Chapter Twenty-One: The Chase

1222 Words

Stephanie -- My sneakers were no match for the ferocity of the enraged Alpha Wolfman that thundered after me. Feet pounding down the staircase, his single-minded pursuit promised swift retribution. In a flurry, I flung the packhouse door wide, its hinges creaking a protest as I barreled through it. Finding refuge at the forest's edge, I shed my human trappings and surrendered to the wolf within, loping away with the urgent cadence of survival reverberating through my newly-furred form. The forest canopy embraced me as I sprinted through, recognizing the grim possibility that my car might be a hopeless dream in this dominion. Home beckoned, distant but attainable, across the invisible boundary that divided my territory from the Alpha’s domain. Brock's second-in-command, with a strong sce

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