Chapter 12: The Sacred Realm

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Ludovic pulled Yuma’s arm. “We... have to go.” Yuma nodded. As they turned, their eyes widened, facing a gigantic dragon. Ivy stood up, hearing a loud roar beside him. He turned to notice the dragon standing in front of Yuma and Ludovic. Yuma raised his eyebrows, as he attempted to summons his blades. “Ah... The chairman sealed access,” he whispered as he picked up an ordinary metal pole and coated it with blue fire. He jumped in front of Yuma and Ludovic. “The element I have an affinity with is... time. Fire is only a secondary element. I’m sorry for lying to you. This is classified information that only the student council and higher ranking students know about. Because time is a very controversial power, and only a few people in the world can manipulate it, I was ordered not to tell anyone.” He cut off the dragon’s arm and jumped on top of its head. “I’m telling you now because...”  He glared as the dragon grew its arm back. “Because time might be the only solution I have at my disposal at the moment. Most of my powers are sealed except for time because it can’t be sealed.” “You can beat this thing?! How?!” Ludovic screamed from below, jumping back to dodge the dragon’s tail. “I need a support. Yuma, you have a considerable amount of points. Time is very point consuming. The simplest spells take up to a thousand points at once.” “A-A thousand?!” “However, I know you can only access two thousand points.” “No! I have much, much more! Please, if there’s a way I can lend you my points, tell me!” “For now, you can only use two thousand points. For that very reason, I need you to lend me one half. The problem isn’t you. It’s me.” “What... do you mean?! Will it be painful?” “Never mind the pain.” Ivy jumped back beside them as green chains restrained the dragon. Reis stood on top of a nearby building and nodded at them. “Jordan and I will keep it at bay. You find a solution, Ivy, just like you used to.” Ivy turned to Yuma. “To exchange our points, we must link our blood to tie a red thread between both of us. Don’t worry, the thread can’t be severed until we do it. The problem is that my points count can’t go beyond nine. I can’t harbour a thousand at once.” “So... what will we do?” “Overdose...” Ludovic spoke, “You will do that, won’t you?” Ivy looked down, clenching his fists. “There’s no other alternative.” “Overdose?! What’s that?” Yuma asked, confused. “Sheesh, dude, do you even remember our general utility theory lectures?! Overdose is a special skill in the skills tree. Its user can increase the cap of their points temporarily in exchange for a certain amount of blood or any other type of life force. The stronger the exchange, the higher the cap. But, Ivy, you will increase your cap by nearly a thousand points. The exchange will cost you...” “My soul. I’m aware.” Ivy spoke, but I did this before.” He turned to the dragon. “Just once, I defeated a dragon-like that before.” Yuma’s eyes widened. “So that’s what Reis meant when he said...” “Ten years ago, the roosters attacked, and they brought a beast far more terrifying than that dragon. I recalled it now, but it’s not very clear. In order to defeat it, they brought four time users, myself included. This beast was sealed somewhere, and we... don’t know where it went.” Ivy shook his head. “But it doesn’t matter. Back then, I increased my cap to ten thousands.” “TEN– WHAT?” “Just help me out!” Ivy glanced at them, irritated as he cut his wrist. “Hurry.”  He grabbed Yuma’s wrist and slit his wrist before linking their hands together. Yuma winced. “It... stings!” “You can heal up after I’m done with linking us. It won’t affect the process.” Ivy whispered an incantation and gasped as his veins shined bright red. He coughed blood and fell forward. Ludovic caught him. “Are you okay?! Ivy!” “I’m fine...” Ivy jumped back, wiping the blood on his chin. He turned to the dragon with a long sigh. “This is why I said we should find their planet and colonize them.” He gritted his teeth as a clock appeared underneath the dragon, trapping it in invisible walls. “This barbaric piece of s**t has no place in my world. I will eradicate them... all of them...” His eyes went entirely white as his hair shined with a golden light, and the clock started turning, its needles wrapping around the dragon from all sides and pinning it down. The clock turned in all directions, unstable as it made a deafening grinding sound. “I WILL KILL THEM ALL!” A dark deep threatening voice echoed in the yard, marking everyone who heard it with unprecedented fear. The red veins on Ivy’s body gradually turned into gold and pulsated with every passing second.  Yuma stared at Ivy with round eyes. “Is he... Ivy?” “Not currently...” Reis stood beside them with Jordan. “The reason why time is so feared is because of this. Time... isn’t ours to manipulate. Usually, we create gadgets that act as mediators between us and the elements. They reduce their impact on us. Those gadgets are what we call in the academy weapons. Elements are generally harmless, especially lesser raw elements, like fire, water, air and so on. There’s a skill tree about the classification of each element. Time and space, they’re one of the highest elements out there, or should I say the lowest. They’re one of the most dangerous powers to be linked to.” “Wh-Why is that?” Ludovic asked. “Because there are no gadgets in the world that can alleviate its control.” “Control?!” “Yes. It’s not us who control the elements. It’s the elements who control us,” Jordan stated, “We’re at their mercy. If you remember what happened twenty thousand years ago, you will understand it better. It’s not the humans who saved the world. It’s the world who saved the humans. As such, we’re at the mercy of the creator, nature and more specifically, the elements. Once you understand this, you will treat your element as your partner and friend, not your tool. Many of those who tried to subdue their element by force met a tragic fate. The lower you go in the skill tree, the more control the element exercises on its owner. In time’s case, the person is almost entirely possessed by their element. When that happens, they witness a drastic emotional and psychological strain that makes them an entirely different person. You can say that they become the “will” of time or the vessel.” “Despite all this, you let him use something so dangerous?! What if he can’t break free of the control?!” “We kill him.” “What...?” “While time itself is strong and unbeatable, generally, the host’s body isn’t as strong. Ivy in particular is fairly easy to defeat in actual combat. Even you can defeat him.” “So you were just using him as a tool?!” “Not us,” Reis spoke, “Higher-ups, but it makes sense. One person dying is better than the entire planet. Yes, time can kill us all if Ivy loses control.” The dragon slowly retreated into a small egg, and the clock gradually faded away. The light around Ivy faded away, and he returned to his usual appearance. “Good job, Ivy. We will study this egg. You can go rest.” Jordan and Reis nodded before running towards the main battlefield with the egg in their possession. Ivy tilted his head back and exhaled slowly as the wind blew to play with his hair. He felt someone supporting him and taking his hand. “Ivy! Are you okay? Are you in pain somewhere?” Ivy shook his head slowly. “The line... is severed... Thank you,” he breathed before falling on the red-haired, half-asleep. “I’m a bit tired... Can I... go home?” “Ah, of course! I’ll carry you there. Let’s go. You’re in no condition to fight!” Raven watched them leaving and gasped, seeing a hand emerging from the ground. “Master! Get away from there right away!” Ivy turned to her with a slight frown and felt something wrapping around his foot. Before he knew it, he was lifted upside down, and a second dragon emerged from the ground, pushing everyone back with a wave of its tail. Ludovic looked up at Ivy with round eyes. “This is bad... We must save him!” Raven deployed her shadows and attempted to hold the dragon down. Ivy kicked the hand grabbing him with his free leg and winced as the dragon grabbed it. “Hmm... Yes... A smell... I recognize.” An agonizing scream echoed in the yard as the dragon spread Ivy’s legs forcefully and pulled them to either side. “You’re... the branch...” “STOP IT! PLEASE!” Yuma’s eyes watered as he heard Ivy’s pained screams. “Please...!” He gritted his teeth as a red aura burst from his body, and the dragon turned his attention to him. “I see...” He grabbed Ivy in its fingers and squeezed him, his bones cracking slowly in the process. Ivy gasped several times, his blood leaking out of the monster’s fingers. He coughed blood, his blood leaning backwards as he stopped making a sound.  “IVY!” The others screamed his name but in vain. Raven gritted her teeth as her shadows were broken easily. “What kind of monsters is this?!” Golden light chains suddenly wrapped around the dragon. It glanced around, terrified. “What is this?!” It bared its fangs as the fingers clasping Ivy turned into sand and dissipated into nothingness. “You... You’re a time user! Sinful! You must be disposed of this instant! You’re a danger to her majesty!” Ivy’s body floated midair as his hair turned golden again. His pupils became a pale yellow, electricity running along his body periodically. He gazed at the dragon in silence then smirked before the chains started ticking. With every tick, one circle of the chain burst, eating away an organ or a limb of the dragon until nothing remained. Ivy then stood on the ground and sighed.  “Stubborn, stubborn little thing...” Yuma stared at the golden-haired, worried. “I... vy?” “Consider him dead.” Their eyes widened as the man turned to them. “Ivy died. I’m not the one you seek.” He began walking away and stopped, feeling a dagger planted into his heart. He smiled faintly.  “I hate your guts, Ivy,” he whispered before collapsing to the ground, his body returning back to normal. “IVY!” Yuma rushed towards the black-haired and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. “Please, Ivy! Please wake up, please!” “He can’t... His heart, I can barely feel it beating,” Raven started as she held Ivy’s bleeding wrist.  “He’s not breathing. He’s...” Ludovic raised his eyebrows as another dragon appeared. “You gotta be kidding me...”     Jibreel stared at the tree standing in front of him and looked at the woods around him, frowning. “What the hell is this place?” he whispered, “It doesn’t show in the maps I have.” He touched the green fireflies flying around him, and they shuddered before flying away. “Iblis...” He touched the tree trunk with both of his hands. “Where is he?”  He pattered the trunk with his fingertips gently, sitting on his knees. “Did he... again...?” He raised his eyebrows as the tree swallowed him inside. He glanced around, seeing nothing but darkness around him. He grunted as he fell on top of a warm glassy matter. He clung to the wall-like structure and sat down. Then, green fireflies enlightened the room. Looking down, he saw Iblis’s body trapped inside of a dark blue glassy egg. Jibreel rested his hand against the grass and stared at him, confused. “Is he alive?” He pulled his hand back as the blue glass climbed up into his arm. Within seconds, the glass pulled him into the egg. He felt the thick water touching his skin and engulfing him. He saw the blue-haired floating into the liquid in deep sleep. The vines were still clinging to him. Jibreel touched his face then looked up at the ceiling of the egg.  “This is a drug... Is it to keep him asleep?” He looked down, confused. “What to do?” He frowned, seeing a blue circle flickering on Iblis’s chest. He touched it and heard fast heartbeats along with the sound of blood streaming. “Iblis?!” He took the jinn’s wrist and shook his head. “Not the same... His is much slower.” Blue light engulfed Iblis, and he opened his eyes slowly. Jibreel raised his eyebrows. “What’s going on? Why are you awake?” Iblis tried to move but gasped as the vines stabbed deeper into his body. “Ivy,” he breathed, “Must... go... Ivy...!” Jibreel pushed him against the wall of the egg. “Stand still. You’re injuring yourself.” Iblis shook his head, panting. “Let me... go...” He gritted his teeth as a blue light covered both of them and teleported them in the middle of a battlefield. “Lucifer!” Lucifer looked down, his eyes widening as he stepped into a pool of blood. Glancing to the side, he saw Ivy lying on top of Yuma, a gash on his back. Raven was protecting them with a wall of shadows. She gritted her teeth, seeing Lucifer. “Fight that thing! Fight it! I can’t do much right now...! Quickly!” Lucifer moved his gaze to a roaring dragon and walked towards it, his fists burning up with blue fire. Jibreel grabbed his arm. “Don’t do it. You’re not strong enough.” “Hah.” Lucifer grabbed his collar. “Will you do it for me then?”  He gritted his teeth. “You can’t do anything. You won’t do anything. Don’t order me around.” He pushed him back, and a blue circle formed behind him. Fireballs gushed towards the dragon. Iblis summoned two scythes from thin air and jumped skywards. He rotated one scythe in front of him to block the roaring of the dragon. He threw the second scythe at it. The scythe multiplied into ten and nailed the dragon to the ground. Iblis then lifted his scythe up. It absorbed the circle behind his back and grew massively in size before he yelled, striking it down. A shockwave split the earth in two. He gritted his teeth, throwing his scythe again. He jumped to the ground, shaking the fire off. He stared at the smoke then walked past Jibreel towards Raven. “Take this,” he whispered, pushing his hand into his chest, “Take it...”  He fell to his knees, coughing blood. Raven ran towards him. “Wait! What’s wrong?” “This,” Lucifer placed a dark blue sphere in her hand. “Put it... in his wounds...” He fell on her. “He should be... safe... after...” She laid him down on the floor and went to nurse Ivy. Iblis struggled to stand and gasped as a set of claws stabbed him from behind. He gritted his teeth as his entire body burned in flames, burning the dragon with it. He raised his eyebrows as water fell on him abruptly. “You did enough damage.” Jibreel stood in front of him. “Humans will come here soon. You must hide.” Iblis shook his head. “I must protect Ivy,” he whispered, “I must... protect...” Jibreel turned to Ivy. “We take him with us.” Lucifer frowned. “Take them... where?” Jibreel sighed, throwing him over his shoulder. “Shut up. You stink.” Iblis scratched the back of his shirt. “No! Put me down!” Jibreel stood beside the others. He took Ivy and Raven and disappeared in red light. He stepped into a room with white walls and a white floor. Iblis glanced around, confused. “Where are we?” “What is this place? Who are you?” Raven asked, hugging Ivy protectively. Jibreel walked to the window. “The sacred realm, as you love to call it.” Iblis’s eyes widened. “But you said... we can’t...” “I won’t let you leave this room,” Jibreel turned to him, smiling. “Want to try me?” “So this is your...” Iblis’s world turned around, and he collapsed on the floor with a gasp, “Room...” Raven sat against the bed nearby, treating Ivy’s wounds. Jibreel sat beside Iblis and pushed a colourless sphere into his chest. Iblis gasped in pain, tears rolling down his cheeks. Raven watched them in silence. He glanced at her. “Hollow egg. It’s colourless. It takes the shape of the person it enters.” He glanced back at Iblis. “Because he can’t live without a soul.” “Even humans can’t live without a soul.” “Their case is special.” Jibreel sat back. “Do you know why your master wanted to come here?” Raven shook her head. “Only Lucifer knows. We tried to ask him, but he didn’t answer.” Jibreel frowned as the vines shackled Iblis again. The jinn winced in pain, opening his eyes. Jibreel took one vine and cut it off his neck. Iblis gasped, throwing up blood. Jibreel glanced at the vines. “If I damage them, you get hurt. I see.” Iblis whispered his name. Jibreel leaned down close to his mouth. “Speak.” “I broke... a rule,” Iblis smiled weakly, blood running from the corners of his lips. “I... can’t... never... be with you...” Jibreel glanced at him in silence. Iblis’s gaze softened. “I... lied.” His hand reached out for Jibreel’s. “I was... so happy... to... see you.” Jibreel’s eyes widened slightly. “I...” Iblis gasped as an additional vine stabbed his neck. “P... lease... help... him...” Tears rolled down his cheeks.  “Grant my wish.” Jibreel slapped the ground beside Iblis’s head. “And I will save you both. You have my word.” Iblis pursed his lips. Jibreel lowered his head. “Is it so difficult?” The vines mummified the entirety of Iblis’s body before pulling him into a green portal. Jibreel clenched his jaw. “Apologize.” He slapped the ground again. “Apologize.” He frowned as a golden light wrapped around the vines, and a scale tilted from left to right before disappearing into light particles.  Jibreel then clung to the vines and tried to pull them off the jinn. He blinked as the vines pushed him back. By the time he got up, Iblis was no longer in the room. Jibreel clenched his fists and glanced at Raven and Ivy. “Come with me.” Raven shook her head. “He’s still recovering. I can’t move–” Jibreel healed Ivy’s wounds instantly. “There we go.” Raven’s eyes widened, seeing him open his eyes. “Master!” She hugged him tightly. “I’m so glad you’re okay!” Ivy tilted his head to the side and gazed at Jibreel. He tried to get up, leaning on the wall. “Who... are you?”  The red-haired pointed at the door. “Archives. Come alone.” Ivy sat up. “You will take me there?” He frowned. “Why?” “There’s someone I want you to save.” “Wait... Lucifer...” Ivy whispered, touching his chest. “I don’t feel him...” Blue wings appeared from his back and fluttered slightly before fading away into dust. Ivy touched the dust with round eyes. “What?! Why isn’t he... answering?” “It’s probably because he’s no in this universe anymore,” Jibreel started, “Either that or he died.” Ivy stood up. “Raven, we will talk later.” She was about to object but lowered his head. “Yes, master. I understand.” She disappeared in a black flash. Ivy glanced at Jibreel. “Can I ask about who you are?” “I’m an acquaintance of your soulmate,” Jibreel started, “Of Iblis.” “You know his real name... You’re not lying,” Ivy stood beside him. “Are you enemies? Allies?” Jibreel lowered his gaze to the floor. “I don’t know. We used to be enemies, but now, I don’t know,” he walked towards the door, “That’s why I want you to save him. I want to see this through.” He opened the door that led them instantly towards a room with towering shelves filled with different books and records. Ivy glanced around, confused.  “Stay close to me,” Jibreel warned, “You don’t want to run into any angel. You might be eliminated upon contact, and I can’t guarantee your safety.” Ivy nodded, clinging to Jibreel’s sleeve. They walked upstairs until reaching the ninth floor. “We’re looking for anything about the nine kings. Whatever happened to your world twenty thousand years ago is recorded here. We should find information related to the kings here.” Ivy followed Jibreel to a shelf. The red-haired turned to him. “You have a question. Say it.” “Are you an angel...? Or a jinn?” “An angel.” “I see...” Ivy picked up a random book and read the title. “2222. What is this?” “The shelves are divided by years. Each shelf contains information about a region of the universe. To navigate easily through the books, you need to have knowledge about time and space.” Ivy returned to book to its spot. “I don’t have that much knowledge. I don’t have any memories.” “I know. Iblis told me.” Ivy frowned. “What do you... mean?” “I’m the one who told him not to bring you here,” Jibreel replied, “Because you will get killed if you wander around on your own. For once, he listened to my advice.” “He lied to me...?” “Read this,” Jibreel threw a book at him. “That’s year 3004. Nineteen thousand years ago. The first king who woke up from his slumber was the king of the sky. It was around April of that year.” “But... How did the kings survive the nine months long purge? How did they survive for thousands of years?” Ivy hugged the book, looking down thoughtfully. “Twenty-first-century humans could live for over a hundred years at best. Most died at eighty or seventy. How...?” Jibreel gazed at him in silence. He gave him a second book that read “2021”.  He took another book and read through it to find a torn page. He touched the page and stood up with a frown. “Stay here. Don’t move. I will be back.” Ivy wasn’t paying attention to him as he read the book. He lowered the book to the floor and pressed his hands against his face, gritting his teeth as tears streamed along his cheeks. Jibreel glanced at him from the stairs. He lowered his head, staring at the book in his hands absently. “Can’t you comfort a single human?” A black-haired angel stood beside him. “You ran away as fast as you could.” “That was part of it, but I wanted to know who did this,” Jibreel touched the torn page. “This page... It is the one that indicated the jinn m******e and Iblis’s murder.” The black-haired frowned. “He was murdered?” “Why are you surprised? You’re the angel of death.” “Because I didn’t take his soul.”
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