Chapter 19: The Butterfly

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“Jibreel is always so hard on himself. He rarely smiles. When he does, it’s the most beautiful smile in the world. He overworks himself under the pretext of duty, and I always worry about him. I always try to help him, but I’m never that useful. He’s the best friend I ever had, but I... could never say that either. After I left, I could always see him, but he wouldn’t see me. It was only natural. He’s an angel, and an angel cannot and will not side with evil, with me. I tried my best to be the best villain, and it backfired. I was immature and now, I lost everything. If only... I could see him again before I disappear... If only I could see him smile...” Jibreel lowered his head, touching the dented, shrivelled parts of the paper. He stared at the blood that covered the rest of the page. He caressed the paper, forcing himself to smile before turning the page. “If I ever see him again, I will probably ask him “how are you?”, and he will answer “Is that what you wanted to ask?” with his usual irritated look. I do enjoy teasing him, but I want to make him happy too. As I am now, it’s impossible. I hope he’s not a loner anymore. I hope he found friends he could rely on in my stead. I hope more people are learning how to deal with his temper. I don’t want him to be alone. If I survive, I want my future self to ask him... I want to make sure he’s all right. If he’s not, I want to help him however I can.” Jibreel wiped away his tears before they fell, his smile widening. He caressed the papers in silence. Mawt sat beside him, reading from the book. “Mawt is very reliable. He always scared me back when I was... there. He would talk about taking my soul, and I pick the nearest assignment to run away from him. However, deep down, I know that he’s very caring, even towards bad souls. He had seen so much death and experienced it first-hand, yet he still finds the courage to smile and be kind to others. He’s very strong, mentally and physically. I respect him a lot, but... he still scares me. I don’t think I can ever say this to him face-to-face. He would probably make fun of me, and I will avoid him for the next century as a result.” Mawt smiled gently, lowering his head and pattering the ground. “Michael is simply adorable, but I abstain from hugging him too often. I don’t want the others to think that I have a soft spot for cute... creatures. At least, I already told him that he’s lovely, and he cried with joy. He clung to me for an entire day after that. It was probably the happiest day of my life... aside from the day I saw Jibreel smile.” Jibreel turned the next page. Mawt stood up. “I will be outside.” He headed towards the others. “Malik is too stern. Maybe Jibreel took his temper from him. I never saw Malik smile, and he rarely talks too. I don’t remember any interaction that happened between us, but I definitely remember his aura, very menacing. He scares me a lot more than Mawt, but at the same time, I’m curious about him. Well, I will have all the time in the world to get to know him better.” Jibreel turned the next page.  “Six... or seven months ago, the world suddenly changed. Suddenly, the lower realms were detached from the upper ones, and we were disconnected from the creator and his angels. I don’t know why. It was the most unfathomable thing I could ever think of. It happened nonetheless, and now, everything is going downhill. After seeing how low humans have stooped, I realized my own mistakes and ceased all attempts to mislead them. However, it was too late. They went far beyond my control. They are most powerful, and I admit my defeat. Disconnected from everyone for so long, at the brink of madness, I begged for the creator’s forgiveness. Then, my time came. I had nothing left to do in the world, or anywhere.” Jibreel touched a stain of dried blood that covered the second half of the page. Turning the page, his eyes widened as he saw a message in big letters reading “help me” written in Iblis’s blood. After that, several pages were empty before a page had something written on it. “Today, I met with the angel Jibreel. I didn’t know how to react. I hope he doesn't find out that I lost my memories. He didn’t notice when I asked about who he was, right? I hope so... I... don’t want him to worry about me. This is fine. This is how things should be. Yes.” Jibreel closed the book and hugged it. Tears rolled down his cheeks. “I hate you,” he whispered, “I hate you... so... much!” He gritted his teeth, scratching the cover. “For not... opening up to me until the last day... I hate you!” Mawt gazed at him from the entrance to the dome. He glanced at Orpheus, who was still holding Ivy. “I can’t guarantee that your child won’t be attacked again, but now you know when it’s happening. Normally, a human child needs nine months in the womb, but this method takes double the time. You must be patient and prepare for the upcoming hurdles.” Orpheus nodded several times. “Thank you...” He moved his gaze to Jibreel. “Is he... okay?” Mawt looked away. “He lost a very important friend. It’s none of your concern, so don’t bother.” Orpheus raised his eyebrows. “How... did he lose him?” Mawt stared at Orpheus for a few seconds then squatted in front of him. “Which element did you have an affinity towards?” Orpheus looked at him thoughtfully. “How can I explain it? I was told that I came from a line of historians, but I’m not sure why I have this power. If I remember something from the past, I can use it, even if it’s from the old world. I assume this is somehow related to the soil, which witnesses everything. My element is earth.” Mawt narrowed his eyes. “His friend’s body was destroyed. His soul is missing too, but his awareness is probably still around. Currently, he’s like a ghost. You might have met his friend already. He has blue hair and blue eyes. His skin is tanned.” “Ah yes, we talked just now... How? He seemed so fine back then.” He looked down thoughtfully. “But... Is the body truly destroyed?” Orpheus asked, “If there’s the smallest particle left, we can use that. Creatures cannot create from nothing, but if there’s a base, no matter how small, we can always start from there.” Mawt looked down thoughtfully. “You’re right.” He stood up. “Let’s look around. You can leave Ivy with my assistants.” He pointed at the hooded men with him. They entered the dome and found Jibreel staring blankly at blue butterflies that were flying around him. His hand reached out for one. He smiled weakly as it rested on his finger, fluttering its wings. More butterflies rested over his head and carried his hair strands. He looked back down, his smile fading. “Can we use this?” Mawt picked up a butterfly. Orpheus frowned slightly. “Well, I need to compare the DNA first... Do you have any samples of the person?” Jibreel held out his hands, and two blue hair strands were in it. “They stuck to my clothes when I was trying to save him,” he said, rising to his feet. “Will this... give him back to me?” Orpheus compared both samples and nodded. “We can use the butterflies. It appears that this person is a jinn... He never had a physical body, to begin with. He must have chosen the butterflies to build a body. That’s why they’re so influenced by his composition.” Mawt folded his arms. “I deal with death, not life.” He glanced at Jibreel. “Any idea how to go about this?” Jibreel was watching the ground absently. He glanced at them. “Maybe... if we can catch his awareness and put it in a butterfly, we can make it work.” “Can you do that?” Jibreel tilted his head back. “They only took the soul, and he managed to split his awareness in two. I need to find him... Just a second, I thought of something.” He took a butterfly with him then left the dome. Mawt smiled, watching him leave. “He should be fine now.” Orpheus glanced at the green gem. He touched it and blinked, feeling its warmth. He caressed it, his gaze softening. “I can feel it...” “All right. Time to g–” Mawt frowned, feeling something coming from the tree. He glanced at it. “Go get Ivy. I’m returning you both to your world. Hurry up.” Orpheus nodded and ran out of the dome. Upon returning them, Mawt blocked a purple blade coming from the direction of the tree. He smiled, hearing sinister laughter coming from it. “It seems like there’s a plot twist, Jibreel.”     Jibreel sat down on the beach where he last saw Iblis in the past, holding the butterfly. He caressed its wings gently and kissed its head. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, “This might be a little painful.” As he spoke, chains appeared from behind his back and stabbed the air until gripping an invisible matter. Jibreel touched the chains gently and placed the butterfly and hair inside of them. They shined in blue light, and Iblis’s naked body appeared inside of the chains. He was barely breathing. Jibreel covered him with his cloak and placed a colourless sphere inside of his chest. Iblis then coughed briefly and opened his eyes. He gazed up at Jibreel, frowning. “Who a-are... you...? Where...?” He pulled his feet back as the water touched them. He looked at the sea, seeming afraid. Jibreel hugged him tightly, burying his face in his blue hair. “It’s over now... I will protect you, no matter what.” Iblis gazed up at him, confused. “I...” “It’s okay... I’m–” Iblis suddenly winced, holding his side. He coughed blood a few times. Jibreel lifted the cloth to see a stab wound.  He carried Iblis in his arms. “Mawt...” He returned to the dome and found Mawt duelling with an identical version of Iblis. A purple aura was surrounding it. Jibreel frowned, taking a step forward. “Mawt?!” The black-haired glanced at him. “I had my doubts...” He glanced at Iblis. “But it seems like we made it on time.” He blocked another attack. “It seems like this tree has the ability to split a person’s nature. Just like branches, once the person is entirely consumed by this tree, they fall victim to the curse.” He glanced back at the purple-haired. “That’s also Iblis.” He held the purple lightning with his bare hand and threw it back at the purple Iblis. Jibreel then felt Iblis leaning on his hold, panting as lightning flashed on his body. Jibreel hugged him and glanced at Mawt. “The damage is appearing on this one’s body. We can’t hurt him.” Mawt shook his head. “I can’t. Sorry. Iblis will have to suck it up.” He clenched his fist and pulled it in, pulling the purple-haired with him. Mawt’s assistants then surrounded the purple-haired with chains and placed him inside a glass container. Mawt folded his arms. “So then, the Iblis that we have here is pure like snow and incapable of evil.” He turned to Iblis, who was hiding in Jibreel’s arms. He looked at Mawt and touched his cheek curiously. “Strange... eyes.” Mawt grinned, picking him up. “You like them? You can look as much as you like.” He put him back in Jibreel’s arms. “I’m glad this case was solved, at least partially. We found a whole new world, and now we can access it freely. I say it’s a win. Now, I have my own case to solve. I’ll leave you.” With that, he disappeared in a turquoise flash. Jibreel stared at Iblis in silence. He caressed his cheeks carefully. Iblis looked at him, confused. “Why are you... crying?”  He wiped his tears. “Are you in pain?” Jibreel shook his head. “I’m the happiest I can be,” he whispered, “To have you back, even if it’s just half of you, that’s good enough.” He hugged him tightly. “But I will save you... I will get your memories back, and you won’t suffer any longer.” Iblis felt his eyes watering as he hugged him back. “I don’t... know why I’m... crying... I feel... sad... why?” They sat down on the ground, crying.  “What a touching reunion.” Jibreel blinked as a barrier around him blocked ten lightning spears. He glanced behind him, hugging Iblis protectively. He watched a man wearing a mask that barely showed his white hair. “Give that kid away. The soul isn’t enough.” Jibreel’s eyes widened slowly. “You’re the ones who took his soul...” The man lowered his chin. “What of it? He was a useless dying scum. The universe was made for us, humans! Should we not use it?” Jibreel glared daggers at him. “I will wipe you from the face of the Earth!” “Are you sure about that?” The man tilted his head to the side. “Can you go around killing people at random, angel? Won’t that upset your God?” Jibreel stood up. “I...” He clenched his fists. His eyes widened as Iblis appeared behind the men and devoured them with blue butterflies that had fiery wings. Iblis stared at Jibreel. “Don’t... kill...” He smiled. “I will kill for you... everyone who hurts you... I will kill...” Jibreel raised his eyebrows. “Don’t... Please, don’t.” He rushed to him and hugged him tightly. “Don’t stain your hands. I will do that! I... don’t want you to do that ever again, please?” Iblis shook his head. “You’re too...” He blinked, feeling tears in his eyes. He turned away from Jibreel, his shoulders sinking. “Why... did those people come?” he asked, “For me or for you?” Jibreel looked away. “It doesn’t matter.” Iblis’s gaze saddened. He sat down, holding back tears. Jibreel’s eyes widened, seeing him shudder. “Ah... I’m sorry, I...” He sat beside him and wrapped his jacket around his shoulder. “You need clothes. You must be cold.” Iblis nodded, sniffing. “But... I’m fine...” “Don’t be shy. I...” Jibreel sighed, resting a hand against his face. Iblis clung to his chest. “Are you sick? Are you okay?” Jibreel nodded. “I’m sorry. I can’t take you out shopping. I have a lot of work to do. Instead, I will take you to my room.” “Your room? You don’t have a house? A big house!” “I do, but... It’s unpractical. It’s also left unattended, and I...” “I’ll take care of it!” Iblis raised both of his hands excitedly. “I love flowers!” Jibreel pinched his cheeks, smiling softly. “Not now. When did you learn to be so cute?” Iblis’s eyes lit up. “You... smiled...” Jibreel patted his head. “Yup.” He grinned. “Even I know how to smile.” Iblis laughed and jumped on him. “So pretty! Smile a lot more from now on!” Jibreel squeezed him carefully and took them to his room. “We can stay here for now. I...” His smile weakened. “I don’t feel good about leaving you in my house all by yourself. I will get worried. If anything happens to you again, I...” Iblis nodded. “I will stay here, always!” “I’m sorry... I will work harder so I can make time for you.” Jibreel took his hair in his hands and brushed it with his fingers. “Then, we can... do everything you wanted.” “What... I wanted?” Iblis frowned. “I’m confused. I don’t... remember?” Jibreel sat him on the bed. “For now...” He held his hands. “Try to relax. Take a nap, maybe. I’ll be back by the time you wake up.” Iblis looked up to him, curiously. “Are you... hiding something on me?” Jibreel patted his head. “Nothing at all. Trust me.” Iblis nodded obediently. He was about to return the jacket, but the angel shook his head. “Keep it. It has defensive properties.” He clenched his fists. “Just in case...” He lowered his head, disappearing in red light. Iblis’s hand reached out for him but only pokes the fleeting red light particles. He looked around; There was only one bed in the small room. Papers and books were neatly organized in a closet with glass doors. Another wardrobe was on the other side of the wall, covering its entirety. Iblis opened the wardrobe and took black pants. He sighed as they were too big for him. He sat back on the bed and heard knocks on the door. He raised his eyebrows as he opened it. “You’re...”
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