Chapter 8: The third Roommate

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“They decided about Ivy’s punishment. He will be returned all the way to first grade. They also put him in your room since he took responsibility for you.”  "Oh...” Yuma clenched his fists. “This is... my fault.”  “Since you sheltered a runaway person from another race, you might have made an enemy of two races at once; your own race and Esler's. Bear that in mind from now on; you must always calculate your actions and words. This being said, I guess your university life started with a bang.” Lucifer chuckled. “Good luck.”  “Won’t anything happen to you?”  “Not really. This place is where most criminals hide. It’s a chaotic gathering of outlaws. If someone gets here, it’s very unlikely that they will be found. Everyone knows this. Then, here is probably the safest place for this woman.”  “Are there... angels in this world?”  “Not in this world, but they’re somewhere, yeah,” Lucifer answered nonchalantly. “Sitting on their high horses looking down on us as we sin our lives away, they’re watching this formidable spectacle of mediocrity.” His lips forced into a bloodthirsty smirk. “How I wish to bring them down, probably.”  "Probably?" He cleared his throat. “Anyway. Wait for Ivy if you want. He should wake up by now.”  “So fast?”  “Sort of.”  “What do you mean?”  Before Lucifer could answer, Ivy sat up on the bed with tired puffy eyes. He rested a hand against his face. “I feel like s**t,” he whispered.  “Vivid dreams again?”   Ivy glanced at Lucifer. “Did they leave?”  “I’m so sorry!” Yuma jumped on him and hugged him, crying. “Why am I always hurting you? I’m so sorry!”  Ivy pushed him back gently. “Don’t touch me.”  He stood up. “Next time you touch me, I’ll blow a hole in you.”  Yuma’s gaze saddened. “I’m... sorry.”  "Shut up." Ivy cracked his neck, “Lucifer. Why did you touch me in my sleep?”  Lucifer smiled weakly and looked away from him. “Um... I tried to... find something.”  “What is it?” Ivy wore black gloves, hiding whatever skin he had left exposed from sight. “If you don’t want to tell me, it’s fine. I will find out by myself.”  “Haha! No. I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you!” Lucifer sighed, rubbing his forehead. “Geez. I was trying to find out how many energy points you have.”  Ivy raised his eyebrows, curling his lips upwards. He removed his shirt and threw it on the bed. “Try now.”  Lucifer blinked, surprised. “Are you sure?”  Yuma gazed at Ivy’s torso and observed several scars engraved on his snow-white skin. Ivy eyed him from the corners of his eyes. “Hurry up.” He took Lucifer’s hand and threaded their fingers before pulling him closer. Lucifer curled his lips. “I assume you’re great at dancing. That was nicely done!” Ivy squeezed his hand gradually until his fingers started cracking. Lucifer smiled nervously.  “Anyway...” He touched Ivy’s chest and summoned a singular screen that read the number nine.  Ludovic’s eyes widened. “You... only have... nine energy points?”  Ivy picked up his shirt in silence. “Yes. I can only use a handful of spells. My affinity with my element isn’t strong either. It’s not for nothing that I earned my title.”  “Your... title?” Lucifer repeated.  “The weakest man in Chaos... right?” Yuma asked.  Ivy clenched his jaw and put his head down as he dressed up, making sure his skin was covered up. Yuma raised his eyebrows. “But that power you used when you saved me... That... That was... And you summon blades from sheer wind... and you’re so fast! You appear out of nowhere!”  “Each of these spells cost one energy point, except for one,” Ivy started, summoning shining blue blades from thin air.   Ludovic clapped. “They’re so pretty!”  “You will learn to do this in the fighting branch, perhaps in a few weeks,” Ivy took Yuma’s hand and placed a blade in them. “How does it feel?”  Yuma smiled weakly. “It feels heavy... and hot... but you’re holding it with me. It’s not hurting me.”  Ivy gazed at Yuma blankly, seeming absent-minded. He removed the hair from his face. “I told you... long hair doesn’t suit you,” he whispered, “Won’t you cut it?”  Yuma’s gaze saddened. “Am I... ugly?”  Ivy’s eyes widened slightly as he turned away from Yuma, letting go of his sword. “No. You’re very han–” He twitched as Yuma screamed in pain and let go of the sword after it burned his hands. Yuma took several steps back, blowing on his fingers. Ivy pressed his hands against his face, taking a deep breath. “Aside from summoning weapons that are customizable–”  “Oh! Like the fire Iris uses? Is that a weapon too?”  “Yes.”  “So... What’s your element?” Yuma asked with teary eyes as Lucifer placed ice on his burns.   Ivy scratched his head as he sat on the bed. “It’s… fire too.”  “Why is the fire blue?”  “Hellfire. Iris’s fire is human.”  “And... Hellfire isn’t...?”  Ivy glanced at Yuma with a frown. “You know...” He shook his head. “Why...? Nothing.”  Ludovic looked between them, confused. “Yuma, what are you doing to him? I’ve never seen Ivy so expressive for five minutes straight.”  Ivy rested a hand against his chest and frowned. “Nonsense.” He slapped the wall, making it crack.  “This aside, I’ll explain my other spells to you so you stop bugging me about it each time you see my face.”  He turned to Yuma and summoned his blades again. “Summoning your main weapon doesn’t consume energy points. It’s the secondary weapons that drain energy. My main weapon has hell’s flame as element, and it has holy properties. The people who attacked you summoned a portal to this world. Beyond this castle, this planet is too dangerous. You would be eaten raw within seconds. I could slice the portal and seal it away simply using the fire in my blades. It may have seemed like a powerful attack, but it was merely critical. The weakest attacks can damage greatly if used correctly.”  Yuma nodded. “And what about... moving quickly?”  Ivy turned his head to the window as his blades faded away. “That has to do with the element I’m linked to.” He shut his eyelids as a soft wind blew. “The cost for moving faster is one energy point per step.”  “S-Step?! You can only take nine steps?”  “Yes. I only use it when I have to.”  Yuma looked at Ivy, worried. “How many points do you have right now?”  “Three... I think...”  “Have you ever reached zero?”  Ivy glanced at Yuma, seeming confused. Yuma rushed towards him and caught him as he fell forward suddenly. “Are you okay?! I’m sorry! Was I being insensitive?!”  Ivy shook his head. “I didn’t reach zero before.”  “What... What do you need to do to refill your energy?” Yuma asked. “Please tell me! I will help!”  Ivy patted his head. “You can’t help.”  He stood up and walked to the window. “Lucifer... Take that woman and her child in.”  Lucifer stood behind him, resting his elbows over his shoulders. “Hm? That’s too much of a hassle. Give me a reward.”  Ivy nodded. “Sure. I’ll reward you twice.”  Lucifer raised his eyebrows. “Why? Another commission?”  “Yes.” Ivy turned to him. “But we must talk in private.”  Lucifer smiled. “I’ll arrange that.”  He left the room. Ivy glanced at Yuma. “Lucifer will return you to the dorms now. Since I will live with you from now on, I will come later today.”  “How... late? The curfew is nine,” Yuma warned, “So don’t be late. You’ll get into trouble.”  Ivy walked past Yuma without answering. An hour passed, and Ludovic sighed. “Aren’t you the tiniest bit curious about the reward Lucifer talked about?!”  “Um... It seemed private...”  “I knowww, but still! How about we take a sneak peek?” Ludovic smirked. “Ivy didn’t tell us not to leave this room, so we should be fine.”  They took a step towards the door. They left the room and saw a silent, dark hallway. Only the moonlight peeking from the blinds lighted their way. They heard a faint thud and followed the sound.  Their eyes widened, hearing Ivy gasping softly. They peeked from behind a wall, and their faces went bright red as they turned away.   “Wh-What was that?!”  “I don’t know! It was too dark. I didn’t see anything!”  “Then why did you turn, you big i***t!”  “I turned because you turned!”  “O-Okay, we look again!”  “Three... Two...”  “One!”  They found Ivy sitting on the ground, his head tilted forward. His shirt was half-buttoned as the dim light highlighted the sweat drawing the lines of his muscles.   Yuma and Ludovic exchanged glances and were about to call for his name. Someone poked their shoulders. “Boo.”  They screamed and glanced behind to find a grinning Lucifer. “Where are you two little mud jars headed towards?”  Yuma looked down shamefully. “Sorry. We tried to... peek, but we didn’t see anything!”  Lucifer shrugged. “I don’t mind, personally, but Ivy would. Don’t do that. Angry Ivy isn’t nice.”  “Angry... He gets angry?”  “Sometimes. The last time was fifteen years ago.”  “Fifteen...” Yuma clenched his fists. “Do you...”  “No.” Lucifer folded his arms. “While I may disclose some details for my personal entertainment, I don’t do favours.” He held out his hand. “Unless you have something to give in exchange.”  Yuma shook his head. “I want to go back... to the dorms.”  “Sure.” Lucifer teleported them inside of their room before returning to his world.   Ludovic sighed and threw himself on his bed. “I’m glad they fixed our room while we weren’t here. I don’t want to sleep with wind blowing through a broken window.”  He looked up. “We have a bunk bed now. I’ll take the top. I guess there really is no room for a third bed here.”  Yuma smiled weakly and moved his gaze to the clock.   Six. Seven. Eight. Nine.  Ivy knocked on the door and entered, carrying a black backpack and a bag with him. He blinked as Yuma squeezed him as soon as he stepped into the room. “I was so worried! I thought you got in trouble!”  Ivy hugged him back. “You’re exaggerating. I can take care of myself.” His gaze softened slightly as he patted Yuma. “Put your head into studying instead of worrying about me.”  Yuma sniffed Ivy’s neck and frowned. “Do you usually put on cologne?”  “Sometimes.”  “This one smells so nice.”  Ivy pressed his fingers against his neck, moving his gaze away from Yuma. “You can use it if you want.”  “Oh! Thank you!” Yuma poked a bandage on Ivy’s neck. “What is this? It’s recent.”  Ivy walked past him in silence. Yuma’s gaze saddened. “You... You’re still acting so cold towards me.”  Ivy removed his shirt. “Not really. I’m like this.”  He switched to his white sweatpants and laid down on his bed, his bare back facing Ludovic and Yuma.  Ludovic gaze at him. “Do you usually sleep like that?”  He stood up to check on Ivy and found him sleeping already. He covered him and glanced at Yuma.  “He must be tired. We should also sleep. We have class tomorrow.”      “Stop it...”  “But if you...”  “I won’t let you die...”  “But if you save me...”  “I’m sorry...”  “Ivy?”  Ivy opened his tired eyes and gazed ahead blankly, hearing someone calling his name. He rolled on his back and saw Yuma’s worried face.   “Why are you crying?” Yuma asked, bending down to wipe his tears. “Had a sad dream?” Ivy wiped his tears and got up quickly. “It’s nothing. I’m fine.”  Yuma glared at him then left without replying. Ivy stared at him. He blinked as his face cracked. He pressed a hand against his cheek. “Where’s the bathroom?” he asked Ludovic. Ludovic pointed at one corner of the room. “Take your time. We already went.”  Ivy rushed to the bathroom and locked the door.  Yuma took his backpack and walked to the door. “Let’s go, Ludovic. We’re late.”  “Huh? We won’t wait for Ivy?”  “I don’t care!” Yuma slammed the door open. “His fault for waking up late.” They took the bus that stopped at the culinary department first, and Ludovic jumped down. “I will see you later tonight! Don’t eat outside, I will cook!”  Yuma smiled and nodded. “Have fun!” He waved goodbye and sighed as the bus drove towards the next department.   He gasped as the bus stopped suddenly and fell backwards.   He felt someone catching him and glanced behind, smiling sadly. “Thank you so mu–”  His eyes widened, seeing the man with white hair and green eyes. The white-haired gazed at him expressionless. “This is our stop. Get off.”  He walked past Yuma. The red-haired ran after him. “U-Um... You won’t attack me?”  “Why would I do that?” The white-haired glanced at him. “Ivy took responsibility. The matter is already solved. I had nothing against you to begin with.” “I see...” Yuma nodded. “Thanks... anyways...”  The white-haired turned to him. “My name is Reis. I’m a fifth-grade student. I’m also in the sports department, and my speciality is fighting. Since we’re both on the same path, you can consult me if you need any help. I’m sure I’ll assist you appropriately.”  Yuma’s eyes widened. “Ah... Y-You’re so friendly...!”  “It’s my duty. I’m part of the students’ council.”  “Is that so?” Yuma laughed nervously. “So then... Would you show me my class? I’m a bit lost.”  Reis examined Yuma’s schedule, “All right. I memorized it. Go to the fourth floor of the second building and find the seventh lecture hall. It’s a theory class. Hurry up. Lecture starts in ten.” “Yes, sir!” Yuma ran towards the second building.  Reis’s gaze darkened as he saw Ivy walking from a distance, his messy black hair hardly brushed and his uniform tie crooked. Reis walked towards him and frowned as other students stopped Ivy. The latter gazed at them in silence as they screamed and laughed, gathering up around him.  “Traitor! You betrayed us to the enemy camp!”  “You even used the new students and tried to frame them!”  “Do you call yourself a senior?”  “You’re just a failure!”  Reis gritted his teeth, stomping towards them. “You! What is this noise?!”  He stood in front of Ivy. “What are you doing here? Go to class!”  “Ehh... Student council!”  “We should run!”  Reis then turned to Ivy and grabbed his collar. “Why don’t you defend yourself and tell them the truth? If I wasn’t a witness, I would have believed what they said.”  Ivy remained silent. Reis saw the blank look in his eyes. He clenched his jaw. “How are your wounds?”  “Better.” Ivy smiled. “You helped me. I owe you one. I will pay you back. Definitely.” He patted his shoulder and walked past him. Reis’s eyes widened. “No need. You don’t have to…” By the time he turned, Ivy was no longer there.  “Do it.”      Ivy knocked on the classroom door and entered. “Sorry, I’m late.”  The teacher nodded at him. “Take a seat.”  Ivy climbed the stairs, ignoring the whispers around him. He lowered his gaze to a student and watched his lips moving to form the word “w***e” and “Yuma”. Ivy removed his hand from his pocket, and all of the students in the row beside him were crushed against the wall with a sudden gust of wind. He stopped in front of someone whose leg was extended in the hope for Ivy to fall. Ivy lowered his head to look at the leg in the dark room and stepped on it, nearly breaking it. He finally sat in the highest row and grabbed his notebook, ignoring the student’s screams.   “Why did you sit beside me?”  He saw Yuma next to him and stood up to leave. Yuma then grabbed his wrist and forced him to sit down.  “Don’t make a scene. I’ll let it slide this time, but don’t talk to me from now on.”  Ivy lowered his head and rested it on his arms on the desk to fall asleep.  The first class ended, but Ivy wouldn’t wake up. Yuma held his books and gazed at him for a moment before Ludovic knocked on the door. “Hey, man. Are you done with first period? The next class is common. We have to learn to swim too. Ugh. I’m really bad with that!”  Yuma raised his eyebrows, mounting the stairs towards him. “Is that your secret weakness?”  “Nope!” Ludovic grinned. “I have no weakness.”  Yuma laughed and glanced at Ivy again. He opened his mouth to call for him but saw a blonde-haired woman stomping inside of the class. His eyes widened as she grabbed Ivy by his neck and pushed him into the wall. He sighed, tilting his bleeding head back. “Leave me alone,” he whispered sleepily, “So... tired.”  “You are being punished, you criminal!” Elena grabbed his collar. “You were demoted and you’re being lazy! You failed a grade fifteen times, you know?! How can someone be this dumb?”  He shrugged.  “You piss me off!”  He smiled, tilting his head to the side. “Then don’t talk to me.” She blushed and looked away from him instantly, throwing him back into the chair. “You... pervert! You did it on purpose!”  “Huh?” He stood up, cracking his back. “Anyway, what do I study now?”  She hissed at him. “You don’t even know your schedule! You shameless lustful beast!”  He took his black backpack. “What are you talking about? I didn’t even look at you. I woke up to you choking me. I don’t care about your secret little fantasies, but I’m the victim here. You need to learn when to say sorry.” He walked towards the exit at the top of the lecture hall. “You should go to class too.” He glanced at her from over his shoulder in silence. She glared at him. “What? Wanna fight?”  He shook his head. “Not today.” He saw Yuma and Ludovic walking far ahead and lowered his gaze to the floor, rubbing his dark tired eyelids. He walked behind them and saw the crowd gathering around Yuma and Ludovic. He raised his eyebrows slightly as he opened his mouth to speak. He pursed his lips and shook his head, resting a hand against his face. Reis, who was passing by with Jordan, gazed at him from the garden beside the hallway leading to the pool.  Jordan raised an eyebrow. “Has he finally gone crazy?”  Reis looked away. “Do you know... where the students’ records are kept?”  “Yes! However, only the student council president and vice-president can access the records. We aren’t allowed to.”  “Is that so?” Reis held his books against his mouth and walked ahead. “Let’s go. Class is starting.”  “Yes!”      Yuma wore the black knee-length speedos and sighed. “This one is too tight!”  “They’re supposed to be tight,” Ludovic shrugged, “More comfortable while swimming.”  “You have really nice skin!” They heard someone calling.  Glancing behind, they saw a blonde-haired man staring at Yuma. “Ah, how rude of me.” The man grinned. “My name is Raylan. I’m also a first-year student.”  He held out his hand. “Nice to meet you.”  “Ah...” Yuma shook his hand. “My name is Yuma...”  “Yuma, yes.” Raylan nodded. “I know. Everyone knows who you are. You’re one of the poor students who were manipulated by a senior in the previous attacks. Don’t worry. This is a safe zone.”  Yuma frowned. “What are you talking about?”  He blinked as someone pulled him in a tight hug. Looking up, he saw Ivy staring at Raylan with cold eyes. “Where do you think you’re touching him?”  Ludovic laughed nervously. “C-Calm down, Ivy! They were just talking, okay?”  Ivy blinked as Yuma pushed him back. “What gives you the right to decide who I befriend?! Mind your own business!”  Ivy took a step towards Yuma. “But he’s–”  “Go away.”  Ivy watched his classmates laugh as they left the changing rooms. He sat down on the benches, removing his shirt. He stared at the sun shining on the ground and looked up the window to watch it reflect on his irises. He touched the heat on his face and closed his eyes, hearing laughter. He felt someone holding his hand.   Let’s go! It’s getting late now!   Guess what we will have for dinner?  Ve... Vetebales!  Haha! Vegetables!  Veta!  Ivy’s eyes flashed wide as he stood up. He entered the indoor pool and saw the students gathering up. He sat on a bench, staring at the clear waters.  Yuma heard girls pointing at Ivy and laughing. He glanced at him and saw the scars on his body. They were visible on his calves as wemm. Ivy was sitting in silence, not seeming to mind the whispers.   “What’s wrong with him?”  “Why is his body so ugly?”  “Oh, no... Could he be a delinquent?!”  “Better not talk to him.”  “So unattractive...”  “All right, class!” The teacher entered the pool, clapping. “I will be your swimming teacher for this year. Call me Valgo. Now, let’s start with some warm-ups! Line up!”  The students stood in rows in front of the teacher and started warming up. Ten minutes later, the teacher took his seat. “Now, who cannot swim? Don’t be shy, raise your hand!”  Ludovic raised his hand confidently. “Me, sir! I can’t swim!”  The class laughed.  “What, Ludovic? What will happen if you have to cook an octopus? You have to learn how to swim to do that, you know?” Raylan started.  Ludovic’s eyes widened. “Really? Oh! I WILL BE SURE TO LEARN TODAY!”  Yuma laughed. “He’s joking! Don’t believe him!”  “Ah...” Ludovic grinned. “Still, swimming is so cool!”  “I-I don’t know how to swim either!” A brown-haired female student raised her hands. “Please, teach me!”  Five more people raised their hands. Everyone stopped laughing as Ivy raised his hand. He joined the group of seven and stood in silence. The teacher nodded. “All right, the others, go to the pool in the middle and exercise.”  He turned to Ludovic and back at his papers. “So you’re Ludovic. And you’re...” He glanced at the brown-haired. “Cassedy.”  He looked at another boy with light purple hair and brown eyes. “You’re Arsalan.”  He checked the names of the rest of the students then glanced at Ivy. “How comes you reached grade five without passing the swimming subject once?”  “My other grades helped me,” Ivy explained.  “Hm... Okay. Let’s start. One at a time. We start in alphabetic order. Arsalan, you first.”  Ivy sat down, and all the other students sat away from him. Ludovic sat beside him. Ivy glanced at him. “Why aren’t you sitting with them? They’re calling for you.”  Ludovic stared at the scars on his body and shook his head. “I’ll stay here.”  Ivy coughed briefly. “Suit yourself.”  “Ivy! Get over here. It’s your turn!”  Ivy walked towards the teacher and stood in the pool. The water reached his shoulders. “Isn’t this too deep?” Ivy asked.   Valgo shrugged. “I’m with you, so it’ll be fine. Your friends who trained before you didn’t die, did they?”  He blinked, hearing his phone ring. “One second.”  He led Ivy to the ladder leading up then ran to his bag to pick up the phone. He sighed. “Now, of all times?!”  He glanced at the students in the middle pool then checked his papers. “Who is Janis?!”  A grey-haired raised his hand. “What’s wrong, sir?”  “Who are you?”  “I’m Janis, sir.”  “I need you to tutor the rest of the students while I go on a quick errand. I saw that you have excellent swimming skills and won many championships. You will do the job.” He ran out of the pool.  “Be right back!”  Janis glanced at the pool and saw Ivy leaning against the wall of the pool, clinging to the ladder. He jumped beside him. “Don’t worry. I’m qualified.”  Ivy gazed at him in silence. He pursed his lips as Janis took his hands and pulled him deeper into the pool slowly. “Can you open your eyes underwater? Most people start there.”  Ivy felt Janis caressing his side. “Are you so scared you can’t speak? Don’t worry. I won’t let you get hurt.”  Ivy glanced at Ludovic and found him talking with the other students, too busy to notice what was going on. He felt something pulling him down and gripped Janis’s arms, panting. “Wh... What is...”  He gasped as he was pulled underwater without warning.
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