1234 Words

Samantha's P.O.V I'm so confused of what happened even though it's been one week since that "accident" knowing of the truth. Zack always called and texted me but I never replied I still don't have the guts to talk to him. I can't explain it if I'm afraid of facing the truth. I wasn't really scared of him. I was hurt that he lied to me that he hid his secret from me but slowly I'm understanding his point. I mean who would introduce someone so casually like "Hi I'm a werewolf." I've been constantly absent at work for a week now and for a week Zack had always come here knocking on my door saying he was sorry. I felt heartbroken every time I heard him knocking and pleading at my door. Although I wasn't really ready. I did'nt know what to say.  I wasn't mad at him. I probably got overwhelmed

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