1182 Words

Linda’s Point of View - I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes. "Actually, it's 'birdies.' Plural. As in more than one," I corrected him defiantly, but my attempt at bravado was undercut by the high-pitched waver in my voice. Brock's gamma, a burly man named Hank with a nose that had been broken more times than I had hot dinners, sneered—a gold tooth glinting amongst the decay. "Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise. Two little birdies to play with." Stephanie inched closer to me. "Did you really have to correct him? Now is not the time to be a grammar Nazi, Linda." Linda, trying to diffuse the tension, chimed in with her characteristic deadpan, "In her defense, being captured by a traitorous gamma doesn't mean we have to succumb to grammatical anarchy." As if on cue, Hank lunged forwa

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