe I'm running away. Running away? Leader: Shall we accompany you? (Y/n): No, right now, I want to be alone because I suddenly remembered the accident again haha.....sorry guys *smile Leader: O-ok but can I, I mean can we become your ally? (Y/n): Huh?! What's so sudden?! Leader: Can you be our boss? (Y/n): Ha? Why? Leader: are very strong and you can do anything with this gang. (Y/n): Uh....I think someone like me shouldn't be your you already have a leader, right? Leader: Yeah, but I want you to take my place. (Y/n): You can find better leaders than me. Leader: That's not true! We want you to be our leader! (Y/n): ..Sorry guys, I can't be a leader.. Leader: ..Okay then, I'm sorry to have bothered you. (Y/n): ....I am sorry, I'm not fitting to be a leader..but...could you guys please be somewhere else? I want to be alone right now... Leader: If that is your wish. (Y/n): I'm sorry for hurting you guys too. Leader: No, we're the one who picked a fight. Sorry for being disrespectful. They bowed and left her alone. Nagisa: Guys, I'm going back..I'm sleepy *yawn Isogai: Let's go back before she sees us. Everyone except me: Okay. Everyone left. I'm still there alone watching (y/n). She faced down and tears started to spill. (Y/n): So...why do I feel like this? Why? I never felt this before so....Okay (n/n)! Brave up and....put a smile!...It's stupid anyways....Yosh! I'm gonna apologize to Karma-kun for leaving him alone like that! But first I need to know why am I crying haha...It's funny huh? So why did I cry again? Oh right those flashbacks... What flashbacks? (Y/n): Why did I cry about that? I should be happy that they liked each why? She cried again. (Y/n): Huh?...L-look I'm crying again...come on....stop..*sobs How am I supposed to face Karma-kun like this? *Sigh Okay stopu!~ Don't remember those if it makes you cry (y/n)! You gotta man up! Hehe~ More tears are spilled. (Y/n): Jeez, stop crying. I'm such a crybaby. Let's think about anime then.....Uwah! It actually stopped! I am a pro at this! Nyahahaha~ I sweat dropped at her childishness, but it makes her cute. (Y/n): Okay just need to wait so the red is gone yosh!....But it's boring!~ Mou! Wait I can play around this playground, right? Let's play then! which one should I play about the swing then I practice? Right today I haven't practice, yesterday too. I'm becoming lazier by day *giggle Well, for now I should just play the swing while balancing myself. Haha she is so cute and I'm right there is something suspicious huh? But I didn't expect her to be so good. She went towards the swing and....stands on it? Then she swings back and forth and it becomes a front flip and then she back flipped for 3 times. You could get hurt if you do that! Jeez, is she not scared? Though...I can actually do that too.. Then she got off of the swing. (Y/n): Okay! Swing check! Now it's time to practice....hmmmm which one? I have a anti-sensei gun and anti-sensei knife and a real knife...oh how about I play with the real knife! She took out a real knife. Why does she have those? -_-; (Y/n): Onii-chan sure worries a lot *giggle but well at least I could play with it for a bit, it's been a while~ Oh She took 5 papers and began to draw circles. Where did she get those -_- (Y/n): Okay I'm done! Let's stick it to a tree! Hehe, good thing I always bring these stuffs everywhere. Crap. She is coming towards me...and she pinned the paper in a tree near me and besides the other tree and besides the other tree... (Y/n): Yosh! Now I just need to walk further and further okay here! Interesting.. She throws the knife in the center perfectly. And again, and again. She's good. (Y/n): Welp that was super easy, but not far enough....If only this is my training room, I can throw this further *sigh You know how much I need to hold back my power tree? It is really hard for me to act weak sometimes y'know! *sigh She took her phone out. (Y/n): Hmmm...the red is gone I guess I can go back now! She walks while singing a song. Angelic voice. I directly run as fast as I could to the inn before her, and she arrived. (Y/n)'s POV I saw Karma standing there like he was waiting for someone. Is he waiting for me? (Y/n): Oh, h-hey Karma-kun! I put my hand on my neck feeling awkward. (Y/n): Sorry about leaving you here alone, I suddenly had the urge to run an- He suddenly hugged me and I bushed. Ah...there's that feeling again... Karma: Let me finish what I was gonna say before you left me.... (Y/n):...Yeah, sure.... Karma: I was gonna say that I'll never confess to her because I don't even like Okuda-san in the first place. He let go of the hug. I felt somehow sad but relieved. Eh?...Why? Karma: S-sorry for hugging you so suddenly, my body just moved by itself. (Y/n): It's...fine *slightly blush ....Eh? What do you mean? You don't like..her? Karma: I don't like her . He smirked. My heart suddenly skipped a bit. His smirk is so cool. (Y/n): Ok...I don't believe you. K: ...*Sigh I really don't- (Y/n): Ne Karma-kun, let's go back already, I'm getting sleepy. K: ..Wait~ (Y/n): What is it? K: I want to ask you a question~ (Y/n): Okay? Karma: So how strong are you?~ I froze. (Y/n): E-eh? I told you..didn't I? That I am really weak? K: Liar. (Y/n): What do you mean by that? I averted my eyes. K: I saw you beating that gang with all of our classmates. You're actually really strong, aren't you? Angel of Death-chan?~ (Y/n): What?! I-I mean I think you got the wrong person? I mean I am helpless after all. Karma: Stop lying, it was awesome! Why are you trying so hard to hide it? (Y/n): *Sigh My mom said to not show anyone my ability except for emergency. Karma: Well we know now, so you can show us your power. (Y/n): But you saw me fighting right? Isn't that enough? Karma: I wanna see more~ (Y/n): Ok...but next time. It's night time now. Karma: Ok~ (Y/n): Good night. At the room~ I closed my eyes trying to sleep. Karma saw all that huh? I just realized. I tried to recall everything that happened. ...Isn't that embarrassing?!
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