Chapter Twelve: Rescue From Brock’s opinion

595 Words

Brock's Perspective— Beside Stephanie's hospital bed, the room smelled like antiseptic, and I gently held her pale hand in mine. We felt a spark where our hands met, creating a strong electrifying mate connection. I knew Stephanie's family was nearby, and I braced myself for their questions. Despite Stephanie's efforts to hide our bond, I knew deep down that we were meant to be together. Seeing Stephanie motionless in her hospital bed, her golden hair splayed out upon her pillowcase, filled me with deep sorrow. Our bond was strong between Stephanie and I, which brought back the memories of my mother, who had a strong mate bond with my own father, which haunts my memories now in the presence of reliving the k********g and loss of my mother. It was Stephanie now lying unconscious in

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