Chapter 10: Stalker Angel

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"I will help you if you want to get rid of Ivy. He can be quite troublesome after all." Raylan pointed at the elevator. “My room is on the second floor. Drop by whenever you like if you wish to vent.” Yuma and Ludovic returned to their room and found Ivy still reading his book. Ludovic ran to him, crying. “You saved us! Thank you so much!” “I’m not the one who saved you. Raven did.”  “But you’re the one who sent her!” Ivy smiled. “You’re welcome then. Glad you’re safe.” “I’m dating a girl right now. So if I bring her over, hope you two will take the hint and leave,” Yuma started, Ludovic hissed at him. “Normies should burn!” Ivy stood up. “You... You’re seeing someone.” He nodded. “What’s her name?” “None of your business.” Yuma turned his back to him. “What will you do if I tell you? Probably steal her away.” Ivy shook his head. “Never mind. Forget I asked.” “Or you know what? I’ll tell you.” Yuma sat down, removing his jacket. “Her name is Norma. You can’t seduce her anyway.”  Ivy frowned. “What are you talking about?” Ludovic glared at Yuma. “Stop it. You’re going too far.” “With that deformed scarred body, nobody can fall for you.” Yuma folded his arms. “So I have nothing to worry about.” Ivy raised his eyebrows and looked away. “It... Ah...” He smiled, running his hand in his hair. “Okay. If you say so.” Yuma huffed and went to his bed. Ludovic sat beside Ivy and held his gloved hand. “Please don’t take what he said seriously. He didn’t mean it.” His gaze saddened, seeing tears on Ivy’s cheeks. He helped him up. “Let’s go take a walk.” Ivy shook his head. “I’m fine...” he whispered. Ludovic sighed. “Nonsense. Come on.” They left the dorm and sat on a bench in the garden. Ludovic caressed Ivy’s back. “Don’t worry about curfew. It’s lifted on Saturdays and Sundays.” Ivy held his head in his hands, bending forward. Ludovic caressed his hair and hugged him. “You’re not ugly.” He threaded his fingers with Ivy’s and removed his glove. He touched his scars carefully. “You should wear your scars with pride. It doesn’t matter what other people say about you. They don’t know anything.” Ivy hugged him back, clinging to his back and shaking. Ludovic smiled softly. “It’s fine if you cry. Nobody is watching.” He frowned, feeling Ivy’s weight leaning on him. “Ivy?” Ivy stood up, panting. “I’m fine.” His messy hair fell on his face, covering it almost entirely except for his lips. He took a step back as Ludovic approached him. He smiled, a line of blood running from the corners of his lips. “I won’t be home this weekend. Thank you for comforting me. I will definitely pay you back for saving me.” He took another step back and disappeared in a blue flash. Ludovic gazed ahead, worried. “Will he really be fine?” Ivy walked silently on the rough concrete, his head lowered. He gazed down at his hands then lifted his gaze up, his eyes glazed. He fell to his knees as the sound of screams grew louder. He rested his hands against the ground and stood up again. “You should have summoned me, master.” Raven stood beside Ivy as he walked barefooted in the empty road leading to the city. “That insolent human. I would have put him in his place.” “Don’t say that, Raven.” Ivy lowered his head. “He’s also part of our family. Don’t say that...” His vision went blurry as he fell to his knees. Raven knelt in front of him. “Is it happening again, master? Who was it?” Ivy blinked slowly. “Orpheus...” he whispered, “But it doesn’t matter.” He stood up, using Raven’s help. “Thank you.” She shook her head. “I can’t leave you here anymore. Your life is in danger!” “If I die, I can go back... to Dunya.” “Why do you wish to go back so badly?! There’s nothing but war there! It’s much worse than here!” Ivy caressed the soil with tired eyes. “I don’t know. I don’t... I just know that I must go back,” he breathed. She removed the hair from his face and wiped his tears. She pulled him in a tight hug and kissed the top of his head. “Master, I will do anything to relieve you from this pain. You have suffered for long enough. You may not remember, but I do. I... don’t want you to get hurt any further.” “Forgive him, Raven,” Ivy smiled weakly, “He’s... still so young. He doesn’t know anything. He lost his memories because of me. Whatever he does to me, I deserve it.” “That’s wrong! It was an accident!” Ivy patted her head. “Raven, I’m a bit tired now.” He blinked slowly. “I’ll sleep... just a bit...” He collapsed in her arms, a tear rolling along his cheek. She held his hand and kissed it. “Why are you listening to him?!”  A green-haired woman appeared next to them. “I say we go to this kid and teach him some manners. The rude little s**t made our master cry so much!” “Calm down, Raven, Fia,” a red-haired male joined them, “We can’t upset the master. His health is deteriorating.” “It’s because he refuses to replenish his energy! It’s already so low, and he’s not helping himself!” Fia spoke, her face red with anger. “Let’s take him to a hotel,” Raven lifted Ivy in her arms. “We need to talk... All of us.” Fia nodded. “I’ll go call the others!” Raven walked along the street with the red-haired man. He glanced at her from the corners of his eyes. “You’re angry.” “I am.” She lowered her head to look at Ivy’s peaceful sleeping expression. “Because of what everyone did to him.” She kissed his nose and forehead. “Everyone...” He snorted, gazing up at the stars. “But what can we do for him?” “He saved us once,” she whispered, “When nobody was there for us... We have to help him this time. We have to, Ignis.” The red-haired patted her shoulder. “We will.” They hurried towards the city and paid for a room in the first hotel they found. They laid Ivy on a bed. Raven observed the exhaustion all over Ivy’s face as he struggled to breathe in his sleep. Ignis rested a hand on his chest and closed his eyes. “Lucifer... Can you come?” A blue light shined from Ivy’s chest, and Lucifer appeared from it. He sat on the bed. “What’s up?” he asked, hugging his knees. “Why are you gathering?” “You’re the closest one to Ivy...” Raven sat beside him. “Tell us how we can replenish his energy.” Lucifer sighed, lying down on the bed. “I don’t know.” He closed his eyes. “But I intend to find out.” Raven frowned. “How?!” “The sacred realm,” Lucifer added. “You’re crazy! That won’t work!” Fia peeked from the ground, hissing at him. “You despicable creature! You can’t even go inside!” “Even if you manage to go in,” Ignis added, “The archives are heavily guarded.” “We don’t need to go to the archives.” Lucifer shrugged. “The slate contains everything too.” “That one is literally impossible!” Lucifer sighed. “My sweet, sweet colleges, aren’t you too pessimistic?” He grinned. “I’m sure it will be fine!” “What are you talking about?” A long and brown-haired man appeared from the wall. “Who is going where?” “They want to sneak into the sacred realm!” Fia exclaimed. “Don’t tell me Ivy came up with the idea?!” “Yeah.” “How will he enter?” “We found someone.” “Hmm?” Raven sat down, folding her arms. “Then, about this person...” “She’s from the other race. A rooster, as the humans call it.” Lucifer sat on his elbows. “So, they’re not what the humans call them? What are you hiding, Lucifer?” Lucifer’s lips parted with an amused smile. “I don’t know.” “Who will go with him?” Raven asked. “We didn’t plan that far ahead.” Lucifer folded his arms. “I wonder if I should go.”  “You know who you will be meeting once you go there.” Lucifer stood up, pushing his hair back. “I still don’t understand the point of this meeting.” “A child.” Lucifer frowned and turned to them. “A child?!” They nodded. “It happened again.” Lucifer clenched his jaw. “Who’s the third party?” “A man who calls himself Orpheus.” Lucifer walked towards the door. “I’ll go out. You handle the meeting on your own.” He stopped walking as he rested his hand on the doorknob. He left the room and locked the door behind him. He watched the man with long and red hair standing on the other side of the door. “Who are you?” The man took a step towards him. “What a lame joke.” Iblis’s smirk turned into a smile as he read through a blue book. “Don’t be like that. We, creatures, are ever-changing. What you were a thousand years ago isn’t necessarily the current you.” He shut the book, and it disappeared in shining blue grains that floated around him like fireflies. “More importantly.” He chuckled. “Well! It has been a while!” “Where do you think you’re going?” the man asked. “To see the third party.” “You will kill.” “Maybe.” Lucifer shrugged. “If needed.” “Then I must stop you.” “Don’t be like this.” “Don’t talk to me so casually, Iblis.” Iblis grinned. “I appreciate you using my real name. That makes me remember who I really am.” He sighed. “All of this pretending made me forget a little.” The red-haired scowled. Iblis laughed, walking past him. “You’re always too hard on yourself, so try to relax, hm? Too bad, I can’t help you with that though.” “I see your stay with humans made you forget your manners.” “My stay with angels made me forget my limits, so I have nothing else to lose,” Iblis stopped walking behind him. “So, what will you do now? Kill me?” “You won’t die before your time.” “Then, what are you doing here?” “You won’t get inside.” “Maybe I won’t, but he will.” “He will be killed.” “I thought nobody died before their time?” “Exceptions are to be made… if needed.” Iblis lowered his head. “I get it.” He started walking away. The man tailed him in silence. Lucifer poked his fangs a few times as he walked then took out a book to read. “Stalker.” “I’m only making sure that nobody is harmed.” Iblis smiled, stopping in front of the dorms. Blue butterflies spread from his body and flew around the dorm. “Excuse me?” Lucifer glanced in front of him and saw Ludovic. The orange-haired ran towards him. “It’s really you!” He seemed worried. “Have you seen Ivy? He didn’t show up at all in the...”  Glancing behind Lucifer, he saw a glaring red-haired man. Lucifer laughed. “I don’t like when people’s attention wander away from me.” “Ah... I’m so sorry! Tell me, have you seen him?” One butterfly landed on Lucifer’s ear. “Nope. No clue. Why?” “Because I saw you here, and I thought...” “He will be fine. He will be back on Monday.” Lucifer stepped walked towards another building behind the dorm. Ludovic stared at him curiously. “That’s... the fifth-grade dorm...” “I’m aware.” Lucifer pushed his hands in his pockets. “I have some business to attend to in this institution. I would appreciate it if you don’t tag along.” Ludovic nodded. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry. I’ll go now.” Lucifer waved at him with a grin then turned his attention to the build. “I won’t let him go.” He snorted. “But I must know something.” “Depending on what it is, I might answer.” Lucifer stood in front of the building. “Hah...” He sat down. “Now, I have many questions instead of one.” “Choose one.” “Then, how are you?” “Iblis.” The man folded his arms. “Is that what you really want to ask?” Iblis smiled and nodded. The man watched the butterfly fluttering its wings on his ear. “I’m fine. Same as usual.” “Work isn’t too tough?” Iblis clenched his fists.  The man gazed at him. “Only one question.” “Right.” Iblis stood up. “Will you keep on following me?” “Until I make sure you won’t kill anyone.” Lucifer rolled his eyes and entered the building. He instantly blocked a sword and took a step forward. “I see I’m expected.” The door behind them closed. “To think that you would come to us in person...” Lucifer looked up at the stairs and watched a man walking down towards him. “King Ivy’s soulmate, Lucifer...” Lucifer straightened, throwing the blade aside. “Isn’t that the cunning old fox, Hyacinth?” He smirked. “Only God is saving you from me, for now.” “Whatever you say, you senile old jinn,” Hyacinth smirked back. “Now what? Why are you associating yourself with that useless little weakling? Is there any reason?” “I’m not associating myself with anyone,” Lucifer answered, “I’m only using whoever I can to get information. Who knows? Maybe someday, I’ll seek you, a fellow weakling.” “Is that so?” Hyacinth sat down on a chair across the room. “You even brought an angel here. The strongest one at that...” He narrowed his eyes. “So beautiful, aren’t they, angels?” Lucifer stretched his arm in front of the man and caught a second blade with his bare hand as his blood covered the steel. He gazed coldly at Hyacinth. “I came to talk to one of your puppies. Don’t bother me.” “A service for a service, right?” Hyacinth stood up. “Hand over the angel. Then, I will try not to kill you.” Lucifer looked at the man from over his shoulder and raised his eyebrows slightly. “Are you sure you want him? He bites.” Hyacinth laughed. “I’ll worry about that myself.” “Hm.” Lucifer threw away the second sword. “You’re being too quiet, you know?” He turned to the man. “Are you an introvert?” “I’m not anyone’s possession. Don’t treat me as an object for an exchange.” “Hah! Angels can speak?” Hyacinth laughed uproariously, standing up. “THIS IS THE BEST ONE SO FAR!” He tilted his head to the side. “Aren’t you dumb, like the god that made you?” He narrowed his eyes. “Literally and figuratively, of course. If only you could stay quiet so I can explore y–” Iblis cracked his fingers. “It’s amazing.” He walked forward. “How many reasons I can find to despise humans.” He laughed. “Thanks.” Hyacinth frowned. “For what?” He blinked as blue butterflies surrounded him.  “For reminding me that I did the right choice.” The butterflies then grew in size as they bit Hyacinth and ate him alive until only a pool of blood remained. Iblis stood beside the blood and lowered his head, his shoulders sinking. The man stood beside him. “I suppose I must–” “No need.” Iblis pursed his lips and smiled. He turned to him, his eyes dripping with bloodlust.  “I didn’t stand it when a lowly pig called you and God dumb, Jibreel. I only did what was right.” The red-haired closed his eyes, snorting. “Nevertheless, this will only worsen your punishment. Reasons don’t matter.” Iblis sat down on the bloodstained chair, looking down in silence. Jibreel glanced through the window. “Why are you with him?” Iblis remained silent. “If you answer me, I’ll let you ask another question.” Iblis shut his eyelids. “Because I have my doubts.” “Hmph,” the red-haired stepped on the blood as he approached the window. “Ask me.” “Why did all of this happen?” The blue butterflies rested on Iblis’s dark blue hair, carrying the long strands playfully. “You don’t know?” Jibreel asked. “I thought you were brighter than this.” “There’s nothing bright about a senile old jinn,” answered Iblis with a laugh. Jibreel touched the window carefully and lowered his hands to press his palm against the windowsill. “Then, senile old jinn, I’ll answer.” Iblis smiled, watching him. “Mhm...” “It’s because of–” human arrogance that far surpassed yours.” Iblis stood up. “Let’s continue this conversation later.” He saw a man with blue eyes and golden hair staring at them from the stairs. The man walked towards Lucifer. “I smell him on you.” He glanced at the blood. “And I smell a foolish pervert who is no longer there.” “You’re Orpheus, I presume?” Lucifer asked. “You’re not human.” The blonde retorted. He touched the top of Lucifer’s head, and a pointy horn appeared. Lucifer nodded, concealing his horn again. “It doesn’t matter. I have a thing or two I would like to discuss.” Orpheus stared at him in silence. “You forced yourself on someone recently, haven’t you?” Lucifer sat back on the chair, resting his elbows on the armrests. Orpheus nodded. “I did.” “Why?” “Ivy broke the rules,” Orpheus spoke, “I must punish him. If I don’t, someone else will.” Lucifer smiled, his blue eyes shining. Orpheus frowned, hiding his chest. “What is this... feeling?” “Magenta... Makes sense.” Lucifer stood up. “You’re very powerful for a magenta. That’s interesting.” Orpheus shook his head. “What are you talking about?” “It doesn’t matter. Tell me in detail...” Lucifer eyed him, and Orpheus felt a chill down his spine. “What happened in detail after I left during the invasion? Don’t lie. I will know.” Orpheus glanced at the red-haired, whose back was facing them. “Eyes on me, boy. I had to interrupt an important discussion to handle this matter. Hurry up,” Lucifer grabbed Orpheus’s chin, forcing their eyes to meet. Orpheus nodded slowly. “Ivy fought Reis until he created an opening for himself to escape. I got there before he could run away, and I only let him go in exchange for accepting the new dorm and grade rules. Those were imposed by the chairman. When he came back, additional punishment was added by the chairman. He said it was the request of Hyacinth. The punishment was that every night for an entire year, Ivy must be tortured. Saturdays and Sundays are rest days. If Ivy fails to show up, punishment will be doubled on the day after.” Lucifer leaned back. “And then? How did we get to you raping him?” “At first, the chairman did that. Hyacinth did too, but he used his fingers.” His lips quivered as he spoke. “Then, Ivy couldn’t take it, and he decided to leave the university. The chairman then punished him for the scene he made by shooting his belly. I was nearby then, and I felt something odd about Ivy. He was... I felt another being inside of him, but it wasn’t... It was a strange feeling.” Orpheus sat down on the floor, rubbing his head. “I tried to talk to him about it, and he didn’t say much. I could see confusion and fear in his eyes, but I didn’t link the dots.” “Ivy can bear children,” Lucifer spoke. Orpheus frowned, looking up at him. “Let’s change locations.” He walked towards the garden outside. The red-haired followed without saying a word. Orpheus glanced at Lucifer. “Is it okay if he listens?” “Yes. He’s trustworthy, and he already knows what I’m about to tell you.” Lucifer sat on a bench with blue roses decorating it and picked one of his butterflies with a smile. “On to more important topics... Do you know the story of the nine kings?” “Obviously.” Orpheus sat on the bench perpendicular to his. “Only nine male humans remained, and then eggs fell from the sky. The men fertilized them. The more they fertilized, the more territorial claims they got and the more they accumulated power.” “Yeah.” Lucifer rested the butterfly on the rose and turned to Orpheus. “How did the babies grow out of the eggs?” He folded his arms. “Just like a normal foetus, they need nutrients and protection. They would never survive on their own in the outside world. In other words, they need a womb.” Orpheus frowned. “But...” “Back to the main topic. I keep on getting distracted.” Lucifer glanced at Orpheus. “I don’t understand how, but Ivy is carrying your child. You need to tell me what happened after the chairman shot him, and when you touched him.” Orpheus nodded. “It was the same night the chairman shot him. I healed most of his wounds, but he was still physically weak. Hyacinth showed up again to rape him. Then, I got emotional and said I was the one to have him for the night. It was only an attempt to stop anyone from touching him. I had no intention of touching him, at the beginning. Then, Hyacinth insisted to watch the events unfold. I could only do what I did. I thought that maybe it’s better if it’s me. The way the others did it... It was painful for him. Back when it happened, Ivy seemed to... understand... He didn’t reject me, and he didn’t try to run away as he did with the others.” “That doesn’t mean anything. You raped him. Whether he reacted violently or not is irrelevant. You committed a mistake.” Orpheus clenched his fists. “I had no choice. I had to do what was optimal, under those circumstances. If the others did it, they might have killed him.” “So you don’t resent him for sheltering someone from the enemy camp. You’re going this far to protect him.” Orpheus sighed. “Laws must be applied, always. If he must be punished, I can’t reject that.” “What if those who place them don’t obey them?” Lucifer asked. “Clearly, they don’t.” Once I have the power to punish them, I will. Not now, however, it would be a futile effort as things are right now.” Orpheus stood up, “So... Are you trying to tell me that Ivy had the chairman’s child, but then the child was killed when he was shot in the stomach? Then, he has my child now? Is his fertility rate a hundred?” “Apparently. I haven’t tried, nor am I tempted.” Lucifer shrugged. “But... I’m sure he had male private parts,” Orpheus shook his head. “How could it have happened?” “We can check,” Lucifer suggested, “Come with me.” The red-haired sighed and walked behind them, reading a book. They teleported in front of the hotel where Ivy was staying. The red-haired then turned his back to Lucifer. “I will go now.” Lucifer smiled and waved. “I haven’t forgotten,” the red-haired spoke, “I will come back to answer your question.” He disappeared in a red flash as red feathers fell from the sky. Lucifer caught one then glanced at Orpheus. They entered Ivy’s room and found Fia and Ignis guarding him. Orpheus sat beside Ivy and wiped a tear on his cheek. “Why is he crying?” Lucifer sat on the other side, folding his legs. “Let’s wait until he wakes up.”
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