1214 Words

Samantha's P.O.V. Tommorrow is the date. I can't believe it, It's like my anger towards him just faded into thin air. I mean after all that happened at the office not to mention that he did it twice. But then I just feel so happy whenever I'm with him. I can't explain it. Well maybe we really just got into the wrong foot. He was quite a gentleman today though. I took a shower then changed my clothes I need to sleep... *yawns* (Morning-8:43) Woah I woke up late. It is a good thing that I didn't have work today. I got up and fixed my bed. I tied my hair into a messy bun and went to the kitchen. I'm gonna cook breakfast let's see fried rice, eggs maybe some omelette, bacon, and orange juice. "hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm" I said humming while cooking. I like singing while cooking it's fun. I g

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