2056 Words
September's POV My body started shaking in fear as we entered inside our room and locked the door from behind. My heart constricted in fear when I heard the faint sound of his footstep coming near me. I stayed rooted to my place, holding my breath as much possible. This was all my fault, I shouldn't have ran my tongue like a scissors to provoke him. I turned around and scanned his face which was twisted in rage as he took few long strides towards me. " P-Please..I..I." I tried to say something but before that could happen, he had already pushed me to lie on the bed. My body froze automatically when I saw the merciless fire burning in his eyes. That's it. I know something terrible is going to happen. Then he sat next to me and stared at my face in disgust. " You shouldn't have jumped on David to satisfy your inner slut." He spoke, breaking the silence. Oh so the Bastard who had molested me was named David? I clenched my fist at flashback of him. It was Zachary, the one who forced me to go to that party and that's why he was the only one to put blame on. I pushed the saliva down my throat in fear and tried to crawl away from he but he gripped on my arm and made me still on my position. The chilling sound of his harsh breathing contaminated the environment in pure terror and then in a swift moment, he had my dress tore apart. I flinched and tried to cover myself but he pinned my arms over my hand and maintained his position above me. How could he be this heartless? Not once he cared to have a second thought that maybe David was molesting me? Well what can you expect from him September? He was nothing but a disgusting monster who had some shitty obsession with destroying your life. " You know if I will f-ck you right now then it wouldn't be r**e because a cheap w***e like you will most probably enjoy it." He barked through his greeted teeth and leaned closer to my face till our nose were touching. No. No. No I am not w***e. I-I..but you felt the pleasure when Zachary... No. Please, stop. I couldn't take this self hatred anymore. My chest is already filled with enough hatred for him and I don't have enough guts to feel anymore hatred for myself. " You're mine. Get this straight to your damn head." He brushed his lips over my cheeks. I am yours? Over my f-cking dead body, Zachary. " Say that you're mine." He roared making me roll my eyes but suddenly I felt his sharp teeth touching the flesh of my cheek. Did he? "Aahaa." I screamed in pain and tears streamed down my face. He bite me? I wriggled against him when I felt him going down and biting the skin of my neck, ruthlessly. " SAY." " I am y-yours." I stammered. He let out a throaty laugh in satisfaction and pressed his mouth over my right breast only to bite it more harshly. My pulse throbbed in pain as the burning sensation of fresh bruises deepened. I touched the skin of my neck where he had bitten, I felt the sprinkles of blood flashing over them. I suppressed an urge to run and apply something over the bruises to minimizing the sting full sensation. " I-I..am yours." He bite down on my stomach in the same harsh manner. It all started becoming unbearable when he roughly bite the flesh of my inner thigh. The pain went through it's peak and I couldn't help but cried loudly, struggling against him to let me go. Why he was doing this to me? What I have done to deserve this much pain and sufferings? All I've ever wished was to have a happy life with Hunter and my family by my side, not this intolerable pain. He was torturing me in every worst way possible whether it was s****l, physical or emotional. Do I really deserve all of this just because I was born in rich family? What if I wasn't Lawrence, will then I have a normal life? He rolled to other side of the bed released a heavy sigh while closing his eyes shut. I stared at him, still lost in my thoughts. How could this man be so disgusting? Why he was born even? " Get up." " Huh?" " I said get the f-ck up and wear something to cover your body." He stressed over his sentence and stood up while throwing the ointment on the bed. The sudden change in his mood only made the matter worst. My heart began beating in a rapid pace and I quickly gathered courage to get up and slide a proper clothes down my body. He then left, leaving me confused. I stood at my place for several minutes and then rush into bathroom after grabbing a tube of ointment. After locking the bathroom's door, I stripped my clothes and step in front of the huge mirror. I cringed at the horrible reflection of my image in the mirror. The makeup which Claire had caked up in face was all messed up due to the tears which I had wasted while I was getting molested but my husband was having the thought that I was slutting around. There was that huge purple bruise on my cheek, clearly showing the imprints of his teeth. I ran my gaze down to my reflection and found the same fresh bruises on my neck, breast, stomach and thigh. They all were deep and scary and extremely stinging. On some spots, the blood were also visible. Wow! That man surely knows how to destroy me whether it was my body or soul. I rinsed my face with water and sat on the titled floor and started applying the ointments over the wounded skin. After finishing up, I quickly dressed back and step out of the bathroom only to saw Blake sitting on my bed with a tray of food placed next to him. I scurried my eyebrows and decided to go back into the bathroom and lock myself there till he go away but before that could happen, his voice stopped me. " I heard what happened in the party." I snapped my head back in his direction and studied his expressions which were blank. " I was w*****g around, right?" I spat. He blinked then shook his head with a soft Sympathetic smile curving on his lips which somehow made my free from my mental turmoil for a moment. " I know you enough to believe that David was forcing himself on you." He patted the bed gesturing me to have a seat. I took the steps towards him in hesitation and sat beside him with my feet dangling down the bed. A small smile crossed my face and for the first time I realized that he was nothing like Zachary. He had believed the lie which David made but Blake knew about my character even though I only shared few words with him not to mention bitter words only. " I am sorry for yesterday. I can be quite edgy sometimes." He chuckled, running his fingers through his hair locks. " You have reasons, you know. So it's okay." I tilted my head to look into his direction who was staring at blank space. His face was devoid of any emotions but his eyes were radiating warmth which was enough for me to smile. " Why you've applied ointment on your cheek?" He frowned when his gaze fell on my face. I shook my head and quickly turned my face away. What I am supposed to answer him? That my so called husband had given me bruises through his teeth as a punishment for something which was not my fault at all? " D..Did Zach-" " I don't want to talk about it." I cut him in middle. " But would you like to eat your dinner? You must be famished." He smoothly changed the topic and gestured towards the food. I cast a look of his face then at food. Indeed my stomach was growling to eat something. I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday after that disastrous episode of munching chillies. But right now I was in no mood to eat anything. It was as if my mind was too tired of everything. " Open your mouth." He had brought the spoon near my lips. I gawked at him but all he did was to smile and put the spoonful of food inside my mouth. I chewed it with my eyes still on his face. Why he was being too nice? Criminals weren't supposed to be like this, right? Then why he was acting so warm with me? He should be harsh and ruthless like Zachary but..? I blinked, trying to figure him out but there was something about him which was different. He put another bite in my mouth which I reluctantly took and swallowed in one go. " Why are you behaving like this?" I raised my eyebrows. " Like what?" He raised his eyebrows too, playfully with a constant smile admiring his face. I scowled and bend my head low to avoid eye contact. " L-Like you're nice." The sound of his humourless chuckle filled the silent corners of the room as he feed me another bite. " I am not nice, September. I am only doing this because Zach had send me to make you eat." He shrugged his shoulder and swallowed a thick lump down his throat. Maybe because that cold hearted monster wanted my body to stay presentable enough for his s****l needs. I laughed at the realization and push the plate aside from Blake's hand. " I am full." " You want me to leave you alone, don't you?" He asked in an unsure voice. " No. I don't." I sighed. " Come with me." He stood up and grabbed my wrist. He walked to the balcony and made me sit on the floor with him beside me. I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion but leaned into wall and looked up only to found the sky full of stars. " You know I always used to believe that the people who die may turn into stars." He murmured. I froze at my place, realizing that where this all was going. The picture of my family flashed in the back of my head causing a lone tear to escape down my eyes. " Your parents might be watching you from up there." He pointed his index fingers towards the sky. I stayed silent being unable to say anything. He was opening the sore topic for which I was not ready to talk about. " So never think that you're alone because there's always someone...I-I mean your family.. Never mind." He shuttered, cursing himself for something. I pressed my eyes shut and the smiling face of my dad appeared with all those old memories of my childhood which I've spent with him then there was Cherry, my stepmother who had always loved me like I was her real daughter and finally my Hunter who was whispering 'I love you' in my heart. A small smile crossed my face as I parted my eyes to feel all the beautiful moments I've shared with them, written in all those stars. My heart all of sudden felt light as if a weight was lifted from it. I may have lost my family and Hunter but there memories are still in my heart. Instead of missing them, I can replay all those memories to feel them once again. I will live. I know. Their memories will help me to survive any pain even if it means tolerating Zachary. For Chris and Claire, I know those memories will become my backbone. " Thank you." I turned my attention towards Blake with a smile. " Than you for being nice to me." I added and with that I walked back to my room. The game is on Zachary. Let's see how much you can break me. 
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