4035 Words

APRIL 2021—PRESENT DAY I slept till 10am the next day. Didn’t wake up once throughout the night. That was rare. I felt renewed. I felt energized. I felt refreshed. I made myself a big breakfast. Pancakes, bacon, eggs, hash browns, and fruit salad. I cooked while blasting music from my Bluetooth speaker. I ate my feast at the dining table, and even cleaned up my mess right away. Didn’t leave any pots or pans in the sink “to soak”. I was on a high. Wasn’t sure if it was from such a wonderful night’s rest, or if I had managed to unpack more of my issues the night before than I’d realized. I was thinking of respectful ways to quit my job. I was trying to come up with a timeline, but a part of me wanted to push Reid’s buttons. To see just how long he’d let me continue to mull around here in

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